Aer Lingus Pilot and Cabin Crew Online Assessment and Interview Preparation

Are you looking to join the ranks at Aer Lingus? Part of the Aer Lingus hiring process includes taking the cut-e test. This entrance exam is administered so that only the most qualified canddiates are hired for the job. At JobTestPrep, we offer an exclusive cut-e Pilot Assessment PrepPack™, which includes useful tools, comprehensive study guides and additional question drills to help you prepare.

Aer Lingus Pilot Test Preparation

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  • 1 cut-e spatial orientation tests (scales ndb) 
  • 1 cut-e situational behaviour tests (squares) 
  • 4 cut-e verbal ability tests (scales verbal) 
  • 4 cut-e deductive-logical thinking tests (scales lst)
  • 1 cut-e Applied Numeracy test (scales tmt)
  • 11 Additional numerical drills
  • Interview preparation
  • 7 Study guides and video tutorials

Note: This PrepPack™ does not include the following test sections: Spatial awareness, complex control, monitoring ability or multi-tasking.

Yedidya, Aviation Industry Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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Candidates applying for the pilot position are typically invited to take the cut-e assessment by way of an email. Pilot candidates may also be required to participate in additional activities to verify their competence.

If you are invited to take the pilot test and want to be fully prepared, then look no further. This PrepPack™ offers you with cut-e-style spatial orientation, situational behaviour, verbal ability and applied numeracy drills, guides and tutorials.

To learn more about cut-e tests for pilots, see the following video:

cut-e (Aon) airline pilot test
Learn everything you need to start preparing the right way for your upcoming cut-e (Aon) airline pilot test.

Aer Lingus Recruitment Process

Candidates applying to be a pilot at Aer Lingus must undergo a competitive hiring process before being chosen for the job position. The Aer Lingus recruitment process includes:

  • Online application: You can apply on the Aer Lingus website. Simply fill in the required information and attach your CV. You will receive an automatic email to let you know when your application was received.
  • Telephone interview: For the next step, you will receive a brief phone interview in which you will be asked about details regarding your application form, reasons why you applied, your job expectations, your work experience and your skill-set.
  • Video Interview: The Aer Lingus interview helps employers learn more about you, including your motivations, background, prior work experience, character traits, and skills. You can even use this interview as an opportunity to find out more about Aer Lingus.
  • Assessment tests: Aer Lingus utilizes several assessments and aptitude tests to determine whether you are a good fit for the job. Entrance exams may include flight simulators, cognitive reasoning skills tests, and personality assessments.

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Aer Lingus Future Pilot Programme 2025

Acceptance into the Aer Lingus Pilot Assessment Course demands a range of competencies, including; excellent teamwork, problem-solving skills and superb communication. After successful completion of a group assessment and an online test as part of the assessment centre day, you will be invited to join a 14-month course. This course includes rigorous training, mentoring and in-class studying.

The cream of the crop will then be selected to train on the A320 aircraft range, including the Airbus A320 and A321 LR NEO for an additional 4 months.

The Lingus Pilot online test, which includes mathematics and English, is your first step into aviation. Make sure you pass by flying high over your competition with JobTestPrep’s Aer Lingus Pilot Assessment PrepPack™.

Aer Lingus Assessment Tests

The pilot aptitude tests are used to evaluate whether candidates possess the necessary core skills required of them. Applicants need these skills in order to successfully complete theAer Lingus pilot training process and sufficiently operate an aircraft.  

cut-e’s psychometric tests are used during the assessment process, to ensure that candidates possess the required capabilities. cut-e is well-known in the aviation industry. 

  • Numerical Reasoning - these tests assess a range of skills, from basic numerical knowledge to an in-depth analysis of charts and tables.
  • Verbal Reasoning - these assess a range of verbal abilities, including following instructions, detecting and using verbal information, interpreting and drawing conclusions from complex verbal information. 
  • Behavioural/Work-related Behaviour - this assesses your work style and includes questions about how you behave in the workplace.
  • Applied Numeracy - this section tests your skills in different mathematical topics, such as diameters, decimals and fractions.
  • Spatial Awareness - Assessed with a VOR test, this section includes tasks such as reading the dials on an aircraft simulation and knowing where the aircraft is located. 
  • Complex Control - this flying simulation evaluates your technical awareness through measures of eye and hand coordination.
  • Monitoring Ability - your monitoring ability is measured with a radar task, where you are asked to count the number of returns (moving dots) on a screen, while they are moving in different directions and speeds.
  • Multi-tasking Capability - this test requires simultaneously working on three tasks on different screens, such as solving math calculations, detecting letter sequences and aligning an aircraft with a runway.
  • Reaction Speed - this involves a simulation of flying through a tunnel.


Spatial Orientation Section Sample Question

Aer Lingus Free Giro Questions

 Select the aircraft’s flying direction, indicated by the GYRO, and the zone, indicated by the RBI.

Aer Lingus Free Spatial Questions

The correct answer is (F).

According to the question, the GYRO indicates the plane is flying North-West. Hence, its nose is facing diagonally up and to the left.

Aer Lingus Airplane's Direction Explanation

According to the RBI, the angle of deviation is 135°.

Aer Lingus Airplane's Direction Explanation 2

According to the fixed compass card, the pointer points to E, meaning the ground station is located E relative to the airplane’s nose. 
The un-pointed side of the pointer is directed W, meaning the airplane is located W relative to the ground station which is the middle left zone- zone 7 on the table.

Numerical Section Sample Question

Aer Lingus Sample Test

The correct answer is E. 

The book is sold by the store with at least 15% (15/100 = 0.15) profit, which means that the price paid by the store when buying the book constitutes 85% (85/100 = 0.85), at most, from the price at which the store sells it to the public. 

Let the book's selling price by the store be X. Therefore, in order to make a profit of 15%, the selling price should be at least: 0.85X = 17 --> X = £20. 

Note that £�20 should be the price after a 20% discount. If the price before discount is Y, then:
(100% - 20%) x Y = 20
80% x Y = 20
0.8Y = 20 
Y = 25

Thus, the selling price of the book before the discount should be £25.

Verbal Section Sample Question

Aer Lingus Example Test

The statement mentions the "Computers" and "Peripheral Devices" groups, both of which are sections under three separate tabs: "Organisational Structure", "Product Segments" and "Worldwide". Since the statement refers to neither products nor locations of this group, we can rule out the latter two tabs. Thus, the most relevant tab should be "Organisational Structure".

This statement consists of two separate parts. Start with the first one. The "Peripheral Devices Group" section states, "This is Arclight’s least known, but fastest growing group." The phrase "least known" is antonymous to "most recognisable", which means that the first part of the statement is FALSE. Since we know that at least part of the statement is false, we can already deem the entire statement to be false as well; there is no need to continue to the second part.

  1. It is not advisable to go over all tabs before answering the question, rather try focusing on the titles alone. Oftentimes, the titles are descriptive enough to understand their content.
  2. Most questions and answers are straightforward. Thus, once you think you have chosen the correct tab, read every line to find the answer.

Don't Lose Time! Continue the Practise You Started

Aer Lingus Interview Assessment

The Aer Lingus interview is a great opportunity for recruiters to find out whether you are suitable for the role as a pilot. It also gives oyu the chance to find out more about what life would look like at Aer Lingus, by asking your interviewer questions about the job you are applying for. Your interview process may consist of a one-on-one interview, as well as a panel interview, which usually takes place in one of the Aer Lingus locations. A panel interview may include 4-5 recruiters simultaneously.

Additionally, questions asked during the interview process are usually competency-based. However, you can also expect technical, as well as situational-based, questions. When applying for the pilot position at Aer Lingus, keep in mind that getting ahead of the competition requires proper preparation.

Top 5 Interview Tips

Below you will find some useful interview tips to help you along the way:

  1. Leave a good first impression: When you first go into an interview, you want to look the part and ACT the part as well. That means smiling, keeping a good posture, being polite, personable, confident, and being aware of the body language you’re using and the signals you may be giving off. 
  2. Know what attributes are assessed during your interview: The top 10 attributes you should emphasise during your interview include: Problem-solving, delegation, flexibility, empathy, motivated, leadership skills, prioritisation, situational awareness, teamwork abilities, and planning.
  3. Review the types of questions you may be asked: This can help you plan out how you want to answer questions, and which points to emphasise. Interviewers often ask candidates about their strengths and weaknesses, core competencies, technical skills, work experience, and future goals. 
  4. Be confident: When you let off an air of confidence (while not being arrogant) recruiters are often more likely to listen to what you have to say and believe in your ability to fit the desired role. Being a pilot does, in fact, require a certain level of confidence because of the nature of the job.
  5. Practise makes perfect: Going over your answers to possible interview questions again and again can help you clarify the ideas and concepts you want to portray, while boosting your confidence and allowing you to feel more prepared. Keep in mind which job position you are being interviewed for when answering questions and adapt your answers accordingly.


Question: What does Aer Lingus look for in an ideal candidate?

Answer: Aer Lingus aims to hire talented, mature, technically minded, and committed individuals who are passionate about aviation. They are also interested in hiring candidates who are willing to work in a fast-paced and dynamic work environment. 

Question: Do I need previous work experience to apply? 

Answer: Having prior work experience as a pilot is not a necessity. However, Aer Lingus does look for candidates with experience working in a job, internship, or society in which teamwork was a large part of the process, 

Question: What happens after being hired as a pilot?  

Answer: Once you have gone through the Aer Lingus hiring process, you will be given a Multi Pilot's Commercial License, In Dublin, you will be required to participate in the A320 Type Rating course, in which you will learn how to fly an aircraft. This course will last for around 12 weeks. 

Scoring Method

Candidates’ scores on online assessments are often evaluated based on how high their overall work-style compatibility is. The verbal reasoning test is an important factor, since it measures candidates’ effective communication skills, and the multi-tasking test score is also emphasised when measuring one’s problem-solving abilities.

The Aer Lingus personality Test also aims at discovering one’s work-related capabilities, such as being able to work with a team, follow rules, solve problems, and cope with pressure. Flying experience might give candidates an advantage, but it most certainly is not a must. The assessment tests help recruiters evaluate one’s potential as a competent pilot.


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