Free Sova Online Assessment Practice

We will begin with the first and most frightening Sova Assessment's type of question – Logical Reasoning. 

  • Sova Logical Reasoning 

Question # 1

sova question 1

Which option below follows the same pattern as those shown?


sova q1 answer


The correct answer is (A).
The pattern is that when there is a large shape with an even number of sides, it is always white, and the number of small shapes is always odd. When there is a large shape with an odd number of sides, it is always black, and the number of small shapes is always even.

Answer (A) is the only answer that follows this pattern. In this answer, the large shape is a triangle that has 3 sides - an odd number of sides, and it is black. There are four small shapes - an even number.


 Question # 2

sova 2

Which option below follows the same pattern as those shown?

sova 2


Look at the sequence. Notice that in each frame the image is flipped vertically, and an additional dot is coloured. For example, in the first image, the coloured circles form an upside-down V shape. Then, in the second image, the V shape is flipped and the middle dot in the lowest row is coloured.

To determine which answer is correct, flip the last frame like so: 

Look for images where all of the coloured dots in the flipped image are coloured in as well. Then check if only one additional dot is coloured in that answer. The only answer that contains the correct placements and an additional coloured dot is (B).


 Question # 3

sova 2

Which option below follows the same pattern as those shown?

sova 2


The correct answer is (A).

The symbols in the lower row move like the symbols in the upper row, meaning the signs in the missing box should be in the same position as the signs in the box above it. The "^" sign moves like the "%" sign, the circle moves like the "£" sign and the square moves like the triangle. According to this rule, you need to look at the signs in the box above the missing box. In answer (A) the square is above the circle which is above the "^" sign like the triangle is above the "£" which is above the "%" in the box above the missing box.

Sova Assessment Test Tip: Spatial logical reasoning questions often involve manipulating or mentally rotating objects or shapes. To solve them efficiently, it's essential to visualize the given information and mentally manipulate the elements involved.

Practice with our preparation system exposes you to various types of numerical questions. As your level of understanding improves, your ability and confidence during the exam increase. The better you become at handling difficult questions, the higher the chances of making it to the list of outstanding examinees. Excelling in the sorting exam not only enhances the chances of achieving a high grade but also increases your ability to negotiate a higher salary with the recruiting company.
You'll discover many more logical reasoning practice questions, along with in-depth guides filled with valuable tips and problem-solving techniques in our Sova Assessment PrepPack!

The next section that will be discussed from the Sova assessment is Numerical Reasoning. These questions are designed to assess your ability to understand numerical information presented in tables and/or graphs. You will be presented with a series of graphs, tables and charts, each followed by several questions. Questions offer 4 answer options, but only one is correct. Your task is to choose the best answer for each question from the options given. We highly recommend having a pen and paper on hand to write down calculations and take notes. You may use a calculator.


  • Sova Numerical Reasoning

First, take a close look at this graph. The following questions will discuss it: 

graph sova 4

Question # 4

Which year had the largest difference in profits between the US and Europe?

  1. Year 1
  2. Year 2
  3. Year 3
  4. Year 4


Look at the key on the left of the chart - the US's profits are in blue and Europe's profits are in orange. Then look at the chart - the difference between the US and Europe is represented by the gap between the blue and orange bars of that year. Scan the chart according to the years listed in the answers and try to find the year in which the gap between the blue and orange bars is largest. The correct answer is (B) Year 2.

Tip: Notice that for every year, both profits have the same digit in the millions place, thus, you can estimate the difference between the US and Europe using only the digits in the hundred thousandth and the tens thousandth places. Note that a “difference” is defined as the absolute value.


Question # 5

Which of the following time periods had the greatest year-on-year change in Europe's profits?

  1. Years 1 to 2
  2. Years 2 to 3
  3. Years 3 to 4
  4. Years 4 to 5


The question refers to Europe's profits, therefore, only the orange bars are relevant to the answer. Look for the largest visual gap between two consecutive years. It is easy to see that the years that had the largest gap between them are years 4 and 5. Thus, answer (D) Year 4 to 5 is correct. 

If you are more comfortable with calculating, look at the profits of each year above the orange bars and subtract them from one another. Notice that “difference” is defined as the absolute value:

Year 1 to 2: 2.0 – 1.4 = 0.6m

Year 2 to 3: 2.1 – 2 = 0.1m

Year 3 to 4: 1 – 2.1 = 1.1m

Year 4 to 5: 2.5 – 1 = 1.5m

Thus, the largest difference is between years 4 and 5.


 Question # 6

The company predicts that profits will rise by 6% in the US and by 3% in Europe in Year 6. What is the predicted difference between Year 6 profits and Year 5 profits of the US and Europe combined?

  1. 75,000
  2. 165,000
  3. 230,000
  4. 240,000


According to the company's prediction, the US' profits will rise by 6%. To calculate the rise, follow these steps:

To calculate how much is 6% of the profits, multiply Year 5 profits by 6 then divide by 100:

US rise = (2.75m x 6) ÷ 100 = 165,000.

Do the same for Europe's profits:

Europe rise = (2.5m x 3) ÷ 100 = 75,000.

To calculate the total difference simply add both rises together:

Total rise = US rise + Europe rise = 165,000 + 74,000 = 240,000.

Thus, the correct answer is (D) 240,000.

Sova Assessment Test Tips: You should carefully comprehend numerical data and information when analyzing graphs or tables in numerical reasoning questions. Look for key information in the question and read it thoroughly. Consider different perspectives, analyze trends and patterns, and use a pen and paper or a calculator to perform accurate calculations. Focus on relevant information while paying attention to units, estimate when necessary, and cross-reference data if possible.

Many more Numerical reasoning practice questions – in full simulations or as additional practice, with additional, comprehensive guides for tips and solving techniques, can be found in our Sova Assessment PrepPack. For a price starting at 39$, you can buy our comprehensive PrepPack, which can guarantee a substantial improvement before the test.


The next section is Verbal Reasoning. Verbal reasoning questions assess your ability to understand and analyse written information. These questions typically involve passages of text, such as paragraphs, short articles, or statements, followed by 3-4 related questions that test your comprehension, critical thinking, and logical reasoning skills. In the Sova Assessment specifically, you will be required to demonstrate your ability to comprehend passages of text, to make inferences and deductions, and to assess various arguments, mostly in the form of deciding between "True", "False", or "Cannot say". 


  • Sova Verbal Reasoning

E-learning systems have been recently used by major corporations. These systems, in most cases, are used as an economical replacement for the long established leadership development programs. With the leadership role becoming increasingly complex on the one hand and budgets for one-on-one or group training shrinking on the other, e-learning is a simple and cost effective solution. By providing interactive courses using the Internet infrastructure directly to one's personal computer and supporting the learner in their own pace, e-learning can, at times, be more effective than other conventional forms of training. The content of such training varies significantly but is generally used for the adoption of new technologies, enhancing managerial capabilities and improving financial planning.

Question # 7


The internet infrastructure facilitates e-learning courses.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Cannot Say


The correct answer is ‘True’.

The text states that e-learning provides interactive courses using the Internet infrastructure.

The answer is True.


Question # 8


Leadership development programes are a recent concept.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Cannot Say


The correct answer is: ‘False.

This is a bit confusing as the first sentence in the passage argues that "E-learning systems have been recently used by major corporations" however, the statement refers to leadership development programs for which the text specifically states that they are "long established".

The answer is False.


Question # 9


E-learning is better than other conventional training methods.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Cannot Say


The correct answer is: ‘Cannot Say’

According to the text: "e-learning can, at times, be more effective than other conventional forms of training."

It follows that there are more than a few instances in which e-training is less effective or as effective as other conventional forms of training. Therefore, "better" is not necessarily an appropriate description in this case and we can conclude the answer is cannot say.

Sova Assessment Test Tip: To solve the verbal reasoning questions, you’ll need to derive conclusions from statements that appear to be ambiguous. Additionally, you might be asked to identify a syllogism, a form of deductive reasoning. When solving those questions, try to look for important keywords, phrases, or concepts in the passage that are relevant to the question. Highlight or underline these elements to help you reference them easily when answering the question within the time limit.

Sharpen your verbal abilities and ace the Sova assessment with full simulations, over 100 practice questions, and comprehensive guides for tips and solving techniques included in our Sova Assessment PrePack!


The next section in the Sova assessment is Situational Judgement. In this section, you'll be presented with realistic workplace scenarios and ask you to choose the most appropriate or effective response from a list of options. Remember, SJTs are designed to assess your judgment and decision-making abilities, so there is often no one "correct" answer, but there are more correct answers than others. It's important to approach these tests thoughtfully, considering the specific context and using your best judgment to determine the most appropriate course of action.

How Can You Score High on the Sova Assessment?

Although untimed, your Sova Assessment score is calculated based on how accurately and quickly you respond. Then, your score is compared to a group of people similar to you regarding age, education, and job experience.

For example, scoring in the 80th percentile means you did better than 80% of people in that comparison group.

The Sova assessment scores typically range from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating better performance, though the scale can vary depending on the specific assessment.

Thus, to receive a high score in the Sova assessment, you not only need to master all the types of cognitive reasoning questions and highlight your best characteristics in the personality and SJT questions but also to be determined and fast while answering them.

To help you overcome these challenges and ace the exam, our experts have developed a comprehensive Prep Course for the Sova Assessment, which includes accurate Sova practice tests, full personality test simulations, study guides, video tutorials, and additional interview preparation to help you charm your recruiters. All of this is for only £39!

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Delivers a strong support for the Assessment as a whole, and was particularly useful due to well-worked and deep justifications for all reasoning and situational judgement exercises; plus, a good amount of material and good difficulty progression.


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I found the practice tests very helpful. It gave me a clear understanding of how the format would be.


Susanne W.

Extremely Insightful guides, tailored guide to your responses, Step by Step tests



Sova Situational Judgement

Question # 10

You have made plans to go on an outing with friends. You have spoken with your manager and team in advance, and you've arranged for you to leave early and your colleague Jim to stay and close the store. It is now nearly the time when it was agreed you could leave, and you are finishing up your paperwork. However, a large group of customers has just entered the store and are trying out products, creating disarray in the product displays. Jim is helping them with their inquiries, but you know that organizing and closing the store will now take him longer than usual. What would you do?

A. Tell Jim that you appreciate his help and will return the favour.

B. Cancel your plans and stay at the store.

C. Call your friends and let them know that you will be late; stay a little longer and help Jim.

D. Leave at the agreed time, but ask Jim if there is anything he needs you to do before you go.


The correct answer is (c).

In this question, your personal needs conflict with the needs of your team. On the one hand, you want to help your teammates. On the other, you don’t want to cancel your personal plans. In this kind of question, you want to look for a response that balances the two needs.

Telling Jim that you will return the favour (answer choice A) is not very helpful to him at this moment. By choosing this response, you put your needs above those of your team without showing flexibility.

Cancelling your personal plans (answer choice B) is extreme in the other direction. You are putting your team’s needs above your own, without flexibility. This is not an emergency that requires you to sacrifice your personal plans and neglect your commitment to your friends.

Staying a little longer (answer choice C) is a good balance between the two needs. You help your teammate without canceling your plans.

Asking Jim if there is anything he needs you to do (answer choice D) is a reasonable response. You show consideration for your teammate’s needs without neglecting your own.
Considering answer choices C and D, both demonstrate teamwork competency. However, answer choice C shows more proactivity and a willingness to be flexible when you are needed by your team.


Question # 11

You have worked with a client accounts team for a few months. In the past few months, you and the team have solved many problems and achieved many of your goals. You have also grown very fond of your teammates, and you consider them good friends. Your manager just approached you, telling you that he would like to transfer you to a different team, as your skills and experience can be useful for the types of tasks they are trying to solve.

What is the least and most effective response to this situation?

A. Tell your manager that you agree to the move. Ask for information about how you might contribute to the other team.

B. Tell your manager you understand that the other team needs you, but you wish to remain part of your old team. All of your friends are there, and you feel like you are more comfortable working with them.

C. Ask how your skills can benefit the other team before agreeing to the move.


Most Effective: A
Least Effective: B

Response A suggests that you agree to the move, and then gather information about how you can use your skills to contribute to the other team. By agreeing to the move, you are also showing organizational understanding and that you understand your skills can be used effectively in a way you may not yet comprehend.

You are also showing adaptability by proving you can deal with change in your work environment. Here, you are showing a willingness to put the organization’s needs before your own. It is, therefore, the most effective response.

Response B shows that you understand why you are needed, yet you decide not to cooperate with the move because of your personal preferences. Here, you lack organizational understanding by not truly accepting that the organization may need your skills elsewhere. You also show a lack of adaptability by being unwilling to adjust to a new situation. Note that you are currently in the position of applying for jobs. This response shows that you have a problem adjusting to new work and social situations -- qualities employers try to avoid. This is, therefore, the least effective response.

At first glance, response C seems like a good response. You are showing some independent thinking by trying to understand how your skills can benefit the team you are supposed to move to. However, note that you do not agree to the move until you get an explanation for how your skills can benefit the other team. This is tricky, as here you are showing resistance to change, which suggests you might lack adaptability skills. This response might also suggest a lack of organizational understanding by not accepting that sometimes your supervisor knows better than you are how your skills can benefit the organization. This is not the least effective response. Nonetheless, it is still less effective than response A.


Question # 12

It is 11:30 pm and you are on patrol. You hear a burglary alarm and notice two unarmed men suspiciously running away from the scene. What do you do first?

A. Enter the house and see what has been stolen.

B. Call for backup and immediately chase after the men.

C. Radio in a description of the men.

D. See if there are any witnesses who can identify the suspects.



The correct answer is (b).

Before making a decision, you need to consider all of the facts of the case. There are only two men, they are unarmed, and they are running away from the scene of the crime. It makes sense that you would first call for backup, as the suspects outnumber you, and then chase after the suspects (response b) before they manage to get away.

Entering the house to see what has been stolen (response a) may seem reasonable to you as you may not be certain something has in fact, been stolen. Nevertheless, hearing the burglary alarm and seeing the men running away from the scene should allow enough suspicion to cause you to act. Furthermore, you are asked about your first response; establishing what has been stolen is something done later in the investigation.

Radioing in a description of the men (response c) may also sound like a good idea as it allows other police officers to identify the suspects. However, this should not be the first course of action. You would only do this once backup had been called so that the joining officers would be able to identify the suspects and chase after them.

Seeing if there are any witnesses who can identify the suspects (response d) may also sound like a good thing to do, as you probably didn’t get a good glance at the suspects. They were running away when you saw them, and witnesses may have a better description to provide. Nevertheless, this is again an action you would take later, not as a first response.

Sova Assessment TipSituational Judgement questions are different from any other examples presented so far. The main difference is that there’s no absolute right answer. The answers may include rating the most or least “correct” answer from a set of options, and sometimes more than one answer is acceptable.

Also, many questions have various responses, which must be ranked on a scale – creating an even more challenging test. We provide answers which, by our understanding, serve the attributes and values which the position demands best.

Another key difference is that the same questions may have different answers, depending on the position the assessment is taken for. I.e., a question may have different answers if considering a graduate position than it would have for a manager position – which focuses on different traits and abilities.


More important information and lots of SJT practice questions can be found at our Sova Assessment PrepPack.

The final segment, which can be found in most assessments, is the Personality Test. Like the SJT, as having no wrong or right answers, it presents a unique assessing tool and format:


  • Sova Personality Assessment

Question # 13

1. It doesn't bother me a great deal if others make fun of me and taunt me

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Neutral

D. Agree

E. Strongly Agree


This question refers to the Self-Consciousness trait. While having no absolute answer – since questions accumulate to a specific score among a range for each trait, it is negative when considering the trait (answering a or b will increase the overall score of the trait).


Question # 14

2. During discussions, I usually lead most of the conversation

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Neutral

D. Agree

E. Strongly Agree


This question refers to the Assertiveness trait. While having no absolute answer – since questions accumulate to a specific score among a range for each trait, it is positive when considering the trait (answering d or e will increase the overall score of the trait).


Question # 15

3. I make an effort to be polite to anyone I encounter

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Neutral

D. Agree

E. Strongly Agree


This question refers to the Altruism trait. While having no absolute answer – since questions accumulate to a specific score among a range for each trait, it is positive when considering the trait (answering d or e will increase the overall score of the trait).

Sova Assessment Test TipPersonality Assessments such as the BIG5 are essential for employers to evaluate different traits and aspects of your personality, predicting how well you will fit into your potential role – socially, professionally, etc. While it is always recommended to be honest when answering personality questions, understanding the test and the way different answers reflect on you is highly recommended prior to taking the test. 

  The full personality test, along with a comprehensive guide, can be found in many different PrepPacks for different positions, including our Sova Assessment PrepPack.



Congratulations! You have successfully completed our Sova Free Test. Now that you're familiarised with the Sova Sections and question types, and you have been introduced to different solving techniques, it is time to begin your practice. Read comprehensive guides to refresh your mathematical and verbal knowledge, as well as logical and special knowledge and skills questions. Test yourself in narrow time frames to reach a high score in the actual exam to increase your ability like nothing else – while utilising unique tips and quick-solving techniques.

Among the companies that use the Sova assessments are The Equinor Graduate ProgrammeSantander Online Bank TestBain Online Test, and Herbert Smith Freehills Graduate. Without knowledge of all solving techniques and tips, and methodical practice, it will be very difficult to achieve high scores and get a job offer from those firms. For a price starting at 39, you can buy our comprehensive PrepPack, which can guarantee a substantial improvement before the test.

Our Sova Assessment PrepPack includes comprehensive preparation materials, including:

  • 30+ Cognitive Aptitude Practice Tests - Including all the topics you'll face in the exam - Checking, Numerical, Verbal, and Logical ReasoningThe practice tests will allow you to practice your weak points thoroughly, gain confidence with the different types of questions, and therefore be less anxious on test day. 
  • 30+ Personality & Situational Judgement Practice Tests -  Providing you with an opportunity to understand the common types and the logic behind the questions Sova uses in their personality and situational judgement tests.
  • Dedicated Video Tutorials & Study Guide - enabling a deep understanding of the theory behind each test section and the most optimal techniques to answer the questions.

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We at JobTestPrep find the assessment tests world highly diverse and fascinating. If you are looking to deepen your knowledge in the aptitude tests world, or you want some extra practice before your test, we've got you covered!

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