Free Korn Ferry Assessment Practice Tests: Sample Questions & Full Answers

Updated: February 6th, 2025

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Korn Ferry is one of the world's leading publishers of pre-employment assessments. Even though no tool can predict success in the workplace perfectly, Korn Ferry assessments are widely trusted across a range of industries, particularly in the assessment of managerial and leadership skills

Our Korn Ferry (Talent-Q) Assessment practice free test includes questions with answers and solving tips for all the different sections of the Korn Ferry Test.

Shir, Korn Ferry / Talent-Q Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment (KFALP/KF4D)

We recommend going through the entirety of the practice test. It includes expert tips covering all Korn Ferry assessments:

KFALP Sections:

We will first cover the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment (KFALP/KF4D). This Personality test is meant to gather information about your current or most recent job, work experience, and career development in the context of fitting to leadership positions.

The assessment is divided into three sections, and we will begin with the Job Profile Section, which consists of three parts involving the selectionsorting, and ranking of cards that display personality characteristics.

Let's begin:

Job Profile Quesions

Question #1

Step 1 - Selection:

Screengrab of KFALP Question

Sort the cards above into one of the 3 categories based on your experience at your current or previous job roles.

How to Solve This Part?

In the Job Profile section, the first section is the most difficult to navigate since it is the first time you will be exposed to the tabs that describe the features you need to sort (In the real test and in our PrepPack, there will be 30 and not 8). As such, it is recommended that you approach this section with concentration and focus and notice the following tips:  

  1. Read each tab carefully and attempt to characterize its value.
  2. When comparing similar statements, differentiate between personal, social, and professional skills and their importance to your position.
  3. Use the Korn Ferry guide to match the answers with the top values.
  4. At this stage, there is no instruction to keep an equal number of tabs between the categories, but it is recommended that you keep an even number of tabs between them.

Therefore, it is important to note that you are sorting into all categories, not just one since you will have to balance the tabs between the categories in the next step of the test. 

Question #2

Step 2 - Sorting & Balancing:

Balance the columns so that each has an equal number of cards.

How to Solve This Part?

An organization’s management qualities depend on its context, industry, and workplace. There are, however, a few qualities that are generally regarded as essential for effective management from the cards below:

Influence: Being able to inspire and motivate your team toward achieving a common goal is one of the most critical skills a manager can possess.

Effective communication: The ability to communicate effectively between managers and their teams is essential for effectively conveying ideas, giving feedback, and providing guidance.

Assures accountability: Managers must organize multiple tasks, deadlines, and priorities.

Question #3

Step 3 - Ranking:

Inside each category, reorder the cards by their rank, from the most to the least.

How to Solve This Part?

After you balance the tabs between the categories, you must rank them.

In this section, the ranking depends entirely on your past experiences, business experience, and who you are. Consequently, there are no unambiguous recommendations about the rating of character traits within a category.

A major aim of this stage is to test your level of decisiveness, judgment, and observation of your character traits.

We recommend replacing 2-4 tabs within each category at this stage.

The Correct answer is:

Mission Critical Critical Less Critical
Influences Adaptive Risk-Taking
Engagement Diversity Courage

Mission Critical:

  1. Influences: The ability to influence others is often crucial in leadership positions as it can drive organisational change and inspire team members.
  2. Engagement: Engaging with team members and stakeholders is essential for building relationships, fostering collaboration, and ensuring productivity.


  1. Adaptive: Being adaptive is important in today's rapidly changing business environment. It enables leaders to respond effectively to challenges, embrace innovation, and drive organisational agility.
  2. Diversity: Embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity is critical for creating a positive work culture, leveraging different perspectives, and fostering innovation.

Less Critical:

  1. Risk-taking: While some degree of risk-taking can be valuable for growth and innovation, it is not a mission-critical quality for all leadership roles. Its importance may vary depending on the specific context and industry.
  2. Courage: Courage can be necessary in certain leadership situations but may not be universally critical across all roles and organisations.

As can be seen, the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment is like no other. The Job Profile section will not only require you to identify preferable personality traits and sort them according to different positions, but it will challenge you by sorting them again (and again) with more restrictions to increase the difficulty. In the actual test, the questions are much more complicated – as they contain 30 traits instead of 6 – thus dramatically increasing the challenge and therefore requiring preparation, understanding of solving tips, and improvement. You can find a comprehensive study guide and full Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment simulation, feedback, and solving tips in our All-Inclusive Korn Ferry PrepPack.

Next, let's talk about the cognitive aspect of the Leadership Potential task: Raven's Matrices. It normally appears as the final section of the assessment but has been bumped up here.

Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment (KFALP/KF4D) – Raven's

Question #4

Observe the following matrix:

Example of Raven's Matrix in KFALP

Which figure completes the matrix?








The correct answer is:

The correct answer

The entire image consists of thin black horizontal stripes separated by thicker white horizontal stripes. This leaves two choices. Since we can see that there are three horizontal black stripes on each side of the missing piece, the correct answer should also have only three horizontal black stripes.

Question #5

Observe the following matrix:

Example of Raven's Matrix in KFALP - 2

Which figure completes the matrix?

Possible Solutions


The correct answer is:

The correct answer

Each image in the first two rows is a combination of a circle, a big X, and four corner dots combined with a square, a cross made of ovals, and a cross made of triangles. Thus, the third image in the bottom row must be the combination of the shape missing from the first group and the shape missing from the second group.


The final section of the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment – the Raven questions require inductive skills and the ability to follow a specific pattern and understand what is missing inside matrices and cut images. For this section, there are no magic tips or easy solutions – the best way to improve is thorough practice, which includes analysing many different patterns and solving questions in different difficulty levels. You can find study guides and practice tests in our All-Inclusive Korn Ferry PrepPack, and if you want additional and extensive preparation – you can find that in our Raven PrepPack and Munich Re PrepPack.

A quick commercial break, the test continues below.

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Job Analysis Questions:

This section examines your work experience and the character traits, values, and behaviours you have encountered during your current and past roles. To answer each question, you will have to rate, on a 1-9 scale, the extent to which your current job involves each one of the characteristics.

Question #6

To what degree does your current job involve:

Goal-achieving with limited resources

Select an answer











On this scale, the recommended range is 7–9.

Scale Values:

Need for achievement: Motivation by work or activities that allow testing of skills and abilities against an external standard. High scorers appreciate working hard, judge achievement according to the goal, and strive to meet and exceed standards. Low scorers are not motivated externally and tend not to work energetically to exceed expectations.

Persistence: A tendency toward the passionate and steadfast pursuit of personally valued long-term or lifetime goals, despite obstacles, discouragement, or distraction. High scorers are seen to push through obstacles and not give up on complex tasks. Low scorers are more likely to pull back from barriers or lower expectations for their attainment.

The left option presents a person not used to accomplishing and meeting workplace goals and whose motivation and drive could be higher.

The correct option emphasises the value of persistence and the need for achievements central to their values.

Question #7

To what degree does your current job involve:

Working under challenging time constraints.

Select an answer










On this scale, the recommended range is 7–9.

Scale Values:

Composure: How people are prone to react in stressful situations. High scorers tend to be calm, poised, and take pressure well. Low scorers are often seen as anxious, unsettled, and reacting negatively to stressful situations.

Focus: Preference for organisation, procedure, and exactitude. High scorers demand structure and tend to be seen as systematic, detail-oriented, and in control. Low scorers dislike detail and design and may be perceived as spontaneous and disorganised.

The left option presents a person who is not used to working under time constraints and who usually performs tasks that do not have to meet a specific deadline.

The correct option emphasises working through stressful situations and paying attention to details central to their values.

We will continue to the second section of the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment – Individual Exercises. The objective of this section is to get to know you as an employee and as a person. The exercises include What Drives You (what motivates you personally and professionally), Where Do You Excel (your strengths and the excellent behaviours and traits that characterise you), and Who Are You (who you are as an employee, team member, and person). Let's continue.

Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment (KFALP/KF4D) – Individual Exercises

Question #8

What Drives you?

Six statements will appear in each question, and you will be asked to rank them on a scale from most to least important.

The drive of everyone is different based on their lifestyle and previous experiences. As you think about Korn Ferry's leadership and values, we recommend answering this part honestly.



Since motivation is an individual question, the rating in the explanation is just a recommendation based on the values of Korn Ferry and the leading values associated with leadership.

Therefore, even if your rating differs, you should read the question’s explanation to determine the important values that should be considered.

Our recommended rating:

  1. Taking on challenging tasks: Most Like me

This statement suggests a motivation for personal growth and development. It indicates a preference for pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and continuously expanding your skills and capabilities.

  1. Staying away from competition: Least Like me

This statement suggests a desire to work in an environment less focused on competition and rivalry. It may indicate a preference for a cooperative and supportive work atmosphere where the emphasis is more on collaboration and teamwork.

Question #9

Where Do You Excel?

In each of the questions, seven descriptions will appear which you will have to rate on a scale between the most like me and the least like me.



Depending on your past experiences and previous experiences, where you excel is a very personal, subjective question.
It is important to remember that the following rating is merely a recommendation based on Korn Ferry's values and those associated with leadership. To find out the most essential values, read the explanation of the question, even if your ranking differs.

Our recommended ranking:

Statement 1: Least Like me

According to this statement, your colleagues may be expected to conform to your preferred way of working or their preferred approaches rather than accepting different viewpoints or approaches.

Statement 2: Most Like Me

As indicated by this statement, you acknowledge the value of considering diverse viewpoints when tackling problems, which is one of the top values for Korn Ferry. It indicates an openness to exploring various perspectives and analysing situations from different angles to reach well-rounded solutions.

Question #10

Who Are You?

In each of the following eight questions, 4 tabs will appear when you must rank them in the following order:

1 = Most like me

2 = Somewhat like me

3 = Slightly like me

4 = Nothing like me 

Try to answer honestly and openly, thinking about the qualities that most characterize you and standing out to others and to yourself. Staying consistent and ranking similar questions following the same values is important.



Since "'who are you" is an individual question, the rating in the explanation is just a recommendation based on the values of Korn Ferry and the leading values associated with leadership.

Therefore, even if your rating differs, you should read the explanation of the question to determine what are the important values that should be considered.

Our recommended rating:

  1. Considering my strengths and weaknesses from others is valuable to me: Having self-awareness and being open to feedback and insights is what makes effective leaders. Taking this statement as the highest ranking reflects a willingness to evaluate one's strengths and weaknesses from others' perspectives, aligning with leadership values.
  2. Other people are not more important or better than me: Collaborative leadership, teamwork, and acknowledging the value of others are among the values of leadership. Despite the importance of self-confidence, this statement suggests a lack of appreciation for others, which is less aligned with leadership values, placing it in the second position.
  3. Working alone allows me to accomplish more than working with others: As a leader, oftentimes, effective delegation, teamwork, and the use of others' strengths are important. However, this statement implies a preference for individual work, which may be less aligned with collaborative leadership values.
  4. It is more comfortable for me to be alone than with other people: While solitude can benefit introspection, effective leaders often thrive in social interactions and building relationships. It suggests a preference for isolation, which is less aligned with leadership values emphasizing effective communication and interpersonal skills, making it the least aligned of the statements provided.

What makes the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment Unique?

The Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment is a test like no other in terms of format and content. Unlike most personality tests, which place questions on a classic questionnaire, the KFLAP and KF4D ask you to answer various questions in an interactive environment, making them much harder to complete. Having a good understanding of the test format, how the answers are reflected, and what qualities should be emphasized are all important factors when preparing for the exam. 

Furthermore, the final part of the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment is the Ravens Questions. These questions are cognitive– which assess Logical Inductive Reasoning abilities. Despite not necessarily being part of the personality portion of the test, the questions are a crucial part of the KFALP and KF4D tests – and you should prepare for them as much as for the personality questions. In these types of questions, you will be presented with a patterned background with a portion cut out. Your task is to identify the missing cutout from a series of six possible options. Let's continue to the next section.

Congratulations! You have completed our first Korn Ferry Test - the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment. However, the personality (and some inductive) preparation is as much as half of the Korn Ferry exam. We will now cover the Korn Ferry Talent-Q Elements and Aspects questions – which are the central cognitive portion of the exam. We will begin with the Numerical questions – as we will cover both Elements and Aspects questions, how they differ, and the required skills to succeed in the test.

Let's begin the Talent Q Free Test.


Korn Ferry Numerical Test (Talent Q)

Elements Numerical:

Table: Reports Given to 18-Years Old Drivers

Type A - £300     Type B - £200     Type C - £100


Question # 1

What was the average fine amount for the month of April across all traffic offenses? (in £)

A. 200 F. 207 M.214
B. 201 G. 208 N. 215
 C. 202 H. 209  O. 216 
D. 203  I. 210  P. 217 
E. 204   J. 211 Q. 218 
F. 205  K. 212  R. 219 
G. 206  I. 213   S.220


The correct answer is F. £207.

This question requires calculating a weighted average. This can be done in a few steps:

1. Sum up the percentage of offences (for the month of April) for each type of offence:
Type A: 15% + 9% + 7% = 31%
Type B: 13% + 13% + 19% = 45%
Type C: 2% + 22% = 24%

2. Multiply each percentage by the amount of the fine:
Type A: 31% x 300 = £93
Type B: 45% x 200 = £90
Type C: 24% x 100 = £24

3. Sum up the amounts of each fine to arrive at the weighted average amount of fines:
£93 + £90 + £24 = £207

Alternatively, after the first step, you can multiply the percentages of each type by 25 million (the number of tickets in April) to get the number of tickets received in this month for this type of offence.

Type A: 0.31 x 25 = 7.75 million
Type B: 0.45 x 25 = 11.25 million
Type C: 0.24 X 25 = 6 million

Then, multiply the number of tickets, which was calculated before, by the fine for each type:

Type A: 7.75 x 300 = 2,325 million
Type B: 11.25 x 200 = 2,250 million
Type C: 6 x 100 = 600 million
To find the average fine, sum up the number of tickets (25) and divide by the total amount of tickets.

Note: For simplifying reasons, it is recommended to do the calculations in the smallest units possible, as shown in this explanation. In the last step, the millions cancel down.

Question # 2

Which offence generated the second highest revenue for the month of May?

A. Drunk-driving E. Driving in dangerous manner
B. Speeding F. Using a mobile phone
C. Failure to stop at a sign G. Failing to comply with traffic light signals
D. Not wearing a seatbelt H. Stopping in a prohibited area


The correct answer is speeding.

To save time, since all fine types are percentages of the same total number of tickets (27.5 million), you can eliminate that part of the calculation to determine which fines generated more quickly the most revenue:

Type A:
Drunk-driving: 0.07 x 300 = £21
Speeding: 0.12 x 300 = £36
Driving in a dangerous manner: 0.1 x 300 = £30

Type B:
Failure to stop at a stop sign: 0.07 x 200 = £14
Not wearing a seatbelt: 0.2 x 200 = £40
Using a mobile phone: 0.16 x 200 = £32

Type C:
Failing to comply with traffic light signals: 0.08 x 100 = £8
Stopping in a prohibited area: 0.20 x 100 = £20

The offense that generated the second-highest revenue for the month of May was speeding.

Aspects Numerical

Question #3


The price of one text message in zone 3 equals what percent of the price per one-minute call in zone 3?

  1. 35%
  2. 5%
  3. 3%
  4. 30%
  5. 80%
  6. 13%


The price of a call per minute in zone 3: £1.65
The price of a text message in zone 3: £0.50.
The relative price of a text message out of the total price of a call per minute in zone 3 is: 0.50/1.65= 30%

Numerical questions in the Korn Ferry Test most often include graphs and tables, which must be analysed quickly so you can perform arithmetic operations to answer questions successfully. Because of the time pressure, trying and solving the question first is very tempting, but that can lead to misunderstanding the table and answering the question wrong. Our two most important tips for addressing Numerical questions in the Korn Ferry Test:

  • Study the data: study the entire table carefully, learn the headings that tell you what the cells mean, and try to understand it before attempting to solve the question.
  • Don’t use the answers: The number of possible answers ranges from a minimum of ten up to thirty or even more, all of them close to one another, so you can’t use the answers to reverse engineer the question, so refrain from attempting it and wasting your time.

Each question in both the Elements and Aspect has exactly 90 seconds to solve. Since this is a very short time – preparation, which is comprised of reading study guides, practising Numerical questions in the same format, and learning how to utilise the aforementioned tips and more, is crucial. Study guides and hundreds of Korn Ferry numerical test practice questions are found in our All-Inclusive Korn Ferry PrepPack.

You can also make use of our Talent Q Numerical PrepPack, which covers the mathematical Talent Q Tests.

The next Korn Ferry test we'll cover is the the Verbal questions. The Verbal questions are similar to the Numerical questions in format – you are presented with a short text (similar to the graphs and tables) and asked one or more questions regarding data in the text. However, the skills required (vocabulary, grammar, reasoning) are different; therefore, this section poses a new challenge. Let’s continue.

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Korn Ferry Verbal Test (Talent Q)

Elements Verbal

Generation Without Frontiers

The current generation of young Europeans is the first to have grown up in a largely borderless and peaceful Europe, with all that implies in terms of mobility, multilingualism, and new cultural and economic opportunities. Whereas their parents and grandparents defined themselves along national lines, many young people today have added a European dimension to that description. 

The EU’s Youth in Action program aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity, and tolerance, as there is still a certain measure of political disengagement among young Europeans. The program promotes non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue among European youth, as well as the inclusion of all young people, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds. Its main goal is to bring young Europeans closer to the EU decision-shaping process by backing activities that encourage a sense of active European citizenship amongst them. Another important goal is promoting mutual understanding by giving young people from different countries the opportunity to meet and learn from one another through intercultural youth exchanges. In addition, The Youth in Action program encourages young people’s mobility within and beyond the EU borders, thus allowing them to expand their horizons and gain valuable life and work experiences. 

 (Adapted from

Question #4

Which one of the following is an assumption made by the Youth in Action program?

  1. European youth are not mobile beyond the EU border.
  2. The perception of nationality has changed.
  3. European youth are privileged.
  4. The current generation acts much like their parents.
  5. European youth are narrow-minded.
  6. The older generation was politically disengaged.


The correct answer is B.

The question deals with an underlying assumption made by the Youth in Action program. To identify the correct assumption, we need to look at the rationale of the entire passage to see where and what is missing in its structure:

Introduction: the present generation lives in a different Europe than their parents did.
The Youth in Action program: aims to develop a new sense of European citizenship and involvement

What is missing here is a logical connection between the introduction and the detailing of Youth in Action goals. The introduction deals with a change in national identity between the former and current generations. The program focuses on creating a more multicultural Europe, working towards ‘active European citizenship’. Taking all this information together, it seems that the assumption behind Youth in Action is that the perception of nationality has changed (statement B). This is the logic behind the program, which aims to develop a new, multi-cultural, trans-European identity. Let's eliminate the remaining distracters:
A: Although the program promotes mobility within and beyond Europe’s borders, its premise is not grounded in the assumption that European youth do not leave their country’s borders. The same logic also helps eliminate distracter E -
E: Promoting mutual understanding and expanding horizons does not necessarily mean that Youth in Action assumes that European youth are narrow-minded.
C: The passage does not imply that European youth are privileged; therefore, there is no reason to assume this.
D: The introduction compares the current generation with their parent’s generation, emphasizing the differences between generations. Therefore, this is an incorrect assumption.
F: The passage states that: ’there is still a certain measure of political disengagement among young Europeans’. That is not to say that the older generation was politically disengaged. Therefore, this is not an assumption necessarily made by the Youth in Action program.

Question # 5

Which one of the following is NOT promoted by the Youth in Action program?

  1. Creating equal opportunities.
  2. Involvement in decision-making processes.
  3. Mutual understanding between people from different countries.
  4. Gaining new experiences.
  5. Developing a new European identity.
  6. Empathy towards the less privileged.


The correct answer is F.

The question deals with the Youth in Action program. Note that this is a negatively phrased question. This means that we need to identify 5 objectives promoted by the Youth in Action program and 1 that is not. Let us eliminate distracters by finding the corresponding sections in the passage:

a. Furthered - ’as well as the inclusion of all young people, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds’.
b. Furthered - ’its main goal is to bring young Europeans closer to the EU decision-shaping process by backing activities that encourage a sense of active European citizenship’.
c. Furthered - ’another important goal is promoting mutual understanding…’
d. Furthered -’…thus giving them the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain valuable life and work experiences’.
e. Furthered - ’The EU’s Youth in Action program aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship’ (together with the logic of the introduction)
f. Empathy towards the less privileged – not mentioned in the passage.
Empathy is the ability to experience another person's feelings, to put yourself in their place (unlike sympathy, which means caring for the troubles of others). Such an emotional experience is not something the passage mentions.
The only statement that is not an objective furthered by the Youth in Action movement is statement F.

Aspects Verbal

Question #6

Read the following passage and answer the question:

Korn Ferry for Pilots text


Based on the text, which of the following is definitely correct?







The correct answer is A.

To conclude which of the statements is definitely correct, we must locate them in the text and find which of them is explicitly mentioned there:

  1. The passage begins with the words: ”Lots of people start running in their 30s or older…” corresponding with this distracter and confirming it as correct.
  2. While it is true that Jack Foster received a medal for his running achievements, we don't actually know whether older runners receive more medals than younger runners. This is not necessarily a correct statement.
  3. The second paragraph describes two types of runners: people who like to participate in races and those who like to run without competing. It does not, however, compare the number of runners per category. Thus, this distracter is not necessarily correct.
  4. Again, similar to distracter b, we do not have information regarding the qualifications of younger versus older runners, and therefore this distracter is also not necessarily correct.


Verbal questions in the korn ferry Talent-Q test include a short text – which is mostly longer for Elements, a set of up to three questions relating to it with different responses. It required Reading Comprehension Skills and different verbal abilities (such as grammar, reasoning and more). We recommend following those essential tips for addressing Verbal questions in the Talent-Q test:

  • Broad Examination of the text. Generally, this sort of question demands a comprehensive examination of the text. Each item may address broad parts of the passage.
  • Comprehension is key. This format primarily focused on reading comprehension skills, which may reflect a more accessible difficulty level for some.
  • In most cases, it is simple to eliminate at least three of the six answer choices.


Practice Under Time Pressure

Time restriction is one of the biggest challenges in the Korn Ferry Cognitive Tests (Numerical, Verbal, Logical, etc).

Most of the questions are solvable for nearly anyone with basic mathematics, grammar, and reasoning knowledge. However, to succeed in this test, you must be able to answer quickly and efficiently, as batches of questions are presented one after the other. The verbal section, for example, has 75 seconds to answer the first question of each new text and 60 seconds for the following questions.

For a price starting at £39, you can find solving tips and extensive practice of the exact format of the questions, which can guarantee improvement before the test if you wish to succeed among your peers.

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Next, we will cover the Elements Logical questions. The Logical questions in the Korn Ferry tests are very similar to the Raven questions in the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessments – both being matrices, and the objective is to identify the patterns and solve them accordingly. However, the Elements Logical question is more versatile in the location of the missing piece in the matrices. Let’s look at an example.


Korn Ferry Talent-Q Elements - Logical

Question #7

Can you identify the missing shape?

Korn Ferry Element Logical for Pilots









The correct answer is alternative F.

What pops up: The top cell in each column is a mirror image of the bottom cell (and the left cell in each row is a mirror image of the right cell). Following this logic, the correct answer must be alternative F.
The complete Explanation: All the symbols in the left and right (i.e., outer) cells are different parts of a cross symbol (┼). In each row, the symbol in the middle cell is a combination of the symbols from the outer cells so that the middle symbol consists of a duplication of the overlapping part of the outer symbols (e.g. in the top row - the upper part of the vertical line; in the middle row - the entire vertical line).
Thus, the missing symbol must share a part with the right symbol in its row, which should be the lower vertical line. 


Logical questions in the korn ferry test include matrices – and the missing figure changes in position – making the questions more challenging. To deal with these questions, here are a few useful tips:

- Always start by quickly scanning the matrix, both the rows, and columns, to see if anything draws your attention.

- A row or a column may contain more than one type of movement or pattern.

- Once you sense you recognised a pattern, ensure it applies to all the figures - row AND column patterns. Then look for an answer that presents the next step following that pattern.

You have 75 seconds to answer an Elements Logical question. Practising the Raven and Elements Logical questions will enable you to identify patterns and solve matrices questions quickly. Study guides and hundreds of Talent-Q-specific logical practice questions are found in our All-Inclusive Korn Ferry PrepPack .

Next, we will cover the Aspects Checking questions. The checking questions are tricky, requiring attention to detail and focusing on short time frames. Let’s proceed to an example.


Korn Ferry Checking Questions (Talent Q Aspects)

Question #8

Compare 'column 1' with 'column 2' on each row:

  • If they are identical, mark the green box (under the √ symbol).
  • If they are different, mark the red box (under the X symbol).


Row 1: W8047-07217-20925                 W8047-02712-20925

Row 3: L9059-45309-13894                   L9059-45309-18394

Row 5: R3831-60969-42141                  R3831-60696-42141



Checking questions will test your ability to remain calm, focused and pay attention to small details that are often quite difficult to find. You have 60 seconds for each Aspect Checking questions and working methodically is the best way to address these questions. You can find additional practice with increasing difficulty levels of Aspects Checking questions in our All-Inclusive Korn Ferry PrepPack .

Finally, we will cover the Korn Ferry Situational Judgement questions. Both your values and personality are usually measured in the assessments, using different formats of questions and abilities than presented so far. Let’s look at a few examples.


Korn Ferry Talent-Q – Situational Judgement

Question #9

Your team is well behind on deadlines. Everyone is trying, working fast, and staying extra hours to close the gap. Coffee breaks are minimal as people try to stay at their desks and work. After a team meeting about the subject, Donald, the newest team member, apologizes to you and says that due to his inexperience, he isn't meeting deadlines and feels that he is keeping the team behind and is letting you down.
Which are the best and worst responses to begin with?

Encourage Donald, telling him that it’s not his fault and that you are confident he will catch up shortly.



Take off some of Donald’s workload.



Assign one of the team members to tutor him.



Talk with him and try to determine what areas he has difficulties with.



In the next team meeting, bring up the subject of new team members, and ask the team for ideas on compensating for their slower work in their first few weeks.




Best response: D
Worst response: C

In this scenario, you have a team which is under stress and an employee who is feeling guilty and unhelpful. Your goal is to find a response that addresses these factors, namely one that will help the employee feel more competent without hindering the team’s efforts.

Encouraging the employee (response A) could make him feel better, but it may miss the core issue if the employee indeed has trouble with some of his tasks. This response is appropriate, and it would have been even more accurate if you had chosen to do this and not taken further action because of the tight schedule.

Taking off some of Donald’s workload (response B) doesn’t help any of your goals. In fact, it’s counterproductive. You lose Donald’s help—however small—in meeting deadlines, and you make Donald feel incompetent by choosing to give up on his work. This response lacks persistence and optimism.

Assigning a team member to tutor Donald (response C) is a good idea in general. However, in the current situation, you would be putting an additional task on one of your other employees. This response shows flawed decision-making. Because eventually this response would be the most harmful to the current team effort, it is considered the worst response.

Determining the employee’s difficulties (response D) is the first step in deciding how to move forward. For example, you can correct him if you see that he has some misunderstandings about work procedures, decide to wait until the pressure is off and then tutor him, or assign him different tasks for a while. Discussing the problem shows good decision-making. It also aims to encourage the employee’s development. This response was chosen as the best.

Discussing the matter in a team meeting (response E) could be beneficial if done properly. However, this response is not the best as it doesn’t provide an immediate solution to the problem. Moreover, the discussion is meant to find a solution to the problem of working with new employees in general, but it doesn’t include an attempt to understand Donald’s specific situation.


Question #10

You notice that Ron, one of your employees, is working slower this week. He seems unfocused and is less productive than usual. When you speak to him about it, he says that he is having a hard week due to personal problems.

What are the best and worst responses in this situation?

Discuss ways to make work hours easier and help him focus with Ron.



Show empathy for Ron’s feelings and remind him that he still has to make sure he completes his responsibilities.



Refer Ron to the HR department. You are responsible for work productivity; they are the people who are qualified to handle the situation and help him get back to work as usual.



Let this week slide. Everyone has bad days. Be patient, and it will probably pass.




Best response: A
Worst response: C

This is a question about handling employees’ personal needs. Like everyone else, your employees have personal lives that may sometimes affect their work. Employees’ personal matters should be handled with sensitivity. You want to be caring and helping as much as possible, without giving an inquisitive feeling.

Discussing ways to help the employee (response A) shows an understanding of your employee’s situation and a willingness to help. You use creative problem-solving and adapt to your employee’s needs. This also shows understanding that work affects employees’ personal lives just as much as their personal lives affect their work (responsibility for subordinates). This is the best response.

Response B shows less adaptability, yet it’s still appropriate. In some positions and situations, you don’t have the option to be as flexible as in response A. However, since you are taking a test, you are asked to consider a general situation. Response A represents important competencies which response B doesn’t.

Response C seems cold. It creates the impression that your function is only to supervise your employees’ productivity, and it neglects your responsibility for them. Notice that the action itself—referring the employee to the HR department—is not bad in and of itself, but the rationale behind it, as presented in the answer choice, doesn’t show empathy and respect for your employee and lacks any consideration of your relationship with him. Thus, this response was chosen as the worst.

Response D is another response that could be appropriate in some situations, but generally it’s not ideal. Most importantly, in the test's context, what this response is actually saying is 'do nothing'. This response doesn’t show any competency. As response C creates damage (it hurts your relationship with your employee), while response D does not seem to have any particular effect at this point, response C was chosen as the worst.

The SJT questions are quite unique – as they are answered according to the values of Korn Ferry, as well as for the position the candidate is applying for. In the given examples and in the test, you must think about the competencies that make up a great employee and answer accordingly. You will occasionally contemplate between answers which seem either as ‘good’ or as ‘bad’. Therefore, prior practice while learning the competencies and how to use them in SJT questions is crucial. You can find SJT guides and questions for both graduates and manager rules in our All-Inclusive Korn Ferry PrepPack.

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