Prepping for your Allianz testing is more important than ever. From the numerical and verbal practice tests to study guides, you will find what you need in this PrepPack™ to make your Allianz hiring process a success.
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This PrepPack™ provides numerical, abstract and verbal tests, exercises, drills, guides & tutorials.
We want to help applicants become employed and provide a rich arsenal of useful materials it uses to achieve this goal. We have compiled high-quality PrepPack™, including test simulations, various drills, study guides and answer keys. All of these are designed to strengthen your knowledge of the subject and improve your numerical and verbal skills. Knowing that all stages of the Allianz’s hiring process are difficult, we have also added to our resources an interview kit, with whose help you can learn how to conduct yourself during a face-to-face interview and make the most favourable impression on the Allianz’s employers. Prepare for your tests and interview with our sophisticated resources and land a desired job in the Allianz.
This exam assesses your mathematical abilities. You should be comfortable working with numerical data presented in the form of tables and graphs. The numerical test requires you to perform basic mathematical arithemtics. Avoid surprises with our numerical test preparation materials.
This assessment exams your reading and comprehension skills. You will be given brief texts followed by multiple choice questions. The questions refer to the content of the text. It is important you practise digesting content filled with information in order to perform well in this exam. To ensure your success, take advantage of the verbal reasoning PrepPack™.
This is a non-verbal exam, which contains images, shapes, or diagrams. You should recognise the connection between the images, in order to choose the correct missing piece, or the image, that would complete that matrix. Get ready for your logical reasoning test with our product.
The Situational Judgement Test presents you with hypothetical work-related scenarios. You are given a variety of possible reactions, which you should either choose from or rank. It is important your answers are coherent. Keep in mind that this test is designed to demonstrate how would you handle certain situations that are likely to happen in your everyday work.
Studying for your upcoming pre-employment assessment is essential, since only the strongest candidates who receive the best scores on their pre-employment assessment are invited for an important face-to-face interview. During this interview, they convince employers that they have the required skills to perform their role well. Prepare with the top-notched resources and rise above your competitors.
Allianz will begin their hiring process with a short phone interview, where you will be asked about your basic skill set. If the screener is satisfied, you will then be invited to take pre-hiring tests, where you will prove that you have the skills you claimed in your CV and during the screening call. Upon successful completion of the Allianz pre-hiring test, you will be invited to several rounds of sit-down interviews, starting with HR and ending with the hiring manager.
As explained earlier, the Allianz phone interview is employed in the early stages of the hiring process. It serves to provide your interviewer with more information regarding your experience and interest in the position. You should demonstrate the skills you will need to handle the position's responsibilities.
Below you can find examples of Allianz Interview questions. These serve as a guideline. Each position has inherently different questions.
Assessment centres offer a more precise means of evaluating prospective employees than tests and interviews. Tasks that job candidates are required to perform during their assessment day include a short presentation, participating in group discussions and in-tray exercises, acting out different scenarios and role-playing. Employers believe that only through so many activities can an applicant’s personality and professionalism shine through. Key personality traits that are measured during the event are adaptability, analytical thinking, creativity, leadership and time management, among others. While job candidates are involved in these activities, they are being scrutinized by assessors who give them points summed up by the end of the assessment day. Only those candidates who receive the highest scores are invited for the final interview, where they may be given a job offer.
Do not expect to receive a raw score on your Verbal Reasoning Test. In other words, your score will not be calculated by your right answers. It will be measured relative to scores received by other candidates for the position for which you applied. Sometimes, the results of employees already working in the role for which you hope to be employed will be taken into consideration as well. By comparing applicants’ scores with those of others, employers can hire the best people in the field. For applicants, however, such scoring method can carry serious disadvantages. If the majority of job candidates score is higher than yours, your results will be judged as poor, even when they are objectively good. Receiving high scores on the Verbal Reasoning Test may not be enough, therefore. It is necessary not only to ace your test, but also to leave other candidates behind. Outshining others is possible only with serious practice before the examination. Purchase our outstanding practice materials and shoot ahead of other applicants on your Verbal Reasoning Test.
Allianz, like many other companies, uses personality assessments in order to evaluate their applicants’ workplace competencies and personas. Each company possesses its own unique culture and standards. Therefore, in using personality assessments during the recruitment process, Allianz has the ability to find the candidate with the personality profile that is the best match for their company.
The Word Problems Test is not just a test that checks your verbal knowledge. It is also a mathematical test, where mathematical problems are formulated as a short narrative. Usually, you will be told about people who either purchase some goods for a specified amount of money, or sell their services for a certain price. You will need to calculate how much money is left to them after a specified period of time. The Word Problems Test measures applicants’ arithmetic and numerical reasoning skills. It also evaluates how well they understand underlying concepts within descriptive problems.
While we are no mind-readers and cannot predict for certain what will be asked, there are a number of commonly asked questions that you should review and prepare answers for, but here are just three.
We always research carefully on a given company and its hiring process. It aims to create tests most closely approximating to the company’s real tests. So thoughtfully developed, our tests do not only give you a clear idea of the test’s format but also familiarize you with questions that you will be asked on your test. Even if you take the pre-employment test for the first time, you will feel familiar with its questions and will know answers to them, after you have practised with our test simulations and drills. We also often put into the PrepPacks™ additional materials, so that you can bring your knowledge of the subject to an even higher level. As a testimony to our thoughtful research and dedication to helping people get hired, the majority of applicants who prepared for the examination of our materials receive a job offer.
It is easy to stretch the truth on a CV and prepare great answers for a one on one interview about what you did for another company, success rates and so on. However, proving your skills in real-time simulation, such as building an effective excel list, or coming up with innovative solutions on a time limit, is more difficult to fake. The tests allow your future employer to gauge your skill in real time
Many employers believe the usual methods of pre-employment assessment do not provide a reliable and just evaluation of job applicants. They maintain that neither tests nor interviews allow them to create a full picture of applicants’ personalities or predict their performance at work. Therefore, employers decided to enhance their assessment methods and created assessment centres. The Assessment Centre allows a more comprehensive evaluation of job candidates, because, in addition to tests and interviews, they are required to participate in a number of other activities. Job applicants deliver oral presentations, discuss various topics with their peers in a group and participate in case studies and simulation exercise. In doing so, they reveal their cognitive abilities, professional skills and personalities more clearly.
Allianz | |||
PIMCO | Euler Hermes | Fireman's Fund | allianz worldwide partners |
Assurances Générales de France | Bajaj Allianz | Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance | Allianz Life |
Allianz Insurance plc | Allianz SNA s.a.l. | AWP P&C | Petplan |
ALLIANZ WORLDWIDE CARE LIMITED | Górnik Zabrze | Allianz Vie S.A. | Allianz IARD S.A. |
Allianz Zagreb d.d. | Club Marine Limited | Björn-Steiger-Stiftung | All Net GmbH |
Allianz Direct s.r.o. | RiskLab | Allianz Rechtsschutz-Service GmbH | Allianz Ireland p.l.c. |
Allianz Managed Operations & Services SE | Allianz Real Estate | Allianz Kulturstiftung | AWP ASSISTANCE UK LTD |
Allianz Maroc S.A. | Allianz Deutschland AG | Allianz Global Life Limited | Allianz X GmbH |
World Access Service Corp. | Allianz Zentrum für Technik GmbH | Allianz Global Benefits GmbH | Fusion IP |
Next Generation Insurance Group, LLC | Allianz Insurance Lanka Ltd. | Allianz Hellas S.A. | Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen i Reasekuracji Allianz Polska S.A. |
Allianz Asset Management AG | Allianz Taiwan Life Insurance Company Ltd. | AWP Australia Pty Ltd. | Euler Hermes Collections North America Company |
Allianz Europe B.V. | IDS GmbH - Analysis and Reporting Services | Yapi Kredi Sigorta | Allianz Marine & Transit |
Allianz Holdings Plc | AGF Saude S.A. | Allianz Management Services Ltd. |
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Since 1992, JobTestPrep has stood for true-to-original online test and assessment centre preparation. Our decades of experience make us a leading international provider of test training. Over one million customers have already used our products to prepare professionally for their recruitment tests.