Ace the Saville Tests with Accurate Practice (2024)

Saville Tests are challenging cognitive assessments that will take your numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning abilities to the limit. With uniquely challenging questions that must be completed in a tight time-limit, you are going to want to prepare for your Saville Test thoroughly. 

Through meticulous research, we have created accurate preparation packs for a variety of different Saville tests, including:

  • Saville Swift Executive Aptitude practice tests that simulate the difficulty, question type (verbal, abstract, numerical) and time-limit of the real thing, improving your ability to answer complex questions quickly. 
  • Numerical Reasoning practice tests with full answers and solving tips to sharpen your math skills, and help you comprehend and analyze complex data.
  • Abstract Reasoning practice tests to help you identify hidden patterns in abstract information, and overcome these tricky Saville assessment questions.  
  • Verbal Reasoning practice tests with full answers and tips to teach you how to read efficiently and to identify pertinent information without wasting valuable time. 
  • Study Guides and Video Tutorials that will dive into the logic and theory of the various sections, giving you a stronger grasp of the material. 

For our all inclusive Saville assessment PrepPack that covers all the cognitive ability sections of the different Saville assessments, click on the "Get Started Now" button!


Saville Assessment Prep
  • 3 Saville Swift Executive Aptitude Practice Tests
  • 11 Numerical Reasoning Practice Tests, Analysis & Comprehension
  • 6 Verbal Reasoning Practice Tests, Analysis & Comprehension 
  • 6 Abstract Reasoning and Error Checking Practice Tests
  • 21 Video Tutorials and Study Guides

Shir, Saville Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the Saville Assessment?

Saville Tests encompass a range of assessments that vary in length and difficulty and are used by some of the job-market's top employers. The common denominator is that they are all seriously challenging, and test your abstract, verbal, and abstract reasoning abilities under the pressure of a timer.

Saville aptitude tests aim to mimic work-related tasks and challenges, using a variety of tables, charts, and documents. To assess the unique abilities required for different positions, Saville tests are divided into several categories:

  • Executive Aptitudes – Designed to select suitable candidates for managerial, and senior professional positions.
  • Analysis Aptitudes - Designed to select suitable candidates for managerial, and senior professional positions.
  • Comprehension Aptitudes – Designed to select suitable candidates for service apprenticeships, operational, commercial, customer service & administrative level positions.
  • Work Aptitudes – Used for graduates, trainees, technicians, team leaders, and supervisors.

Click here for other Saville Assessment preparation packs

You can watch our Saville Assessments video for more information, or scroll down to look at example questions.

Saville Assessment Practice Questions

Read the text below and then answer the following questions:

Experts agree that arts and culture are an important part of the economy - but the precise relationship is complicated. The main question is: does investment in the arts stimulate growth, or are the arts the product of economic development? It would seem that the case for continued arts funding is clear- cut - enjoying the arts (visiting art galleries and theatres) boosts the economy. But some argue that the link between arts investment and economic output is tenuous. Researchers today are exploring a different angle of this relationship: they are trying to understand how the subjective value of the arts - the “happiness factor” - may translate into economic benefits. According to the “happiness factor” hypothesis, when a place develops a critical mass of arts and vibrancy it tends to attract talented people which, in turn, tends to raise income.

1. Talented people contribute to growth 




View Explanation

The passage deals with the directionality of the connection between the arts and the economy, suggesting a possible “happiness factor” hypothesis linking the arts to the attraction of talented people, which in turn may contribute to economic growth (raising income). It does not lead to the conclusion made in the assertion that: “Talented people contribute to economic growth” but only suggests this directional connection.

2. What isn’t mentioned in the passage as a means for improving the economy?





View Explanation

The passage describes, in two different places, the ways in which the arts and the economy are related. In one place it suggests that: “… the case for continued arts funding is clear-cut - enjoying the arts (visiting art galleries and theatres) boosts the economy,” eliminating distracters A and D. In another place it offers a different connection: “According to the 'happiness factor' hypothesis, when a place develops a critical mass of arts and vibrancy it tends to attract talented people which, in turn, tends to raise income,” eliminating distracter B (as raising income is a way of improving the economy). Therefore, the correct answer is C - buying art is not mentioned in the passage as a means of improving the economy.

Saville Assessment Oasys Platform

As a candidate preparing to take your Saville assessment, the system you will need to use is the Saville assessment Oasys platform. The Oasys platform is a user friendly and reliable online assessment platform, where you will be able to update your personal info, read guidelines, take your Saville assessment, and access your reports. 

Click here to read more about the Saville assessment Oasys platform. 

Other Saville Assessment Preparation Packs

Saville Wave Personality Test Practice

The Saville Assessment offers a well-known personality questionnaire called the Saville Wave® Personality test.

These questionnaires assess one’s behaviour, character traits, and preferences for a work environment, helping employers get a more in-depth view of the candidates’ personalities and their fit for the desired position.

There are long and short Saville personality questionnaires:

Wave Professional Styles: This questionnaire takes 40 minutes to complete and evaluates one’s strengths, weaknesses and cultural fit in regard to the company’s expectations.

It tries to analyze 3 important factors:

  • Facet Ranges - Examines the unique characteristics of individuals.
  • Motive-Talent Splits - Compares of motives and talents.
  • Normative-Ipsative Splits - Controls manipulation and fake responses.

Wave Focus Styles: This questionnaire takes only 13 minutes to complete and is a similar, yet less extensive version of the Wave Professional Style questionnaire and provides about 80% of the validity of wave personality styles.

Work Strengths: The work strengths assessment is a 20-minute questionnaire that is used for graduates, trainee managers, managers and professionals.
The goal of the test is to assess a candidate's workplace preferences through a 'rate and rank' format questionnaire.

Saville Tips

  • Aptitude tests are easy to prepare for and scores can be readily improved just by going over your scores and taking as many practice tests as you can before doing the real exam.
  • You can gain experience in reviewing graphs and relevant data, identifying which axis to look for, and reading the instructions for the practice test.
  • It is imperative to familiarise yourself with the format and style of the assessment test.
  • Understanding the test's objectives and going over the guidelines carefully before answering questions will ensure that you will make fewer mistakes.
  • The more you make use of the various practice tests and study guides that you are able to obtain, the more skills you will develop that will allow you to answer questions quickly and correctly.
  • Keep in mind that different companies offer various types of exams. It is important to check with your potential employer before taking your assessment test to ask which provider’s exams you will have to take.
  • Be sure to check whether your score will be negatively marked so that you don’t decide to guess the answers and get points deducted as a result.
  • Always remember that no matter how nervous or overwhelmed you feel, you need to remain calm and collected so that you can answer questions to the best of your ability and complete the entire test within the allotted time.

Saville Assessment Format

The Saville Assessment has two main test formats:

  1. Single Aptitude Tests – The longer version of the Saville tests (more than 30 minutes), delivered either online or in hard copy.
  2. Swift Aptitude Tests – This is a short, popular version of the Saville test (less than 30 minutes), designed exclusively for use in an online, unsupervised format.

Both the Swift and Single Saville assessment psychometric tests cover the same array of aptitudes and topics, and include questions of varying difficulty levels. The Swift Aptitude Test is a quick preliminary selection tool, while the Single Aptitude Tests are longer and usually used at assessment centres.

The Saville Swift Aptitude Tests

Saville assessments are tailored per ability and position. Both the Swift Aptitude Test and the Single Aptitude Test are divided into different types according to target candidates and abilities.
Below is an overview of Swift Saville Assessments offered to employers:


This test assesses one’s critical reasoning ability through verbal, numerical and diagrammatic sub-tests and is designed for high-level positions, such as directors, managers and professionals. Each section of the test takes 6 minutes and 18 minutes in total.
Press to see more information about the Swift Executive Aptitude Test.

This 18 minutes test measures candidates’ verbal, numerical and diagrammatic capabilities.

Each section has a time limit of 6 minutes and is designed for high-level positions such as directors, managers, professionals and management trainees.

The Swift Analysis Verbal and Numerical test is split into two 12 minute sections and is designed for high-level administrative positions.

The Swift Comprehension Aptitude Test is intended for individuals seeking operational, customer, commercial and administrative staff roles.

Candidates’ verbal and numerical skills are evaluated through this test.

The test lasts 9.5 minutes and is designed to measure critical reasoning.

There are 3 sections to the test:

  • Verbal - 4 minutes.
  • Numerical - 4 minutes.
  • Checking - 90 seconds.

The Swift Comprehension Verbal and Numerical test is similar in its targeting to the basic comprehension test and is meant for operational, commercial, customer and administrative staff.

There are two sections to the test:

  • Verbal - 8 minutes.
  • Numerical - 8 minutes.

This 10-minute exam measures one’s spatial, mechanical and diagrammatic skills and is designed for candidates interested in being accepted as production workers, engineers, designers and scientists.

There are 3 parts to the test:

  • Spatial - 3 minutes.
  • Mechanical - 3 minutes.
  • Diagrammatic - 4 minutes.

This 19.5 minutes exam aims to evaluate one’s cognitive skills for apprentices or entry-level workers in operational, engineering, technical, manufacturing and construction roles.

There are 5 parts to the test:

  • Verbal - 4 minutes.
  • Numerical - 4 minutes.
  • Checking - 90 seconds.
  • Spatial 3 - minutes.
  • Mechanicals - 3 minutes.

Saville Assessment Aptitude Tests

Saville Assessment - Diagrammatic Aptitude

The Diagrammatic aptitude test is also known as the logical or deductive reasoning test. It uses diagrams to measure candidates’ decision-making and sector-specific abilities.

There are 5 Diagrammatic tests:

Diagrammatic Analysis aptitude is a 24-minute test that evaluates processes through diagram type questions used for testing directors, managers, professionals, graduates and management trainees.

The Diagrammatic Reasoning Aptitude is a 16-minute test that evaluates processes through diagrams. It's the less difficult version of diagrammatic analysis and is designed for all technical positions such as production workers, apprentices, engineers, designers and scientists.

The Professionals Diagrammatic Analysis is a 20-minute test and is perfect for examining managers, directors and professionals.

The Work Diagrammatic Analysis is a 20-minute test and is designed for technicians, trainees, supervisors and team leaders.

The Diagrammatic Reasoning Practice is a 14-minute test and is designed for technical roles and a simplified version of the Professional and work diagrammatic analysis tests

Saville Assessment - Error Checking Aptitude

Error Checking tests measure one’s ability to recognize verbal, numerical and coding errors by using two sets of data, one of which contains mistakes that the test-taker needs to identify.

There are 5 types of error checking tests:

The Error Checking Aptitude is a 6-minute test that checks the skill of identifying errors in two pieces of content with similar information; the test is intended for apprentices and entry-level employees.

The Operational Error Checking is an 8-minute test that checks the skill of identifying errors in two pieces of content with similar information; the test is intended for apprentices and entry-level employees in manufacturing, engineering, construction and transport.

The Commercial Error Checking is an 8-minute test that checks the skill of identifying errors in two pieces of content with similar information; the test is intended for apprentices and entry-level employees in sales, retail(counter staff) banking and financial services.

The Customer Error Checking is an 8-minute test that checks the skill of identifying errors in two pieces of content with similar information; and is used for customer service roles such as call centres, hospitality, leisure, health and education.

The Administrative Error Checking is an 8-minute test that checks the skill of identifying errors in two pieces of content with similar information; the test is intended for administrative staff in the private and public sectors.

Saville Assessment - Verbal Aptitude

The verbal tests assess how one comprehends written information. Candidates are given a text and must answer questions according to the data they are presented with.

Savilles offers 8 types of verbal aptitude tests:

The Verbal Analysis Aptitude is a 24-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for directors, managers, professionals, graduates and management trainees.

The Professional Verbal Analysis is a 20-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for managers, directors and professionals.

The Work Verbal Analysis is a 20-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for new graduates, trainees, technicians, team leaders and supervisors.

Verbal Comprehension Aptitude is a 16-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for operational, commercial, customer and administrative staff at apprentice or entry-level.

The Operational Verbal Comprehension is a 14-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for entry-level employees in manufacturing, engineering, construction and transport.

The Commercial Verbal Comprehension is a 14-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for entry-level employees in sales and counter staff in retail, banking and financial services.

The Customer Verbal Comprehension is a 14-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for customer interface roles in call centres, hospitality, leisure, health and education.

The Administrative Verbal Comprehension is a 14-minute test that assesses the ability to comprehend complex written information suitable for administrative staff in the private and public sectors.

Saville Assessment - Numerical Aptitude

Numerical Aptitude Tests measure how one analyzes and interprets statistical, graphical and numerical data.

Saville offers 8 types of Numerical Tests:

The Numerical Analysis Aptitude is a 24-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for directors, managers, professionals, graduates and management trainees.

The Professional Numerical Analysis is a 20-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for managers, directors and professionals.

The Work Numerical Analysis is a 20-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for new graduates, trainees, technicians, team leaders and supervisors.

The Numerical Comprehension Aptitude is a 16-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for operational, commercial, customer and administrative staff at apprentice or entry-level.

The Operational Numerical Comprehension is a 14-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for entry-level employees in manufacturing, engineering, construction and transport.

The Commercial Numerical Comprehension is a 14-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for entry-level employees in sales, retail counter staff, banking and financial services.

The Customer Numerical Comprehension is a 14-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for customer service roles such as call centres, hospitality, leisure, health and education.

The Administrative Numerical Comprehension is a 14-minute test that checks the candidate’s ability to evaluate numerical data. It is suitable for the administrative staff in the private and public sectors.

Saville Assessment - Spatial Aptitude

Spatial aptitude tests assess how candidates use their spatial judgement and solve transforming problems while observing errors and inconsistencies.

There are two types of Spatial Aptitude tests:

The Spatial Reasoning Aptitude is an 8-minute test that examines the ability to identify shapes and is best suitable for technical roles such as production workers, apprentices, engineers, designers and scientists.

The Practical Spatial Aptitude is a 7-minute test that examines the ability to identify shapes and is also best suitable for technical roles such as production workers, apprentices, engineers, designers and scientists.

Saville Assessment - Mechanical Aptitude

This test evaluates how well candidates who are interested in technical positions solve mechanical problems and understand physical principles.

There are two types of mechanical aptitude tests:

The Mechanical Reasoning Aptitude is a 12-minute test that checks for mechanical understanding and is perfect for production workers, apprentices, engineers, designers and scientists.

The Practical Mechanical Reasoning is a 10.5-minute test that checks for mechanical understanding and is perfect for production workers, apprentices, engineers, designers and scientists.

Saville Assessment - Abstract Reasoning Aptitude

This test evaluates how well candidates understand shapes, patterns and identify the logical rules connecting between them.

There is only one type of abstract reasoning test created by Saville; the Abstract Reasoning Aptitude.

It's a 16-minute exam and can be suitable for all types of roles from director and manager to graduates and management trainees.

The two most popular tests candidates take as part of their selection processes are the verbal and numerical aptitude tests. 

Saville might give these tests different names, such as analysis or comprehension, but they are still derived from the classic verbal and numerical reasoning tests, differing only in terms of difficulty level.

These reliable and valid psychometric tests are the most effective predictor of job performance.

Performing well on the numerical and verbal tests doesn’t require a degree since only the basic mathematical and verbal concepts are required of test-takers.

Saville numerical test consists of multiple-choice questions with work-related data that mostly assess how well one interprets information and gives logical answers.

The Saville verbal tests usually include a passage of text and a related statement. By analyzing the provided text, candidates must determine whether the statement is true or false.

JobTestPrep offers free numerical and verbal test practice, as well as all-inclusive study guides with answers, explanations, and score reports to help you prepare.

These pre-employment exams are a key factor in the assessment process, so it is important to take them seriously.


 Verbal Skills

 Numerical Skills

 Understanding Word Meaning  Understanding Tables
 Comprehending Text  Comprehending Graphs
 Making Verbal Inferences Making Numerical Inferences 
 Evaluating Written Materials Evaluating Quantities
 Comparing Arguments Comparing Data
Practice Verbal Analysis TestsPractice Numerical Analysis Tests 

Companies that Use Saville Tests

How to Prepare for The Saville Assessment with JobTestPrep?

Although Saville offers practice exams, they have a limited amount of material and may not actually replicate the tests found during the assessment process.

Receiving feedback from these practice tests is also not guaranteed, which is why we highly advise you to use JobTestPrep’s high-quality preparation services for Saville tests since they are all-inclusive and tailored per position.

If you are looking for professional preparation for Saville tests, our online Saville Assessment practice packs are a perfect match.

Since Saville offers a wide variety of tests to take when applying for a company, applicants can still feel prepared by practising beforehand.

Hard work pays off, and with JobTestPrep you are sure to see results.

JobTestPrep offers full-length practise tests that simulate Saville's actual assessments. Our system allows you to take these tests in timed or step-by-step mode, thus ensuring you understand the concepts behind each topic covered on your test. Score reports, detailed answer explanations, and tips are also included in our practice packs. 

This guided Saville assessment practice is designed to enhance your performance on the actual test. You can also start practising by downloading our free answers to the Saville aptitude test examples seen on the Saville Consulting website. 


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