Pymetrics Games: The Ultimate Guide & Practice (2024)

Pymetrics Games are the next generation of behavioural assessments. By using simple and fun computer games, they can assess your personality traits and cognitive skills and determine if you are fit for your dream job. 

To help you ensure you are prepared for the Pymetrics test ahead of you, we have developed a tailored prep course that mocks the real Pymetrics games. Our course includes:

  • 12 Pymetrics Games Interactive Practice Tests - allowing you to practice the actual test's time constraints, format, and types of games you will encounter on the actual test and identify your weak areas. Including Baloon Game, Tower Game, Money Exchange 1&2, Keypress Game, Hard or Easy Task Game, Digits Memory, Stop Game, Arrows Game, Lenghts Game, Cards Game, and Faces Game. 
  • Tailored Pymetrics Test Study Guides - providing a thorough understanding of the theory behind each type of Pymetrics game and the most effective methods to play each game.

During the past 3 years, JobTestPrep helped +2000 candidates to pass their Pymetrics assessments! Trusted by top universities worldwide, like Oxford University, we're committed to achieving the highest prep standards.

-Scroll down for more valuable info, expert tips and free practice tests-

Pymetrics Games

Study Guides:

  • In-depth Study Guide Of The Pymetrics Games

Pymetrics Games Interactive Simulations:

  • Baloon Game
  • Tower Game
  • Money Exchange 1
  • Money Exchange 2
  • Keypress Game
  • Hard or Easy Task Game
  • Digits Memory
  • Stop Game
  • Arrows Game
  • Lenghts Game
  • Cards Game
  • Faces Game



Gal, Pymetrics Games Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the Pymetrics Assessment?

The Pymetrics assessment is a game-based test comprised of 12 online games. In recent years, game-based assessments such as the Pymetrics Games, Arctic Shores, or Cognify and Emotify are gaining popularity as new, engaging, and bias-free pre-employment testing methods.

Below is a detailed description of each game. Click on a game's name to learn more about it:

Digits Memory | Stop Game | Arrows Game | Balloon GameTower Game | Money Exchange #1 | Money Exchange #2 | Keypress Game | Hard or Easy Task Game | Lengths Game | Cards Game | Faces Game 

There are four more Pymetrics games assessing numerical and logical reasoning: Magnitudes, Sequences, Shapes, and Letters.

Let's take a look at our comprehensive video guide, and then we'll continue to the sample questions:


Pymetrics Games Guide

Digits Memory Game

In the Pymetrics Digits Game, digits will flash quickly on your screen, and you will have to type them in the correct order. The number of digits will increase or decrease in each round, based on your performance.

The Digits Game measures:

  • Memory

The Digits Game is an adaptive memory test - if you recall the sequence correctly, it will become harder. If not, it will become easier.

There is a maximal number of digits that can appear on this game, so once you've mastered memorizing a digit string of that length, you have basically mastered the game.

Pymetrics Digits Memory Game

Stop Game

This game has one simple rule – press the spacebar only when a given shape (e.g. a red circle) appears. You should do nothing when other shapes appear.


The Stop Game measures:

  • Attention

The Stop Game has two possible errors that will lose you points - a "miss" and a "false alarm".

Each candidate has his or her strengths and weaknesses, so most will be prone to a certain type of error. Practicing in advance will allow you to focus on that type and improve it.

Pymetrics Stop Game

Arrows Game

In the Pymetrics Arrows game, you will see different sets of flashing arrows. Respond according to those rules:

  • If the arrows are blue or black, indicate the direction of the middle arrow.
  • If the arrows are red, indicate the direction of the side arrows.

This process repeats itself more than 100 times in 3 minutes.

The Arrows Game measures:

  • Learning
  • Attention
  • Adaptivity

The game randomly selects between three types of stimuli - congruent, incongruent, and neutral. To succeed in the test, you must be accustomed to all three types (and to switch between them) - something that can be achieved effectively only by practice.

Pymetrics Arrows Game

Balloon Game

In each round of the Pymetrics Balloon Game, you will need to pump a balloon. Each pump earns you $0.05. At any point, you may collect the earned money and move on to the next round. However, the balloon may explode, losing all this round's earned money.

The Pymetrics Balloon Game measures:

  • Risk Tolerance
  • Impulsivity
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Decision Making

The balloons operate based on explosion patterns that differ by color. During the game, you are expected to analyze the behavior of each color, and quickly recognize its explosion pattern.

Pymetrics Balloon Game

Practice Like The Real Assessment

Pymetrics Games measure specific cognitive and emotional traits through various interactive tasks and games. By practising under similar conditions, you can improve your performance, reduce test anxiety, and better showcase your true abilities. Additionally, practising can help you understand the tricks behind each game and gain the crucial skills to pass it with a high score. 

Our prep course is built on a highly interactive platform that will allow you to practice the games like in the real test! See below what our interactive course looks like:

 Not sure about buying yet? Check our Free Pymetrics Practice Test  

Tower Game

The Pymetrics Tower Game is a form of the well-known Hanoi Towers game. Your task is to reorganize three towers according to the example, in the least amount of moves possible.

The Pymetrics Tower Game measures:

  • Planning

Your ability to solve the towers isn't all that matters in this game. Your behavior matters, too. Did you rush into things, or stop to think? For how long? And when?

All these details will be taken to account in your final score.

Pymetrics Tower Games

Money Exchange Game #1

In the Pymetrics Money Exchange Game #1, you are assigned to work with an AI-based player. The game goes as follows:

  • You have $10.
  • You transfer a sum of your choice to your fellow “participant”. Any amount transferred will be tripled.
  • Your partner gives a certain amount back to you.
  • You are asked to rate how fair was your partner in this transaction.

The Pymetrics Money Exchange Game #1 measures:

  • Trust
  • Risk Tolerance

The aim of the game is not to keep the largest amount to yourself, but to show you can balance risk and trust.

Pymetrics Money Exchange Game

Money Exchange Game #2

The Pymetrics Money Exchange Game #2 is also based on fictional transactions with an AI-based player, but with different rules:

  • Both you and your partner start with $5.
  • Only one of you will receive an extra $5.
  • You may give your partner some of your extra earned money and rate the fairness of that transaction.
  • You play a second round with a different player.
  • This time, only you get the extra $5.
  • You choose a sum to give your partner OR take from them and rate the fairness of that transaction.

Money Exchange Game #2 measures:

  • Altruism

Similar to Money Exchange Game #1, here the aim is also not to leave the game with the highest sum, but to balance altruism and self-interest.

In addition, people tend to overlook the fairness ranking step, but it is as an integral part of the game as the transaction itself.

Pymetrics Money Exchange 2 Game

Keypress Game

The Pymetrics Keypress game is really simple. Almost TOO simple. All you have to do here is press a key on your keyboard as many times as you can in a given time. That’s it.

The Keypress Game measures:

  • Pressing Speed
  • Processing

Your pressing speed actually indicates your motor functioning and lateralized coordination.

Similarly, your processing speed (how long did it take you to start, stop, etc.) is also an important cognitive skill.

The Keypress Game has exact, numerical standards you must accomplish to pass.

Pymetrics Keypress Game

Hard or Easy Task Game

In each round of the Hard or Easy Task Game you choose one of two tasks:

  • An easy task with a low reward
  • A hard task with a higher reward

Each round will have a different probability (%) to claim the reward in case of success (applies for both tasks).

The Easy or Hard Task Game measures:

  • Effort
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Motivation

The aim of the game is to balance effort and strategy.

The effort comes into play in your choice of the tasks and the ability to complete them.

The strategy comes into play in taking success probabilities into account and choosing the tasks accordingly.

Pymetrics Hard or Easy Task Game

Lengths Game

In each round, you are shown one of two very similar images, different by only one element being slightly longer or shorter. You should respond quickly and accurately based on the presented image.

The Lengths Game measures:

  • Learning
  • Attention to details
  • Motivation

Your ability to pay attention to the slight variations of the images is assessed in this test, as well as your ability to learn from past experiences and adapt.

Pymetrics Lengths Game

Cards Game

In this game, you will have to draw cards out of four decks. For each draw, you will either earn or lose money. Your goal is to reach the end of the game with as much money as possible.

The Cards Game measures:

  • Risk tolerance
  • Learning
  • Pattern Recognition

The patterns in this game are not related to either probabilities or rules as in other games, but to risk. Some decks may be riskier (high profit, high loss), and some safer (low profit, low loss).

By practicing the cards game in advance, you can learn how to spot that riskiness earlier and better, so to gradually improve your eventual gains.

Pymetrics Cards Game

Faces Game

The Pymetrics Faces Game assesses your emotional abilities.

You will be shown faces with different expressions. Some of the faces are accompanied by a short text describing a situation. Your job is to determine what the person in the picture is feeling.

The Faces Game measures:

  • Emotional intelligence

One of the trickiest aspects of the game is to balance context and visual cues in your interpretation of the depicted emotions.

Sometimes, contradicting messages will appear in the face and in the text, and you should know how to choose an emotion that will apply to both descriptions.

Pymetrics Faces Game

The Pymetrics Test

Our experts have researched and perfected an Executive online practice pack designed mock the challenges you'll face in the Pymetrics Games.

Realistic Simulations
Measure yourself against game standards.

Expert Guidance for Perfect Score
Effortlessly approach all Pymetrics games with detailed guides.

Progression Tracking 
Constantly adapt with personalised score reports.

Available for only £49, you can ensure the high score you deserve and unlock your potential.

Backed by Over 2k+ Candidates

Pymetrics FAQ

Pymetrics is looking at your behaviour to measure your personality. It uses neuroscience games based on well-known psychological experiments to determine where you stand on a wide range of traits – attention, risk tolerance, decision-making, and many more.

Analysing 91 traits, the Pymetrics algorithm assembles your personality profile. It is supposedly a bias-free system to assess candidates. Your behaviour is what is being looked at, regardless of your background, gender, race, or what school you went to.

The measured personality, cognitive and behavioural traits all fall into these 9 categories, as described on the Pymetrics assessment official page:

  • Attention
  • Decision Making
  • Effort
  • Emotion
  • Fairness
  • Focus
  • Generosity
  • Learning
  • Risk Tolerance

Pymetrics Assessment is NOT being scored numerically like you’ve been accustomed to. Every employer that uses Pymetrics will first let their top-performing employees in each position play the same 12 games. Using their performance, a benchmark is being set for each position. A kind of fingerprint of the dream employee. This fingerprint is now set as the “right” score.

The logic behind this strategy is clear. A good salesperson has a totally different personality than a software engineer. In sales, you need to be outgoing, with good emotional intelligence, whereas in software maybe it’s best to be focused, with high attention to detail and low-risk tolerance.

Every candidate’s personality profile is being compared to the benchmark profile of the specific position they apply for. The employer will get a full report for each candidate, with a recommendation as to the candidate’s compatibility with the position.

Pymetrics is one of the biggest assessment companies. However, there are many other assessment companies, including SHLKorn Ferry, Watson Glaser, cut-e, Thomas, Cubiks, Saville, aon, Matrigma, McQuiag, and many more.

The biggest companies using Pymetrics are JP Morgan, Unilever, Mastercard, BCG, Accenture, and Blackstone.

The biggest use of Pymetrics is in the financial and consulting industries, where the competition is fierce. But we do see that more and more companies choose this as a solution to screen a large number of candidates efficiently.

The Pymetrics games are easy to operate, as they are simple games with simple instructions. The hard part is understanding how to behave in each game. You will face numerous decisions, every one of them will have an effect on your personality profile. Deciding what action to take is a difficult task, that requires you to understand what stands behind each game.

And even if you do know what the psychological logic behind each game is, how can you be sure what your employer is looking for exactly? How are candidates being rejected? On what basis?

This is not only hard but extremely frustrating. The first step is to know the games and what each game measures.

The Pymetrics games assessment is VERY important. People tend to underestimate the Pymetrics games – as it’s only a game, what’s the worst that could happen? Little do they know that companies reject a huge part of candidates solely on the basis of these games. This means that if you are not well prepared, you will not get the chance to impress on an interview.

You can only play the Pymetrics games once every 330 days – practically once a year. And more importantly, your scores are eligible for ALL companies you apply for. This shows how seriously you have to take these games. You only have one chance to get it right.

The Pymetrics games are played online. You will get an email from your employer with a link to a sign-up page. After creating a user, you have to go to the Pymetrics login page, log in to the platform and start playing the games. After completing the games, your employer will get a detailed report including a recommendation.

It takes around 25 minutes. The Pymetrics test includes 12 games, each one takes around 2-3 minutes to complete. You can choose to take breaks between games, but if you choose not to – it takes about 25 minutes to complete.

  1. Understand each and every game, what stands behind it and what it measures.
  2. Research your employer and try to understand what qualities they are looking for in their employees for your specific position.
  3. Make sure all your keyboard keys are working properly, especially the Spacebar.