Updated: February 6th, 2025
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Aon’s Cut-e tests are divided into four groups: Aptitude Tests, Special Knowledge & Skills Tests, Logic Tests, and Behavioural Assessments.
This page offers free Aon practice tests and preparation materials for all topics, including Math Reasoning (scales numerical, scales eql), Verbal Reasoning (scales verbal), Logical Thinking (scales lst, scales ix, scales clx), and Behavioural Tests (chatAssess SJT, Adept 15, squares integrity).
These Aon free assessment sample questions and practice Aon tests for free are taken from our full Aon/Cut-e PrepPack to help you ace your pre-employment process.
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This page offers a wealth of free Aon practice tests and sample questions for every type of Aon/Cut-e assessment so you can explore and understand the format of each challenge. By navigating through this page, you can start your preparation and gain valuable insight into what to expect.
Practice is key to success, and consistent effort with our free Aon assessment materials can help you build confidence and perform at your best.
The numerical questions in the Aon test require strong basic arithmetic skills, the ability to extract information from graphs and tables, and the capacity to combine multiple data points while performing quick calculations. Although a calculator is allowed, the time limit is tight—18 questions in just 6 minutes—making it unlikely that you’ll answer all the questions.
Practice with free Aon practice tests is essential to improve your speed and accuracy, helping you increase the number of questions you can confidently complete under time pressure.
The Scales Numerical test, a key part of the Aon numerical reasoning tests, uses a six-tab structure. To answer each question, you must identify which tab is relevant to the statement being asked and then locate the correct data. For instance, if the statement is about expenses, the appropriate tab would be “Operating Expenses.”
Go over the information below and try to answer the questions provided:
While 11% of Flying Colours stores are located in France, just 9% of the stores are located in the United States.
The word 'stores' implies that the answer to the question is in the 'Stores' tab. The pie chart presents the distribution of store locations across different countries.
We can see that 11% of the stores are, indeed, in France (the purple segment). However, 13% of stores are in the US (the green segment), not 9%.
Therefore, the statement is FALSE.
In FY 7, Flying Colours profited about 26,000 Euros from its women's department alone.
The word 'department' implies that the answer to this question is under the 'Departments' tab. the graph presents the varying share in profit for each of the different departments across a three-year period.
Look at the graph. in FY 7 the women's department was responsible for 26% of the company's total profit. However, without the actual, absolute profit the company made that year, we cannot determine how much these 26% really are.
Since this crucial piece of information is missing, we cannot say whether this statement is true or false.
While Flying Colours' sales increased during the second quarter of financial year 1, they decreased during the fourth quarter of that financial year.
The word 'sales' implies that the answer to this question is under the 'Sales' tab. The graph presents the sales volume per quarter across a three-year period.
The graph for FY 1 is coloured in blue. We can see that the graph increases towards the second quarter (from 3.15 to 3.53), so the first part of the statement is true. However, the blue line increases towards the fourth quarter as well (from 3.14 to 3.55). This is the exact opposite of the trend suggested in the second half of the statement.
We can therefore conclude the statement is FALSE.
The format of the questions in the Aon numerical reasoning test is straightforward: an equation is provided with the result and operators determined, while the other terms are left blank. Your task is to complete the equation by filling in the blanks with digits from 1 to 9, ensuring each digit is used no more than once, to make the equation a true statement.
Let’s review an example of this numerical reasoning question:
Applying BODMAS rules, we should start with multiplication. The quotient of the first two digits has to be lower than 14, as we will need to add more digits later.
In determining the most prudent digits to use for these positions, we can take advantage of the unique properties of the number 1, enabling us to twin it with a high number. For example, we can choose 9, and divide it by 1 to arrive at 9 - a number close enough to our predefined result that simple addition can get us to it.
9 + x + y = 14
Next, we will use inverse operations on both sides of the equation to simplify it:
x + y = 5.
All that remains is to find an appropriate combination for X and Y. One possible combination is: (3, 2).
Therefore, a possible solution is: (9, 1, 3, 2)
Other possible solutions: (8, 4, 9, 3), (5, 1, 6, 3).
Prepare smarter, not harder. Our cut-e PrepPack includes:
The following six passages are to be used in answering the three questions that appear beneath them. The challenge, therefore, is twofold: for each question, you must first intuit the passage most likely to hold the solution, and then use it to answer the question. The key to succeeding is to "lock down" the correct passage in as little time as possible, giving you ample time to find the information you need:
Flying Colours tries to maintain uniform campaigns and undeviating collections across its locations.
Although none of the words or phrases in the statement seem to suggest a specific tab, by reading the statement as a whole we can gather that it relates to business strategy, and the most relevant tab would be 'Business Plan'.
The most relevant section of the tab seems to be 'International Expansion', as it relates to the company's "different locations", mentioned in the statement.
According to the text, "Flying Colours offers several specific collections tailored for every country, as well as country-specific marketing campaigns". This contradicts the statement, which means that it is FALSE.
Note that the use of the phrase "across its locations" could throw us off and lead us to the 'geographic positioning tab first. This should not be too time-consuming, as we would quickly see that this tab does not contain information regarding the company's collections, and a search for further information in the other tabs would bring us to the same conclusion.
John Summers got his doctorate in design from the University of Manchester.
The mention of a person's name should automatically direct us to the 'Board of Directors' tab, as this is the only tab that offers information regarding personal history and qualifications.
The relevant section can only be 'Dr. John Summers', as he is the only one mentioned in the statement. According to the text, Dr. Summers is a certified designer and received a Ph.D. from the University of Manchester. However, we must avoid automatically linking the two, as the text makes no such connection. We have no way of ascertaining whether Dr. Summers' Ph.D. from the University of Manchester is indeed in design.
Therefore, the answer is CANNOT SAY.
Flying Colours has only one marketing department.
None of the words or phrases in the statement seem to suggest a specific tab, but by reading the statement as a whole we can gather that it addresses the company's structure, which is detailed in the 'Corporate Scheme' tab.
The only section of the tab mentioning the company's marketing department is the opening sentence, which states: "The four of them (product divisions) operate with a unified marketing department".
Given that the company consists only of these four divisions, the statement is TRUE.
Wondering how to achieve a high score on the Aon test? The numerical and verbal reasoning questions are timed, with just 20 seconds per question, requiring sharp skills under pressure. With our Aon PrepPack, you’ll get precise simulations featuring hundreds of aptitude questions tailored to roles in Finance, Industry, and Consumer fields, along with expert solving techniques.
The verbal scale questions demand quick reading, data interpretation, and summarisation under stress. Practice specific Aon verbal questions alongside reading to improve comprehension and speed.
This applied numeracy test, part of the Aon assessments, evaluates your ability to calculate percentages, translate units, and determine areas and spaces.
Try to solve the following example:
A train travels 90 miles in 15 minutes. How many miles does it travel in 2 hours?
15 minutes are a 1/4 of an hour. To reach 2 hours from a 1/4 of an hour, we need to multiply by 8. Since the time is multiplied by 8, we also multiply the distance traveled by 8:
90*8 = 720 miles
Quickly determine whether the figures are identical or not. In the test – press the space key if identical and do nothing if they do not.
As can be seen – the first pair is identical, while the second pair is not. While this question type seems rather easy, the test includes tens of pairs, and each answer must be decided in a second – making the overall test very challenging. As the test progresses, you may become tired, and mistakes may shake your confidence. Practicing and keeping composure even if mistakes are made are key to success in those questions.
Choose the movement direction according to the previous movement and the current arrow. Note that the movement is to the right, left, up, or down, while the maneuver is from the driver’s perspective.
Initial movement:
Select the correct driving manoeuvre, according to:
Answer Options:
The correct answer is:
The previous direction was UP, and the current direction is RIGHT. Thus, the correct answer is RIGHT TURN.
Select the correct driving manoeuvre, according to:
Answer Options:
The correct answer is:
The previous direction was RIGHT, and the current direction is RIGHT. Thus, the correct answer is KEEP STRAIGHT.
How many objects do you see?
The correct answer is 10 objects.
Look carefully at the circle and quickly determine the number of objects when they do not overlap. Note that in the real test – you have a very short time to answer as many questions as possible – therefore, you should answer quickly and move forward.
Special Knowledge and Skills in the Aon cut-e assessment test abilities like fast calculations, spatial orientation, and quick decision-making, tailored to specific positions. Success depends on mastering the format, applying solving tips, and practising under tight time limits.
The Aon assessment challenges your speed in numerical, verbal, logic, and special skills questions—all designed to test your efficiency under extreme time pressure.
Prepare smarter with our Aon PrepPack: For just $49, access full simulations, guides, and practice tests to boost your pace, accuracy, and confidence. Start practising today and optimise your chances for success!
In these questions, you will be presented with a 4x4 grid. Your task is to correctly identify which shape, out of four options, can replace the question mark such that the following rules are kept:
There is only one correct answer per question.
Identify which shape, out of four options, can replace the question mark such that the following rules are kept:
The shape missing from the third row is the X.
Therefore, the correct answer is :
The shape missing from the fourth column is the X.
Having added the X to the bottom row, the shape missing from the bottom row is a circle.
Therefore, the correct answer is :
Each scales ix question consists of nine similar images. All but one follow a pattern or a rule, and your task is to deduce that rule and select the one image that does not comply with it.
Please mark the object that doesn't fit the rule.
The correct answer is object #5.
All objects conform to the following rule (regardless of their order): Each object contains a 4-sided polygon.
The only object that does not fit this rule is object #5, which contains a 5-sided polygon.
Note: The alternations in the polygons’ colour (black, grey, white, grey, black…) are kept throughout the entire series, and thus cannot be the key to solving the question; they only serve as a distraction.
Please mark the object that doesn't fit the rule.
The correct answer is object #3.
All objects conform to the following rule (regardless of their order): Each object contains at least one horizontal rectangle.
The only object that does not fit this rule is object #3, which only contains vertical rectangles.
Note: The variations in the rectangles’ colour and location serve as a distraction; the only thing that matters is whether or not there is a horizontal rectangle.
Scales clx questions require you to examine a pair of shape grids, figuring out what rule or pattern characterizes both of them. Then, using this discovery, you must select the two shape grids out of the answers panel that follows the same rule.
There are two correct answers per question.
Which two of these grids follow the same rule?
Answer Options:
The rules are as follows:
Therefore, grids 1 and 4 are the only grids that follow the rules.
Each task in the scales cls test presents six tables containing numbers and letters. The tables are divided into two groups, so the numbers and letters in each group follow a certain rule or set of rules. Each table is marked by a colour according to the group it belongs to orange (above the table) or violet (below the table).
At the bottom of the test screen, there are four additional tables with numbers and letters. Your task is to decide which group each of these tables belongs to.
Assign the correct market (orange or violet) to each of the bottom four tables
Pattern: All tables with marking below (violet) have N's in the 5 places that are not the 4 corners. The tables with the marking above (orange) do not.
The correct markings, from left to right, are therefore: Orange, violet, orange, violet.
In the following question, choose the sequence that represents the new position of each of the shapes from the bottom of the operator to the bottom.
First, take note of the position of each of the input shapes; they are numbered from left to right (1-4).
1 - Diamond 2 - Hexagon 3 - Triangle 4 - Star
Look at the answers (the operators): Starting with the left one, let's look at the first digit.
Figure out whether the shape in the first position of the output sequence is in the position indicated by this digit in the input sequence.
If it is not, eliminate that answer.
In this example, the first operator begins with the digit 4, which would make the output figure in the leftmost position a star. Since that is not the case, this cannot be the answer.
Go through the first digits of the rest of the answers and eliminate or keep them as you go.
If you are left with more than one possible answer, keep using this method with the rest of the digits in each answer.
Eliminate answers as you go according to the information you gathered.
In this example, we are left with our answer after two rounds of elimination: (1, 3, 2, 4).
The logical abilities section of the Aon assessment measures your inductive, deductive, and spatial reasoning skills under strict time limits. Success comes from knowing the formats — and practicing smart.
Our Aon PrepPack gives you:
Start preparing now and enter your assessment with confidence.
You have completed the Scales (cognitive) part of our AON cut-e Free Test. However, for most candidates, the test is far from over. The next portion of the test is the behavioural (Situational Judgement) ChatAssess questions, as well as the personality Squares Integrity questions. These questions are unique as there isn’t always one correct answer, or at least not without applying special techniques and understanding AON’s values which are measured through these questions. Let’s continue with the questions:
There are new policies regarding safety in the office. All personnel must take an online course on the company website, and then take a safety regulations test at a designated time and place. You are responsible for administering and collecting the exams in your office.
What would you do first?
Best response: A
In general, it is good practice to understand the goals and principles guiding a task before trying to accomplish it. This is a common theme in SJT questions (ChatAssess), and you should always ask yourself if you fully understand a task before trying to accomplish it.
By reading the instructions and regulations first, you can fully understand how to administer the exam. Choosing this response demonstrates your ability to prioritise tasks and define action plans— this being a good indication of your decision-making and organizational skills.
Additional Responses:
B. This could be a good thing to do, as it enables the staff to familiarise themselves with the test instructions and gives them plenty of time to prepare for the test. However, you need to choose the best first response. Sending the instructions before reading them yourself is definitely not the first task to take. As the administrator of the test, you are required to know more about the test than anyone else. You, therefore, need to familiarise yourself with the instructions and make sure they are clear to you prior to distributing them to the staff.
C. Talking to IT seems like a responsible thing to do, but it is hardly the first response you should take. You should first read the test instructions to see what the test entails, and only then raise any potential problems with the IT department.
D. It is obvious that you will eventually need to schedule a room to administer the test. However, you first need to know if there are special instructions and regulations for this action. Only by reading the instructions first can you determine where and how to administer the exam.
The Squares Integrity Test differs from other questions as there are no right or wrong answers. In the cut-e personality and integrity test, you’ll rate how accurately a statement describes you. Answer instinctively and honestly, as falseness can be detected. Since the test is timed, avoid overthinking and trust your first response.
This statement refers to the Empathetic trait.
Empathetic people are great teammates and caregivers and usually are a great asset to every team. They bring the best out of their team members and create a better and more trustworthy environment. Therefore, this statement should be ranked high on the scale.
The ADEPT-15 personality test, part of the Aon Behavioural Tests, evaluates 15 traits related to your work behaviours, style, and performance. Unlike other tests, it predicts how you’ll react to workplace scenarios in specific roles.
You’ll compare pairs of statements and select the one you agree with more, choosing between “mostly agree” or “slightly agree.”
Select the statement you agree with more
There are both pros and cons to change, but I often hope things will not change
Even though it can be tiring, I aim to finalize tasks as soon as they arise
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
In this question, there are two important sub-qualities for employees: being focused and being consistent. The statement "Even though it can be tiring, I aim to finalize tasks as soon as they arise" represents being focused, while "There are both pros and cons to change, but I often hope things will not change" represents consistency.
The correct answer depends on your position and should highlight traits needed in that specific role. For instance, as an intern in a financial firm, you should score points reflecting your focus. Therefore, the best answer to this question will be the statement that presents this quality in you.
Select the statement you agree with more
I can often persuade people to my point of view and direction
It doesn't take a lot for me to get a little intense on a crazy day
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
In this question, there are two significant sub-qualities, both essential to employees: being a controller and being passionate. One statement reflects being a controller, while the other portrays passion.
When choosing your answer, you need to take into account the position you applied for. As such, for a managerial role, for instance, you should score points reflecting your being a controller. Therefore, the best answer to this question will be the statement that presents this quality in you.
You have successfully completed our AON cut-e Free Test. Now that you're familiarized with the AON Sections and question types, and you have been introduced to different solving techniques, it is time to begin your practice. Read comprehensive guides to refresh your mathematical and verbal knowledge, as well as logical and special knowledge and skills questions. Test yourself in narrow time frames to reach a high score in the actual exam to increase your ability like nothing else – while utilizing unique tips and quick-solving techniques.
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We at JobTestPrep find the assessment tests world highly diverse and fascinating. If you are looking to deepen your knowledge in the aptitude tests world, or you want some extra practice before your test, we've got you covered!
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