Critical Thinking Test Practice ▷ Free Critical Reasoning Samples & Tips 2025

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What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking, also known as critical reasoning, is the ability to assess a situation and consider/understand various perspectives, all while acknowledging, extracting and deciphering facts, opinions and assumptions. Critical thinking tests are a sub-type of aptitude exams or psychometric tests used in pre-employment assessment for jobs reacquiring advanced analytical and learning skills.

The Skills You Will Be Tested On

Critical thinking tests can have 5 major sections or sub-tests that assess and measure a variety of aspects.

In this section, you are asked to draw conclusions from observed or supposed facts. You are presented with a short text containing a set of facts you should consider as true.

Below the text is a statement that could be inferred from the text. You need to make a judgement on whether this statement is valid or not, based on what you have read.

Furthermore, you are asked to evaluate whether the statement is true, probably true, there is insufficient data to determine, probably false, or false.

For example: if a baby is crying and it is his feeding time, you may infer that the baby is hungry. However, the baby may be crying for other reasons—perhaps it is hot.

In this section, you are asked to recognise whether an assumption is justifiable or not.

Here you are given a statement followed by an assumption on that statement. You need to establish whether this assumption can be supported by the statement or not.

You are being tested on your ability to avoid taking things for granted that are not necessarily true. For example, you may say, "I’ll have the same job in three months," but you would be taking for granted the fact that your workplace won't make you redundant, or that you won’t decide to quit and explore various other possibilities.

You are asked to choose between the options of assumption made and assumption not made.

This section tests your ability to weigh information and decide whether given conclusions are warranted.

You are presented with a statement of facts followed by a conclusion on what you have read. For example, you may be told, "Nobody in authority can avoid making uncomfortable decisions."

You must then decide whether a statement such as "All people must make uncomfortable decisions" is warranted from the first statement.

You need to assess whether the conclusion follows or the conclusion does not follow what is contained in the statement. You can read more about our deductive logical thinking test resources here. 

This section measures your ability to understand the weighing of different arguments on a particular question or issue.

You are given a short paragraph to read, which you are expected to take as true. This paragraph is followed by a suggested conclusion, for which you must decide if it follows beyond a reasonable doubt.

You have the choice of conclusion follows and conclusion does not follow.

In this section you are asked to evaluate the strength of an argument.

You are given a question followed by an argument. The argument is considered to be true, but you must decide whether it is a strong or weak argument, i.e. whether it is both important and directly related to the question.

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Critical Thinking Question Examples

As there are various forms of critical thinking and critical reasoning, we've provided a number of critical thinking sample questions.

You can take our full Critical Thinking Sample Test to see more questions.

critical thinking sample questions

Argument Analysis Sample Question

In a recent study, anthropologists surveyed 250 adults who own pets and 250 adults who do not own pets on their interpersonal capacities. The questions asked of both those who own pets and those who do not own pets included tests for 'computational requirements', that is, tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple. While members of each group displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities, in general, the adults who own pets were much more empathetic than those who do not own pets. This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet in spite of the personal sacrifice and the occasional inconvenience than people who are less empathetic.

Which of the following is true?

  1. Most of the people surveyed, whether they own pets or do not own pets, displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities.
  2. The adoption of a pet involves personal sacrifice and occasional inconvenience.
  3. People with high degrees of empathy are more likely to adopt pets than people with low degrees of empathy.
  4. Interpersonal capacities entail tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple.
  5. A person's degree of empathy is highly correlated with his or her capacity for personal sacrifice.


The correct answer is C

Answer explanation: In a question of this type, the rule is very simple: the main conclusion of an argument is found either in the first or the last sentence. If, however, the main conclusion appears in the middle of an argument, it will begin with a signal word such as thus, therefore, or so. Regardless of where the main conclusion appears, the rest of the passage will give the reasons why the conclusion is true or should be adopted. The main conclusion in this passage is the last sentence, signaled by the words, 'This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet than people who are less empathetic'.

Argument Practice Sample Question

Q: Would differential cash bonuses for high productivity be beneficial to the workplace?

A: No. Differential bonuses have been found to create a hostile working environment, which leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of products.

This argument is:

A. Strong

B. Weak

The correct answer is A (Strong)

Schema of the statement: Differential cash bonuses (productivity↑) → workplace↑

Explanation: This argument targets both the action and the consequences of the action on the object of the statement. It states that the action (implementing differential cash bonuses) has a negative effect on the workplace (a decrease in the quality and quantity of products). Therefore, it is an important argument, one that is relevant for the workplace. Note that this argument does not specifically target differential cash bonuses. Still, they are considered a sub-group of the subject of the argument (differential bonuses).

Interpretations Sample Question

Everyone who has been diagnosed with sleep apnoea has encountered a personal battle owing to the disease. For example, Vicki suffered from depression and lost her job, while Bill felt a strain on his marriage

Proposed assumption: Vicki and Bill encountered a personal battle because they couldn’t come to terms with their disease.

A. Conclusion follows

B. Conclusion does not follow

The correct answer is B (Conclusion does not follow)

It is plausible that the reason people who suffer from sleep apnoea encounter a personal battle is because of an inability to come to terms with this disease. However, since the passage does not provide an actual reason, you cannot reach this conclusion without reasonable doubt. 

The most common type of Critical Thinking Assessment is the Watson Glaser.

Difficult and time-pressured, the Watsong Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) takes a unique testing approach that breaks away from more traditional assessments. To see examples, check out our free Watson Glaser practice test.

Our expertly curated practice programme for the Watson Glaser will provide you with:

  • A full-length diagnostic simulation
  • Focused practice tests for the different test sections: inferences, assumptions, deductive reasoning, interpretations, and arguments.
  • 3 additional full-length simulations
  • Interactive tutorials

Or learn more about the Watson Glaser Test.

Free Critical Thinking Test Sample

Complete your test to get a predicted score, then review your answers

Test Time 18:45 min
Questions 25 (5 sections)
Pass Score 8

Critical Thinking Tests FAQs

What are critical thinking tests

Very Likely the Watson-Glaser test

Another popular critical thinking assessment, Watson-Glaser is a well-established psychometric test produced by Pearson Assessments.

The Watson-Glaser test is used for two main purposes: job selection/talent management and academic evaluations. The Watson-Glaser test can be administered online or in-person.

For Watson Glaser practice questions, click here!

Critical Thinking can refer to various skills:

  1. Defining the problem
  2. Selecting the relevant information to solve the problem
  3. Recognising assumptions that are both written and implied in the text
  4. Creating hypotheses and selecting the most relevant and credible solutions
  5. Reaching valid conclusions and judging the validity of inferences


Pearson TalentLens condenses critical thinking into three major areas:

  • Recognise assumptions – the ability to notice and question assumptions, recognise information gaps or unfounded logic. Basically not taking anything for granted.
  • Evaluate arguments – the ability to analyse information objectively without letting your emotions affect your opinion.
  • Draw conclusions – the ability to reach focused conclusions and inferences by considering diverse information, avoiding generalisations and disregarding information that is not available.

These are abilities that employers highly value in their employees, because they come into play in many stages of problem-solving and decision-making processes in the workplace, especially in business, management and law.

Critical thinking, or critical reasoning, is important to employers because they want to see that when dealing with an issue, you are able to make logical decisions without involving emotions.

Being able to look past emotions will help you to be open-minded, confident, and decisive—making your decisions more logical and sound.

Below are some professions that use critical thinking tests and assessments during the hiring process as well as some positions that demand critical thinking and reasoning skills:

Preparation Packs for Critical Thinking & Critical Reasoning Assessmentsץ The Critical Thinking PrepPack™ provides you with the largest assembly of practice tests, study guides and tutorials. Our tests come complete with straightforward expert explanations and predictive score reports to let you know your skill level as well as your advancement. By using our materials you can significantly increase your potential within a few days and secure yourself better chances to get the job.

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Are you about to apply for a role in the finance industry?

Several major banking and consulting employers evaluate their applicants using critical thinking tests, among other methods. Visit your potential employer's page to better understand the tests you are about to face, and start preparing today!

HSBC | UBS | Bain & Co | Macquarie | Morgan Stanley | Barclays | EIB | Deloitte | Deutsche Bank | KPMG | PWC | Lazard | EY | Nomura | BCG | BNP Paribas | Jefferies | Moelis & Co

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