Taking the NEO PI-R? The NEO Personality Inventory is given by a wide range of employers. Prepare yourself for the NEO PI-R using our practice test and receive all the preparation materials you need to succeed, including a personalized analysis of your answers.
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The NEO Personality Inventory is a behavioural personality assessment recognized worldwide. Proven to accurately establish the personality of both adults and adolescents, the NEO PI-R is also referred to as the Big Five Personality Test because of its use of the Five Factor Model of personality to measure character. The NEO PI-R questionnaire has made its way into business and industry as a pre-employment assessments. Practise for the NEO personality test with our full preparation pack .
JobTestPrep optimises your NEO score with our practice personality tests and our individualised in-depth analysis of your practice test results. Our personality practice test follows the principles of the NEO Personality Inventory to enhance your familiarity and comfort with the NEO PI-R. Prepare for testing day with JobTestPrep.
NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R):
NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI):
The traits assessed on the NEO Personality Inventory are listed below, along with the dimensions assessed under each trait.
Neuroticism |
Anxious |
Angry/Hostile |
Depressed |
Self-Conscious |
Impulsive |
Vulnerable |
Extraversion |
Warm |
Gregarious |
Assertive |
Active |
Excitement Seeker |
Positive |
Openness To Experience |
Fantasy |
Values Aesthetics |
Feelings |
Actions |
Ideas |
Values |
Conscientiousness |
Competent |
Order |
Dutiful |
Achievement-Striving |
Self-Disciplined |
Deliberate |
Agreeableness |
Trusting |
Straightforward |
Altruistic |
Compliant |
Modest |
Tender-Minded |
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