Help Your Customers Prepare for Test Day

As a recruiter, you understand how stressful the application process can be for job seekers. Find out how JobTestPrep can help you help your customers.

JobTestPrep has been working with EMEA recruitment consultancies for over 5 years now. Since psychometric testing is such an integral part of modern recruitment, make sure that preparation for this is part of your business plan.

Advantages of Partnering With JobTestPrep

If you are a recruiter, we can provide you with online access to our testing system so that your candidates can prepare themselves for the application process. This will ensure that your candidates never go into an assessment day blind and are always among the highest level applicants at every interview.

Recruiter Advantages

Partnership Features

  1. Bulk discounts as well as specific coupon code reductions
  2. Original content guides and articles
  3. Monetise your success - become an affiliate

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