Have you been invited to a Coca-Cola assessment day? The Coca-Cola hiring process includes a variety of assessments including those for abstract, numerical, verbal, abstract reasoning, and the Coca-Cola business reasoning test, as well as personality tests. Below you will find more information regarding the Coca-Cola Company application, recruitment, and testing process regardless of where you happen to be applying.
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Coca-Cola Enterprises is the Coca-Cola company covering all aspects of Coke in the UK and Europe. Coca-Cola is always on the lookout for new talent, be it experienced hires, the Coca-Cola graduate programme, or the University Talent Programme. The exact assessments you may experience will depend on the role you are applying to, but recruitment for all tracks with Coca-Cola Enterprises follows some of the same steps. Learn here more about these assessments and how to prepare for success with these PrepPacks™.
Leadership is one of Coca-Cola’s buzzwords. They are looking for each and every one of their employees to be a future leader. You must take the opportunity in every assessment to demonstrate your leadership credentials to the recruitment team.
The first stage is the Coca-Cola online application. For most Coca-Cola jobs, this involves uploading your CV filled with relevant information about you and your work experience that makes you suitable for the job you are interested in. For some positions, you may also need to upload a cover letter or answer a set of competency or motivational questions. Read your application carefully and make sure to provide all the information the recruitment team is looking for.
Easily gain the advantage over the other Coca-Cola applicants using those in-depth preparation materials. From practice tests to study guides – this product will have you covered every step of the way.
Depending on the applied role, you might be asked to sit psychometric tests. The most common test provider is:
These assessments will be administered for mechanical and technician-type roles. The Ramsay set of tests assess a variety of skills and knowledge necessary for performing these positions efficiently. If you are an experienced maintenance mechanic or technician, you should anticipate taking the Ramsay MecTest. A personality test is likely to be part of the recruitment process for most roles of this nature.
For many positions, the recruitment processes will involve tests. Usually, these are timed, multiple-choice tests, hence can be stressful. The best way to combat pressure is to take practice tests, sharpening your skills and improving your confidence. The exact tests you sit depend on the applied position, but here are the more common tests:
In this test, you are given one or more pieces of information. You must be able to calculate basic functions, percentages, or currencies in order to identify the correct answer from the list of options.
This test assesses how well you fit in with the company values and the specific role. Although there are no wrong answers, taking an advance look at how this test is structured and the types of questions asked will help you present yourself most accurately in the real test.
If you are successful at all the stages so far, you are next invited to the Coca Cola Enterprises assessment centre.
The final stages of your Coca-Cola Enterprises recruitment process may involve one or more interviews or an assessment centre. You will be told ahead of time what to expect, but there are a number of assessments you can expect. These exercises are explained here one by one.
For many applicants, the Coca-Cola business case study runs through the entire day, including a written exercise, group discussion and presentation.
In this exercise, you are given 75 minutes to read a set of case study information and write up two reports on what you have read. Time management is key in this exercise, as is reading quickly and the ability to pull out the most relevant information from the text.
You are placed in a small group and are asked to discuss a given case study for one hour. Your task is to come to a group decision about an outcome and plan of action for a specific problem. Throughout the discussion, you are being assessed by a team of recruiters, who are marking you against your communication skills, team working ability and how well you listen to others. Plan your group exercise strategy ahead of time in order to give over the best impression.
This is the final task with the business case study. For this exercise, you are given 30 minutes to prepare a 5-minute presentation on an aspect of the case study to deliver to an assessor.
For some positions, psychometric tests will be required at the assessment centre. You will be told ahead of time which tests to prepare for.
Some assessment centres involve a role play. In this exercise, you are asked to take on the role of someone working for the company and work through a scenario with a role play actor, or one of the assessment team. Your task is to represent the company and behave as though you are already in the job. Gain role play tips in this product.
All recruitment processes involve one or more interviews. For the majority of roles, this interview is competency-based, testing your skills and experience against the required skills for the job you are applying for.
Ahead of each interview, think of examples from your previous experience that illustrate your skills; learn the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to organise and apply your answer; research the company, read up on Coca-Cola Enterprises, the specific applied are, as well as the values they look for in their employees and the requirements of this specific job. Also, you can rehearse delivering your answers with the interview preparation service.
After sending your application, the first step may be a phone conversation and/ or a video interview. The aim of this round is to allow the recruitment team to learn more about you:
In this interview, you are sent a link to a set of pre-recorded interview questions. You are given a minute or two to prepare your answer and up to five minutes to record your answer via webcam. The focus of this interview is your skills and what you can offer to Coca-Cola.
Remember that you are sitting this interview in your home, so you can prepare yourself a cheat sheet with points to remember in the interview. Example questions that have been asked at this stage before now can be seen below.
Before you sit down to your interview, check that your webcam and microphone work and rehearse delivering answers onto a screen and the impression that you give over.
Coca-Cola Enterprises offer a range of different entry points and exciting roles for experienced hires, graduates and university interns. Competition for these places is high and you will be expected to prove your value at every stage. Learn more about the assessments you can expect and how to prepare for them with this range of tailored resources as set out on this page.
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