Do you have an error checking test or a data checking aptitude test coming up? Prepare with our practice package to learn how they work and gain some valuable tips to enable you to do the best you possibly can.
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Apart from the typical numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning aptitude tests, there are many other aptitude tests used in order to assess numerous different skills that candidates have. One of these is the Error Checking Test and closely related is the Data Checking Test. There are two producers of checking tests, SHL and Saville Consulting. Whilst the Saville checking tests are fairly short with a large number of checks to be completed in a one and a half minute time frame, the SHL error checking tests is longer and more detailed.
Error checking aptitude tests can be used for a variety of positions including:
Testing your ability to proofread, check figures and verify codes, error checking tests are a true predictor of success in the job and it is why these tests have become more popular over time.
Error and data checking tests assess your ability to comprehend a string of figures or numbers and match them up to one of the options offered. You will be presented with a string of either numerical, alphabetical, or alpha-numerical data and you have to compare this string to either a number of different possibilities or to a line in a piece of text. Generally, you will be under strict timed conditions with only approximately 20 seconds to answer each question. Hence whilst you are taking an error checking test you will be under severe time pressure to succeed.
Therefore, without an understanding of how the tests work, what they look like, and how to answer them quickly, you will not be able to do yourself justice. With proper training, you will be able to succeed and perform on a much higher level.
Let us go through an example to give you some error checking aptitude test practice:
Question | Company | Postcode | Type | I.D. |
1 | Griffiths | SW1 4PN | G | 95423 |
2 | Swanns | GL14 7GH | K | 14587 |
3 | Parlor | TL7 9HG | X | 58743 |
Question | Company | Postcode | Type | I.D. |
1 | Griffiths | SW1 PN | G | 95423 |
2 | Swanns | GL1 7GH | K | 14587 |
3 | Parlor | TL7 9HG | X | 58543 |
In this example you have to compare the three different companies’ information and check if there are any errors within. You will be given a few different rules with which to answer the questions correctly. They are:
This is a typical example question that you may receive on an error checking test. You compare each question line with the corresponding one in the other table and see what is correct and what isn’t. In this error checking test example, the correct answer for question 1 is B because in the only difference between the first line in the first table and the first line in the second table is in the postcode. Table 1 has the full postcode whereas table 2 has the number 4 missing. Therefore for this question option B is the correct answer.
As we have seen, these tests have a method to them. Here are just a few tips to help you improve your scores:
In addition to the general error checking aptitude tests, there is a different test to consider as well. Although similar in nature, the data checking test is a more simple form of the error checking test with less items to check through. For example, you may be given a table containing many alpha-numeric strings and have to compare them to one string that you have been given. You will then have to check the correct one off the table of strings.
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