UCAT TEST PREP 2024 - Cognitive and Behavioral Practice

UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) assesses cognitive and behavioural skills for medical and dental school applicants. Achieving a high score and becoming a physician may seem daunting, but accurate preparation will help you overcome that hurdle.

Our UCAT PrePack is designed to familiarize you with the test, help you ace it, and get accepted into medical school. It includes:

  • Full Cognitive tests in Verbal, Quantitative, Abstract Reasoning, and Decision Making. Master every question type and boost your speed with in-depth study guides and performance feedback.

  • Situational Judgement Prep, following the Doctor's Principles Method. It integrates the Doctor's Principles values, helping you handle SJT questions in line with the 10 ethical rules doctors adhere to.

  • Full UCAT simulations that mirror your actual exam. Use your simulation score to estimate your real score, identify strengths and weaknesses, and focus on areas needing improvement.

Keep reading and learn everything you need to know about the UCAT, with sample questions and solving tips.

Try out a free UCAT practice test! 

UKCAT Preparation

What's Included In The PrepPack?

Diagnostic test to pinpoint areas for
     focused practice
2 Full UCAT Simulations
Cognitive UCAT Practice:
     -6 Quantitative Reasoning Tests
     -9 Verbal Reasoning Tests
     -10 Decision-Making Tests
     -11 Abstract Reasoning Tests

SJT Prep (Doctor's Principles Method)
     -3 Full SJT practice tests
     -Doctor’s Principles guide & examples

12 In-Depth Study Guides & Videos


Tamar, UCAT Test Expert at JobTestPrep
Have a question? Contact me at:

What Is the UCAT?

The UCAT is an admissions test for medical and dental students in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand (UCAT ANZ).

This UCAT measures candidates’ cognitive abilities and behavioural tendencies through five sections; each assesses a different aspect of the capabilities required from medical and dental students. The test comprises 184 multiple-choice questions  and takes about 2 hours to complete –

  • Verbal Reasoning – 44 questions, 11 texts, 21 minutes
  • Decision Making – 29 questions, 31 minutes
  • Quantitative Reasoning – 36 questions, 25 minutes
  • Abstract Reasoning – 50 questions, 12 minutes
  • SJT – 69 questions, 22 scenarios, 26 minutes

The test is computer-based and is delivered by Pearson VUE through centres across the UK.

UCAT Verbal Reasoning Questions

The UCAT verbal reasoning section assesses your ability to read and comprehend textual information and draw conclusions and inferences.

You will be presented with a written passage of about 200-300 words, followed by a series of multiple-choice questions.

There are two types of UCAT verbal reasoning questions –

  • True/false/cannot say questions
  • Free text questions

You will have 11 passages of text, and four questions for each passage, with an overall of 44 questions to answer in 21 minutes – 30 seconds per question.

Let’s see what a True/False/cannot say question looks like –

UCAT Verbal Reasoning Sample Question

"Fiscal discipline in the United States was thrown to the winds after the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. The opening shot was Medicare Part D-free pills for seniors. To enact it, Congress had to abandon its 1990s rule that any bill for new spending had to provide new tax revenues to pay for it. The bill violated the principle of "fiscal neutrality": such programmes make people feel far wealthier than they are, leading to reductions in saving and domestic investment. But eventually, people look to the horizon and see massive levels of public debt. Then markets get frightened and asset prices plunge. Thanks to Bush's tax tables, a working-class couple with two minor children would pay no federal tax at all on income up to about $30,000 and would pay 15 percent on additional income up to about $25,000. The middle class gets off lightly too. The federal tax on $85,000 would be about $10,000. In effect, the bottom half of America's economy appears to be using its voting power to tax the top half".

The bottom half of America's economy consists of its working class; the top half consists of its middle and upper classes.




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According to the passage, "The middle class gets off lightly too." The word 'too' refers to the previous sentence, where working-class taxes are described, implying both the working class and the middle class are in the same group (the one that gets off lightly). It cannot be true, then, that they each belong to a different half of America's economy. 

The correct answer is 'False'

Tip: You may encounter unfamiliar or unclear words and phrases. Try to understand their meaning from their context. Don’t ignore them, as the Verbal Reasoning section examines not only your vocabulary but also your comprehension skills.  

Learn more about the UCAT Verbal Reasoning section

UCAT Decision-Making Questions

The UCAT decision-making section assesses your ability to use and apply logic to analyze statistical data, evaluate information, and reach conclusions.

You will be presented with information in the form of text, diagrams, graphs, tables, and charts, followed by a question that may include more information.

There are six types of UCAT decision-making questions –

  • Logical puzzles
  • Syllogisms
  • Venn diagrams
  • Recognizing assumptions
  • Probabilistic and statistical reasoning
  • Interpreting information

You will have 29 questions to answer in 31 minutes1 minute per question.

Let’s try solving a probabilistic and statistical reasoning question –

UCAT Decision-Making Sample Question

Pavel is looking for an online platform to compare the prices of medical devices.

Platform A's accuracy on history of sales is 85 out of 100.
Platform B's is inaccurate about previous sales 15 out of 100 times.
The chance of finding any specific medical device on platform A is 0.7.
On platform B, the probability of a device being unavailable is two-fifths.

Considering only the accuracy of previous sales and the chance of finding specific medical devices, is platform A the better choice?





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Compare both accuracy and the chance of finding a specific device separately for each platform:

Accuracy –
Platform A: 85 out of 100 times accurate.
Platform B: 15 out of 100 times inaccurate = 85 out of 100 times accurate.
The accuracy is identical on both platforms.

Selection –
Platform A: 0.7 chance of finding any specific device = 70% chance of finding.
Platform B: Two-fifth probability of not finding a device = 40% chance of not finding = 60% chance of finding.
The chance of finding any specific medical device is higher on platform A.

The correct answer is B

Tip: Elimination is the key to all types of decision-making questions. Read all arguments first and rule out the incorrect options. Once you are left with two options, compare them, and evaluate which is the strongest.

Learn more about the UCAT decision-making section

UCAT Quantitative Reasoning Questions

The UCAT quantitative reasoning section assesses your ability to understand, analyze, and interpret numerical information to solve mathematical problems.

You will be presented with numerical data in the form of text, charts, graphs, tables, and two or three-dimensional shapes, followed by a multiple-choice question.

You will have 36 questions to answer in 25 minutes – about 40 seconds per question.

Here is how it looks –

UCAT Quantitative Reasoning Sample Question

inViews is a new online music-downloading store. Below are some of its download stats.

Assuming 1 byte is equal to 8 bits, what is the kilobyte equivalent file size to 3,136,352 bits?






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1 byte is equal to 8 bits and in addition, one kilobyte is equal to 1,024 bytes.

Therefore, 3,136,352 bits are equal to: /8 = 392,044 bytes.
392,044/1024 = 382.8 kilobytes.

The correct answer is D

Tip: Know your math and refine your calculating skills. Make sure you can make basic calculations, especially percentages, portions, ratios and formulas for volume and area. You should also memorize the different calculator shortcuts to save time and effort.

UCAT Abstract Reasoning Questions

The UCAT abstract reasoning section assesses your ability to identify common patterns, track changes, and generate hypotheses.

You will be presented with a series of abstract shapes, followed by a multiple-choice question.

There are four types of UCAT abstract reasoning questions –

  • Match a shape to a series
  • Determine which shape is next in the series
  • Select the shape that completes a missing series
  • Match two shapes to two different series

You will have 50 questions to answer in 12 minutes15 seconds per question.

Let’s see a next in-series question –

UCAT Abstract Reasoning Sample Question

UCAT Abstract Reasoning Practise Question

Which shape comes next in the sequence?





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Tip: When trying to identify the governing rule of the pattern, take into account every variable – shapes, their position and orientation, number of items, their size, colouring, and so on.

UCAT Situational Judgment Test Questions

The UCAT Situational Judgment Test section assesses your ability to comprehend real-life situations that you will face as a medical practitioner and how you will respond to such situations while identifying critical factors.

You will be presented with a series of scenarios set in a clinical environment or medical training, followed by several optional responses.  

There are two types of UCAT SJT questions – 

  • Rate by importance  
  • Rate by appropriateness 

You will have 69 questions to answer in 26 minutes22 seconds per question.  

Let’s view a rate by importance question – 

UCAT Situational Judgment Test Sample Question

A man complaining about headaches arrives at a medical clinic. Lauren, a junior doctor, treats him. After the treatment, the man continues to complain about the pain, but Lauren finds nothing wrong with him.

How important is the following consideration for Lauren to consider while deciding what to do next? 

Lauren's wish to seem like a qualified doctor.





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It is important for a doctor to have the ability and integrity to admit when they don’t know something. Lauren's desire to prove herself or her appearance in front of the patient is irrelevant so this consideration is not important at all.

The correct answer is D: Not Important At All

Tip: Read the scenario carefully, identify its main issue and address it in your response. Some scenarios contain minor extra issues that can easily distract you from the key topic.

Learn more about the UCAT Situational Judgment Test section and check out our UCAT SJT complete preparation using the Doctor's Principles Method – an exclusive guide of 10 principles every medical doctor should follow. Tailored for the UCAT, it will help you understand the SJT questions better, identify its key issue, respond accordingly, and receive the needed score to be accepted to medical school.  

Think you got it? Try a free UCAT test!

UCAT Scores

The UCAT results are based on a standard distribution, comparing your performance to the average of all test takers.

Different medical schools have varying UCAT score requirements, with more prestigious schools having higher standards.

Your overall UCAT score is composed of two parts:

  • Cognitive Sections: Each of the 4 sections scores between 300 and 900, with a total score range of 1,200-3,600. The median score in 2022 was around 2,500.
  • SJT Section: This section is scored in 4 bands, with band 1 being the highest and band 4 the lowest.

What UCAT Score Do I Need to Pass the UCAT? 

This is difficult to answer, wildly dependent on the specific university in question. However, a cognitive score of 2,600 and band 1/2 are considered a good UCAT score for most (though more prestigious places like Oxford may require higher performances).  

💡 Learn more about the UCAT Scores

Now that you understand the UCAT's structure, sections, question types, and passing scores, it's time to take the next step: practice.

Our advanced test system offers accurate time-limited UCAT simulations designed to mirror real test conditions.

We offer:

  • Over 450 UCAT questions with solutions and detailed explanations
  • An exclusive SJT chapter based on the Doctor’s Principles Method
  • Tools to evaluate your knowledge, track progress, and improve your skills

For only £79, gain access to our high-quality UCAT practice test.

Start practising now to ensure you ace the UCAT and secure your future as a physician!


The Pearson VUE based test can be taken by registering ahead of time on the official UCAT website. You will be asked to write a personal statement during your UCAS application explaining your motivation to become a medical practitioner.

To take the UCAT exam, you must: 

Complete/be in the final year of your higher secondary education (higher than that is also fine.) 

Be eligible for medical programmes at chosen Universities in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. 

More than 20 medical schools and universities in the UK use the UCAT test format to screen for their medical and dental courses. 

Find out more about the universities that use UCAT 

The UCAT is not a free test to take- the cost in the UK is £70, and £115 in Australia and New Zealand.