The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) – Prepare Yourself Online

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) measures how you relate to others when you are at your best, described as your normal or bright-side personality. Prepare for the upcoming Hogan Personality Inventory with our full-length personality test.

Amit, Hogan Test Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the HPI?

HPI is the Hogan Personality Inventory. It is used to measure your normal/bright-side personality, which is based on the Five-Factor Model of Personalities. It takes approximately 15–20 minutes to complete. For more information, check out the following video:

Hogan Assessment
Learn more about the Hogan assessment tests that are commonly used to screen candidates according to their personality style.

How to Pass the Hogan Personality Inventory

JobTestPrep's experience proves that, contrary to common presumptions, when you are well-prepared for the Hogan Personality Inventory, you are more likely to do well on the test. Trying out sample HPI questions can help prepare you for test day. Improve your job candidacy by completing our free pre-employment personality test.

What Is the Normal (Bright-Side) Personality?

Normal personality refers to the behaviours exhibited in the workplace under regular, everyday circumstances. It is under normal conditions that you display the bright side of your personality.

How Is the HPI Normal Personality Measured?

Your normal personality is assessed along the following seven scales:

  • Adjustment: self-confidence, self-esteem, and working under pressure
  • Ambition: desire to lead, initiative, and competitiveness
  • Sociability: need for social interaction and extraversion
  • Interpersonal Sensitivity: likeability, tact, and relationship maintenance
  • Prudence: responsibility, self-discipline, and thoroughness
  • Inquisitive: creativity, curiosity, and imagination
  • Learning Approach: enjoyment of learning and ambition to keep up with current knowledge

The Hogan Personality Inventory also predicts your work performance by measuring six occupational scales:

  • Service Orientation
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Reliability
  • Clerical Potential
  • Sales Potential
  • Managerial Potential


Sample Score Report

Taken from the Hogan Assessments website, these are the four traits evaluated on the HPI, depicted here with their optimal values.

JobTestPrep offers a full-length professional personality test, giving you a personalised report of 50 personality traits. This will ensure you arrive at your Hogan Personality Inventory Test calm and confident. Gain a real advantage on your job application, and take a practice personality test now.

Prepare for the Hogan Personality Assessments

Our Hogan–style personality test is similar to the actual exam. It contains 266 True/False and Agree/Disagree questions. 

Our Hogan study guide helps you prepare for Hogan personality assessments by familiarising you with the actual exam. We provide in-depth information about the scales measured on the exam as well as the scales we utilise on our practice test. In addition, the guide features scale descriptions and sample items.   

Our study guides make the Hogan assessment less intimidating by showing you examples and explanations of how to answer questions on the test. Moreover, they help boost your confidence. By practising for the exam, you will learn about yourself and any specific traits you may possess. This could be the key to getting the position you desire.

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