Prepare for the Myers Briggs Test

About to take the Myers Briggs Personality Test? JobTestPrep provides information about this test to help you prepare. Becoming familiar with the MBTI personality types will enable you to gain a better understanding of the assessment, making your success more attainable.

  • Topics Covered: Personality characteristics, Situational Judgement Tests.

  • Includes: Answer explanations, study guides, and more


About the MBTI Assessment

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test is a personality assessment published by CPP. The MBTI is designed to help people gain insights about themselves and how they interact with others, as well as to help them improve how they communicate, learn, and work.

The test measures four key areas:

  1. Directing and receiving energy
  2. Taking in information
  3. Making decisions
  4. Approaching the outside world

These areas are sorted into 16 personality types.

16 Personality Types

There are sixteen personality types which are comprised of four letters. Each letter represents a psychological preference.

  • Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I):  'E' is a person who tends to focus on and draw energy from people and activity 'outside him or herself'. 'I' is a person who focuses on his or her own inner world of thought and reflection.
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): 'S' is a person who tends to focus on information that’s real and tangible. 'N' is a person who tends to take in the big picture and the connections between facts.
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F):  'T' types tend to make decisions through logical analysis. 'F' is a person who considers what is important to other people involved.
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): 'J' types are generally likely to live life in a planned, orderly way. 'P' types tend to be flexible and spontaneous.

MBTI Test Format

The MBTI consists of 93 items written at a 7th-grade reading level. Each item on the assessment is comprised of two different sentences. You need to choose which sentence best describes you. Each item will never have two sentences from different psychological preferences.

For example, you can have two sentences for E and I, but never for E and N.

What Is the MBTI Used For?

More than 10,000 companies, 2,500 colleges and universities, and 200 government agencies in the United States use the MBTI. The reason for using the MBTI test is different for every company or agency. Below are just a few reasons why a company might use the MBTI:

  • Team building

  • Training/development

  • Improving communication

  • Assembling teams

  • Motivating employees

  • Leadership development

Prepare for the MBTI with JobTestPrep

JobTestPrep prepares you for the MBTI with practice tests, study guides, and score reports. Based on your score report results, we can help you achieve the position you desire. We provide you a full report with explanations for each test item so you can see the personality score you are likely get on the actual test.