ABLE Financial Appraisal

If you're applying for a job in Investment Banking or Banking for a company using the ABLE Series tests, you will almost certainly be faced with their Financial Appraisal test. This test is one of the of the most commonly used ABLE tests used by employers. It is used for candidates applying for positions in investment banks, financial firms or other companies affiliated with the financial/banking world though it is often used for general graduate or managerial positions as well.

ABLE Financial Appraisal Skill Sets

The Financial Appraisal exercises are designed to assess a number of different skill sets. They include:

  • Your ability to make decisions and discover specific information based on financial data and statistics.
  • Your comprehension of financial language.
  • Your ability to learn and comprehend new financial concepts.


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JobTestPrep offers you the resources to succesfully complete this assessment. Explanations, strategies, tips and more tools to help you achieve your best performance.

ABLE Financial Appraisal Test Format

Financial Appraisal tests require you to make financial decisions such as investments on fictional organisations. You will be presented with extensive information dealing with a particular company. In addition you will be given a guidance booklet with information pertaining to certain general financial principles as well as a number of specific factors. These factors include negative asset risk, cash risk and financial cover ratio. The guidance booklet will also include different options of possible recommendations that you will be able to give as answers. The booklet will be made up of five guidance notes and four special notes. In addition, you will get a question and answer booklet with 21 cases that you will need to answer.

From all this information, together with any other additional details added in the actual questions, you will need to decide which financial recommendations to make about the company. Appraisal options include risk assessment, return potential and other investment recommendations. You will have 45 minutes to answer the 21 questions.

This test is one of the most popular types of ABLE tests used by employers. It is used by a large variety of companies including financial firms and investment banks.

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