Cubiks Test: Logiks and PAPI- How to Pass Cubiks Aptitude Tests [2025]

Cubiks tests by Talogy include various question types - Numerical, Verbal or Abstract, all with strict time limits. Test takers are scored based on their performance compared to others, so scoring high is crucial.

This page will provide you with all the tips and material to acquire the skills needed to pass any Cubiks test. The Preparation pack offered includes:

  • Cubiks Logiks Tests Learn expert methods for the Logiks abstract test, verbal test, and numerical test- improve your speed and accuracy.
  • PAPI Personality Assessments Realistic personality test practice and a full personality guide help you express your personality during the real test in the best way possible.
  • Cubiks Situational Judgement Test accurate practice tests for the SJT often included in the Cubiks tests. Boost your situational judgement performance with detailed solutions.

Keep reading for useful information, free Cubiks sample questions, and more. You can find more practice with our Free Cubiks Test and Tips

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  • 5 Full Logiks Intermediate tests
  • 5 Full Logiks Advanced tests
  • 2 Cubiks Logiks Numerical Advanced practice tests
  • 3 Cubiks Logiks Verbal Advanced practice tests
  • 2 Cubiks Logiks Abstract Advanced practice tests
  • 3 Cubiks Logiks Advanced Interactive Guides
  • 5 SJT Practice Tests + Guide
  • Full PAPI Personality Test + Guide

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May, Cubiks Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the Cubiks Test?

Cubiks Logiks is a psychometric test that assesses your cognitive ability and aptitude for a variety of employers and positions. Cubiks provider is now known as Talogy.

Cubiks assessment tests come in two different levels: 

Cubiks Intermediate Test

This version gives 4 minutes for each section. It is the easier version. It includes 50 questions to be completed in 12 minutes.

Cubiks Advanced Test

This version gives 8 minutes for the numerical & verbal sections, but the questions are significantly harder. It includes 30 questions to be completed in 20 minutes.

Some companies use the single version, choosing to test applicants using only one of the three sub-sections.

These are the Cubiks Test sub-sections:

  • Logiks Numerical Test: Reading tables and graphs and answering mathematical questions regarding given information.

The intermediate version has 16 questions in 4 minutes, and the advanced version has 8 questions in 8 minutes- but they're much, much harder!

  • Logiks Verbal Test: Reading paragraphs and answering questions about the information provided by the text, including which assumptions it makes or how to best summarize it.

The intermediate version has 24 questions in 4 minutes, and the advanced version has 12 questions in 8 minutes- but they're much, much harder!

  • Logiks Abstract Test: Finding patterns in sequences and choosing the shape that correctly completes them.

Both The intermediate version and the advanced version have 10 questions in 4 minutes, but the advanced version is more difficult.

The Cubiks Test also includes the PAPI Personality Test, which includes  PAPI 3+ and PAPI-IContinue reading for more information on these tests. If you're looking for free practice, you can check our dedicated page.

This page offers a preparation pack with everything you need to pass every single one of these tests- it is an all-inclusive Cubiks Test preparation pack. If you need to prepare for a specific test, this page also offers specific preparation packs that focus on each version further below.

Click here to learn more about the Cubiks test scoring method (opens in a new window)

So, Logiks Intermediate and Advanced - What’s the difference?

Logiks Intermediate Sample Questions

We have a new detailed page for the Logiks General Intermediate test.

Here's a sample question from our Cubiks preparation pack that simulates the Numerical section. 

Try answering this question in 15 seconds- that's how long you'll have during the real test.

Cubiks Tests Sample Question #1

The combined ages of a dog and its owner are 96 years in total. The owner is three times older than his dog. How old is the owner?








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The correct answer is (D) - 72


If the owner is 3 times older than his dog, we can create an equation letting the dog be X and the owner be 3X (as 3X is three times greater than X), with a total sum of 96 (their combined ages)

3X+X = 96

4X = 96

X = 24

The owner is 3X = 3*24 = 72


The question can also be solved by trying the answers instead of writing a formula. For example:


If answer A is correct, the owner is 24 years old, and the dog would be 24/3 = 8 years old. Together they would be 24+8 = 32 years old. Seeing that this number is much too small would be wise to move to a much bigger number.


If answer D is correct, the owner is 72 years old, and the dog would be 72/3 = 24 years old. Together they would be 72+24 = 96 years old.


Note: because the owner is 3 times older than his dog, and their sum of ages is a whole number, the owner's age must be divided by 3 without a remainder. Thus, answers B and C (34 and 58) can be eliminated immediately.


Solving tip - If you are short on time, we recommend solving this kind of questions approximately and not strive for the exact solution, a technique that can save valuable time.

The thing about the Numerical section is that it is not based on pure math, but also on logic. As the name suggests, logic is what this test assesses in general. With accurate Cubiks practice tests, you’ll sharpen your ability to spot the patterns in these questions without calculating and writing formulas and your decision making speed will increase.

This is the best way to shorten the time you'll need to answer each question, ace this section, and pass the test with a high score.

Logiks Advanced

Logiks Advanced may come in two forms:

Logiks General Advanced

The General Advanced form is also given with three sections. But there’s a big difference - You’ll have more time to answer and fewer questions.

The catch? the questions are a lot harder and much less “Intuitive”.

Let’s see an example of an Advanced Numerical question from our preparation pack (you'll need a calculator for this one):

Cubiks Tests Sample Question #2

Cubiks Logiks Advanced Numerical Question

*1 drive = £70   **£1 = 1.59 USD

If Spectra is to sell 5.7% more units in 2012 with a 12% increase in sale price and Arclight’s sales figures are to remain constant, how much more than Spectra will Arclight make, in US Dollars?








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The correct answer is (D) - 147.27


We're especially being asked to find the difference between the $ income of Arclight and Spectra.

I.e. (Arclight total revenue) - (Spectra total revenue) = ?

In order to solve this question we need to calculate the expected 2012 revenues for both Spectra and Arclight.



1) Number of units sold is expected to increase by 5.7%:

Units sold in 2011: 20 million

Units expected to be sold in 2012: 20x1.057 million units.

2) Unit price is expected to increase by 12%:

Price in 2011: £70

Expected price in 2012: £70*1.12 = £78.4

3) Expected revenue for Spectra in 2012:

(number of units sold)x(price per unit) =

(20x1.057) x (£70x1.12) = £1657.376 million


1) Number of units sold in 2012 is to remain the same as in 2011, which means 25 million units.

2) Unit price is also expected to remain the same, which means £70 per unit.

3) Expected revenues for Arclight in 2012:

25 million x £70 = £1750 million


Now, let's calculate the difference:

Arclight - Spectra =

£1750 million - £1657.376 million = £92.624 million

Remember, however, that we need to find the difference in dollars, not pounds. The conversion rate is noted below the chart.

If £1 = 1.59 dollars, then the expected difference in dollars is:

£92.624 million x 1.59 = 147.27 million dollars


Alternatively, you can find the company profits in dollars and subtract as follows:

Arclight: 25x£70x1.59 = 2782.5 million dollars

Spectra: (20x1.057)*(£70x1.12)x1.59 = 2635.23 million dollars

Difference = 2782.5 - 2635.23 = 147.27 million dollars

As you can see, this one requires a careful reading of the chart and less intuitive thinking (bear in mind that you'll have one minute to answer these questions). It might take some time to execute an accurate and quick solution to questions like these, but this becomes easier with practice.


Logiks Advanced Single Sections (Verbal/Numerical/Abstract)

The other form of Cubiks Advanced focuses on standalone sections. You’ll get 25 minutes to answer between 20 and 36 questions, depending on the subject (Numerical, Verbal or Abstract reasoning).

This is used by companies that want to assess only one aspect of your cognitive ability.


Here’s another sneak peek from our Cubiks PrepPack™ of a Verbal question:

Cubiks Tests Sample Question #3

Dada was an artistic and literary movement that originated in neutral Zurich, Switzerland in 1916 as a reaction to World War I and the ubiquitous nationalism that accompanied it, consisting of artists who rejected the logic, reason and aestheticism of modern Western society and traditional art by expressing nonsense, irrationality and anti-bourgeois protest in their work. The movement organized public gatherings and demonstrations and published art and literary journals to spread their anti-war, anti-art message. Dada was practised as the antithesis to traditional art—the focus on meticulously planned works of art shifted into incorporating chance into them, challenging artistic norms and questioning the role of the artist. The art techniques the movement used include collages, photomontages and cut-up techniques. Dada artists utilized readymade objects in their work, buying and presenting everyday items as art with only little manipulation. Using prefabricated objects encouraged the discourse of artistic creativity and the purpose of art in society. The Dada movement dissipated with the establishment of Surrealism, a movement that aspired to liberate thought, language, as well as human experience from the oppressive boundaries of rationalism and was influenced by the Freudian theories of the subconscious.


Which one of the following assumptions is definitely made in the passage?





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The correct answer is D.


Option (D) is the correct answer because it is stated in the passage that Dada originated in 'neutral Zurich, Switzerland', which means Switzerland did not take part in World War I.

Therefore, it can be inferred that not all countries in Europe participated in World War I.

Option (A) is incorrect because the passage states Dada was practiced as the antithesis to traditional art- it was based on chance, rather than meticulous planning.

Option (B) is incorrect because it cannot be assumed that collages are considered a traditional method of art.

Dada is stated in the passage as the antithesis to traditional art and as a movement that used collages as art techniques. Therefore, it is more likely to assume collages are not considered traditional methods of art.

Nevertheless, a definite assumption regarding the relationship between collages and traditional art cannot be made based on the passage.

Option (C) is incorrect because, even though it is mentioned in the passage that the Dada movement dissipated with the establishment of Surrealism.

It cannot be assumed it resulted from the prominence of Surrealism over the Dada movement.

In our Cubiks tests study guides, you’ll have tips on how to go extract the right data from academic type texts like these without having to read and understand them entirely. That way you can save time and make the test less stressful.

Now let’s talk about PAPI -

The Cubiks PAPI Test

Click here for our dedicated page on the PAPI test (opens in a new window)

The Cubiks PAPI test, which stands for “Personality and Preference Inventory”, is an elaborate Personality test.

Even though Cubiks’ site states that there aren’t right and wrong answers, it is obviously not true.

The correct answers depend on your employee’s needs, and some job titles require different approaches. That is why it is critical to understand the test beforehand.

There are two main PAPI tests - PAPI 3+ & PAPI-I.

The PAPI 3+ tests your answers on a 1-7 scale and then maps your personal profile based on your answers.

Let’s see an example:

PAPI Test Sample Question

The PAPI-I tests your work preferences by making you choose which statement describes you best between the two options.

Let's take a look:


I adapt easily to different personalities and work well in diverse teams
I achieve my goals by setting detailed timelines and meticulously organizing my tasks


Golden Tip - Imagine these situations depict you at work and not on your personal life. Some qualities are valued in the workplace and should be emphasized, while others should be avoided all-together. Would a suitable accountant seek constant change?

Inside our Cubiks pack, there are PAPI test simulators and thorough tips to help you understand how to approach this test. Understanding the logic behind the test is the best way to adjust your answers to any job you’re applying for and passing with ease.

Cubiks Assessment Test Tips

  • Pay attention to detail - Even when there’s a time limit on your Cubiks test, it is important to understand what you need to conclude before answering. This is most important in Logiks Verbal text questions and in any Numerical Reasoning question.
  • Don’t leave questions unanswered - In the Cubiks assessment, guessing is better than not answering. If you are not sure, make an educated and intuitive guess and move on.
  • Check that you are properly equipped for the test – Even when you’re at home and are taking an online Cubiks test, make sure to bring a calculator, pen/pencil, notepad, etc. Kinda obvious advice, but it never hurts to be extra careful.
  • Practice as many Logiks ability tests as you can - The thing about the Logiks test is that you are being compared to other candidates’ abilities. Practicing in advance will improve your cognitive ability and aptitude, while helping you to reduce stress before taking the test. It is better to practice with a timed Cubiks practice test that simulate the real thing.
  • Learn the multiplication table - Cubiks tests require fast thinking due to their time limit. Going through the multiplication table will improve your numerical intuition and save you precious time when taking the assessment.

Cubiks Tests FAQs

Even though Cubiks tests aren't the hardest assessment tests in terms of question difficulty, their time limit and competitive nature turn them into a real challenge. Luckily, this is something you can work on with Cubiks practice tests.

There are three types:

  1. Cognitive (Logiks Intermediate and Logiks Advanced) - These tests focus on your ability to answer numerical, verbal and abstract questions. There are general Logiks tests and more specific tests that focus only on one aspect of your cognitive abilities.
  2. Personality (PAPI N, PAPI I and Factors) - These are meant to map your personality and see if it's ideal for the position you're applying for.
  3. Situational Judgment - Also known as SJT, this test is designed to see how you would act in real workplace scenarios.

There are many Logiks tests:

Logiks General Intermediate - 50 questions in 12 minutes.

Logiks General Advanced - 40 questions in 20 minutes.

Logiks Advanced Numerical - 20 questions in 25 minutes.

Logiks Advanced Verbal - 36 questions in 25 minutes.

Logiks Advanced Abstract - 30 questions in 15 minutes.

Many companies use Cubiks’ Services. Some prime examples are Danske Bank, Petronas, BT (British Telecom), EY (Ernst & Young), and Electrolux.

It is important to work on your abstract ability prior to taking the Cubiks assessment. In our Logiks page you'll find further information to help you to get ready to these kinds of questions. Afterwards, take Cubiks practice tests in order to master it.

Like in every psychometric test, there is a score for personality tests, and PAPI is no exemption. Get all the information available on the test before taking it. That's the best way of being sure you are better prepared than other candidates.

More Free Practice

We at JobTestPrep find the assessment tests world highly diverse and fascinating. If you are looking to deepen your knowledge in the aptitude tests world, or you want some extra practice before your test, we've got you covered!

Check out these fantastic free practice tests (all are completely free):

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