Abbvie Talent Q Test and Interview Preparation

If you are thinking of trying to join Abbvie you are going to need to pass a number of different application stages. Quite a few of these tests are Talent Q tests and here at JobTestPrep we have a plethora of practice PrepPacks™ that really help you prepare. 

Shir, Korn Ferry / Talent-Q Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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About JobTestPrep’s Abbvie Talent Q Packs

Ensure you are top of the competition with JobTestPrep's preparation packs before starting the Abbvie application process. Our comprehensive range of packs provide you with knowledge and confidence that you are going to need in order to ace the application, test and interview process no matter the position you are going for.


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Abbvie Talent Q Tests

There are two main sets of Talent Q tests. The higher level is known as Talent Q Elements.
There are three different tests in this section, verbal, numerical, and logical. Although they can be split up depending on the wish on the employer, in general, they are administered together. In the lower level of tests, known as Talent Q Aspects, there is no logical reasoning test but rather a checking test as well as the verbal and numerical tests. In both Elements and Aspects you only have a short time period to complete the tests, typically about 10 minutes. 

The Talent Q Elements numerical test examines your ability to understand numerical data including tables and figures as well as to make deductions and analyses from the data.

The Talent Q's Elements Verbal test measures verbal reasoning ability, specifically the ability to understand written information and to evaluate arguments about this information. Candidates are assessed on their ability to understand, interpret and use information provided from a given text.

The Talent Q's Elements Logical test measures logical reasoning, specifically the ability to work flexibly with unfamiliar information and to find solutions. Candidates are given a series of shapes and symbols and are assessed on their ability to recognise the patterns and identify the correct next logical image. Click here to find similar logical reasoning examples.

Abbvie Personality Test

An other form of assessment you should prepare for is the personality test usually provided by Hogan. Employers use personality tests in order to assess if you have the characteristics to handle the responsibilities of your position. 


Abbvie Interview Process

Once you have successfully passed the screening process for the company, you should be contacted for an interview. Interviews are routinely carried out by either an HR representative from the company, or by the department manager overseeing the position for which you have applied. During the company interview you will be asked questions regarding your prior work experience, your knowledge of the company, what you will be able to offer their establishment, etc. You should always research and brush up on the company’s expectations for their employees prior to participating in their interview process.

Which Skill Sets do the Situational Judgement Tests look to Assess?

There are four major professional categories that Abbvie Situational Judgement Test is used to asses and measure. These are Communication skills, Teamwork, Decision making and people skills.

  • Communication skills appraises your ability to emphasize and choose the best method of communication on the individual level.
  • Teamwork measures how effectively you can encourage your team and when you know to put the team before the individual.
  • The segment about the Decision Making looks to uncover your ability as a problem solver and capacity to mitigate an alleviate confrontations.
  • The fourth category is about People Skills and focuses on how you handle feedback from your team and customers.

Is It Necessary to Prepare Prior to Taking the Abbvie Talent Q Test?

Taking the time to familiarise yourself with the structure of the Abbvie Talent Q eliminates the element of surprise. Understanding the structure of the test as well as the appropriate responses will definitely give you a leg up on other candidates who will also be taking the same test. JobTestPrep offers countless useful resources to ensure you are prepared come test day.

The ultimate preparation to pass Talent Q Tests is to practise. However, there are further factors that can enhance and speed up your preparation process. For this reason, JobTestPrep created a concise preparation pack that contains not only Talent Q-Style Tests but also solving strategies, practice tips, and further tools designed by our specialist to help you gear up for the assessment. Start practising today with JobTestPrep.