Prepare for the EMAT Test for ESCP Europe

Are you applying to the ESCP Europe Business School for a Master's in Management? Are you expecting to take the EMAT test? Here, we will outline the different parts of the test and point you in the right direction, giving you advice and practice so you will be able to pass the EMAT Admission test and get a place at ESCP Europe.

The ESCP admission test is just around the corner? You'll be taking the SHL Reasoning Test. Practice now to make sure you get ahead of the competition and get the job!

EMAT Admission Test

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  • 3 Full SHL Verify Interactive (G+) Simulations
  • Focused Practice:
    1 Numerical Reasoning Test
    2 Deductive Reasoning Tests
    2 Inductive Reasoning Tests (extra)
  • Verbal Reasoning (non-interactive)
  • Study Guides & Tutorials

In order to get offered one of the approximately 150 spots available, you have to have the correct qualifications and pass the EMAT. The different qualifications that you need are:

  • A Bachelor's degree with at least three years study from a European country.
  • A maximum of 180 ECTS credits; one year of study can be completed in France.
  • Under 30 years old.
  • In some cases a GMAT score over 610.

The EMAT Process

There are a few different stages of the application process that you have to pass in order to get offered a place. Each of these stages carries a weighted percentage that will be combined to form a full picture and score for your application. The different stages are:

  • Application form/ Profile review
  • Verbal and Numerical Reasoning tests
  • Individual interview
  • Group interview
  • Foreign language test

As each of these stages carries significant weight on your application it is important to understand them. We will detail them below.

Application Form/ Profile Review

The first stage of the EMAT process requires you to complete a long application form. In fact, it is normally about 10 pages in length. The mark that you receive for your profile review relates to your former education and where it took place, your exposure to different cultures and countries, as well as your extracurricular activities. Hence you must try and be as thorough as you can in order to give the best impression possible. This is also done through your CV upload. Moreover, there are two questions that require thought and understanding in order to answer them in the best possible way for you. These are:

  • Describe a multi-cultural experience that has influenced you.
  • What do you feel has been your most important work experience?

In order to answer these questions in the correct manner, you need to know what they want to hear. For example, regarding the multicultural question, you have to understand that one of the selling points of ESCP Europe is the fact that they have a large student body comprised of students from all over the world. You have to demonstrate that you have used your previous interactions with them to improve yourself and increase your knowledge. The idea of a multicultural school is that everyone learns from everyone else to further their understanding of different topics. These are the things you should concentrate on when answering this question.

Bear in mind that the application form does carry weight to your complete overall score which needs to be high enough to be offered a place. Therefore try and ensure that your application form is impeccable. Please note, that you will only be invited to the next stage if you score highly enough on this stage of the process.

The EMAT Verbal and Numerical Reasoning Tests

The SHL Verify Interactive G+ serves as the dynamic counterpart to the SHL General Ability Test (G+). Unlike its static counterpart where you select answers from multiple choices, the Interactive Verify G+ test demands active participation. Expect to input responses, connect nodes, and employ drag-and-drop functions.

Numerical: This segment evaluates your proficiency in interpreting and drawing logical inferences from quantitative data, often presented in intricate charts, graphs, or tables. You'll tackle interactive challenges involving complex data sets.

Deductive: Assessing your capacity to apply general principles to derive specific conclusions or predictions, this category presents interactive tasks like arranging schedules or calendars via drag-and-drop mechanisms.
Each question's generous allocation of 1.5 minutes reflects the test's sophisticated nature. The SHL Verify Interactive Assessment presents elaborate challenges, warranting careful consideration and analysis.

The EMAT Verbal Reasoning Test

On this 15 minute test you are presented with paragraphs of information relating to specific topics. Following the passage, there are some statements relating to it. You have to decide if these statements, based on the passage, are true, false, or cannot say. It is important to bear in mind that your answer has to be based solely on the passage and not on any other information that you know relating to this passage. To learn more about these tests see our SHL-style verbal reasoning page.

Practice Makes Perfect

Whilst it is not impossible to score high without any preparation, this is your future. Is it worth taking the test without preparation on the off chance that the questions are easy and that you are right on the money that day? Here at JobTestPrep, we have practice packs that are specifically geared to SHL/CEB tests that focus on improving your scores. You can take them in both timed and practice mode and they come with full explanations to help you master the content. There are also many video tutorials in our packs that can help you understand the different concepts you need to know.

Individual Interview

This is a 45-minute interview and it is used to assess your motivation to take full advantage of everything that is offered by the school. Moreover, they want to know how you are planning on using this knowledge to help manage responsibilities in a multicultural, all-inclusive society. You will be asked questions that focus on your motivation and your plans for the future. They want to know why this specific qualification is going to help you and what you plan on doing with it.

In order to prepare for this interview, it is important to know exactly what you want from it. If you go in with a clear goal and prepared answers you will stand a much better chance of success. You should show that you are really interested in the place that you are applying for and ask pertinent questions relating to it and the life you can expect at ESCP Europe. The best way to prepare for an interview is to actually have one. This is best done through a trained assessor who knows which questions to ask and how to answer them. 

Group Interview

Whilst studying at ESCP Europe you will be faced with different and challenging situations involving other candidates. This exercise aims to simulate this. You are given a short brief about a political situation, e.g. the collapse of the financial markets in Greece. You are given a role such as a political commentator that is about to take part in a debate. You have 10 minutes to prepare some arguments and recommendations for the future of the country. After these 10 minutes are up, you will take part in a debate with the other candidates of the group. One very important aspect of this group discussion is that it is a discussion; you have to take part. You must show that you have insightful ideas in the matter and present them in a clear manner. 

Foreign Language Test

There are two parts to this test: the language interview and the language written test. These are performed in your second language, either in French, English, Spanish or German.

Language Interview: In this interview you are given a list of six different quotations on popular thought such as “Are degrees worth the paper they are written on?” and other such statements. After selecting one that you wish to talk about, you have to prepare a five minute presentation on the subject you have chosen. Following this you will have a 10 minute discussion with the panel of assessors relating to your presentation.

There is another style on this interview and that is merely a discussion on one topic that you decide to talk about. These topics include: the country of the tested language, Economics, Politics, Culture, Philosophy, Literature, current affairs and news in brief. This interview is 15 minutes long. The main focus on this interview is your knowledge of the language and by focusing on real topics more specialised words will need to be used as opposed to simple conversational ones.

Language Written Test: In this test you are given a 500 word essay that you have to condense into a 150 word summary. You must also answer an essay question relating to the text you have been given. For tips and help relating to written exercises see our dedicated written exercise page.

In Summary

The EMAT test has many different steps and as there are only approximately 150 places available, the competition is high for these coveted places. The only way you can guarantee you do your best throughout the process is by practicing. Here at JobTestPrep we can help you in every stage of the application, from creating the perfect CV to preparing for your interview. We hope you have enjoyed this page and we look forward to helping you in your application to ESCP Europe.