Aramex Test Preparation

Embarking a new career with Aramex, but uncertain of the road ahead? JobTestPrep can assist in your darken hour. Through us you can practice aptitude and psychometric tests and feel confident for your upcoming Aramex interview. Practising beforehand allows your chances of employment to rise 72%. Gain that competitive edge that so many others achieve through JobTestPrep. By practising with us, you will skyrocket your Aramex entrance exam and impress your future employers. Invest in our unique PrepPack™ today! and get:

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Aramex’s Hiring Process

Aramex management put their job applicants through a series of intense and thorough examinations. The process is long, but traditionally is contained in a single day. Thus, most past Aramex employees are happy to hear back quickly from the Aramex staff and, hopefully, move forward in the offered positions. Below is a breakdown of what to expect in the upcoming days:

  • CV Submission: A majority of past applicants personally hand-in their CV to their local Aramex facility.
  • Telephone Screening: Most positions do not require a pre-interview telephone interview. However, don't be surprised if you are asked a few basic personality traits when they set-up your in-person interview.
  • Face-to-Face Interview: Be prepared to come in for at least two interviews. The first one likely will be more personable. It will be geared towards behavioural questions and, likely you will sit across from a single person or two. During the second interview, most people are interviewed by a panel of employers. This can be a little more frightening, but if you stick to your guns and remain calm, you’ll do just fine.
  • Pre-Employment Testing: During Aramex’s interview process, you will be invited to take part in a verbal, interview and numerical tests. Aramex stresses the examinations to further assess if each candidate is a good fit for their company. Although this can overwhelm the candidate, past job applicants have remained hopeful and found this to be a learning experience.
  • Assessment Centre: On rare occasions, you will be invited to an assessment centre. This one-day event allows you to have a better idea of the work environment you are about to cross over to. Furthermore, there will be interview panels for you, alone, and in a group dynamic. Likewise, you will participate in various teambuilding activities or role-playing scenarios. Lastly, to further educate on Aramex, you’ll listen to various presentations about the company.

Aramex’s Interview Questions

Interviewing has become sophisticated through the various techniques a company puts you through. Don’t be daunted, take one last tip through these common Aramex interview questions you likely will encounter in the near future:

  • How do you deal with conflict?
  • Why do you want to work for Aramex?
  • Professionally what was your biggest mistake/how did you resolve it? 
Aramex Subsidiaries
Al Khazen Distribution Aquaship Agencies Ltd. Berco Express (Pty) Ltd. C.B.K Soft Yazilim Elektronik
Expo Express Services Ltd. Fastway Limited Freight Professionals Intime Couriers Limited
Jordan Distribution Agency Co. Ltd. Mail Call Couriers Pty Ltd. Oneworld Courier Ltd. PT Global Distribution Alliance Company LLC
Two Way Freight & Logistics Group Limited