Fault Diagnosis Aptitude Tests

Need to take a fault diagnosis test? Prepare for the test with JobTestPrep's preparation package, which includes practice tests, answer explanations, and score reports. Start practicing and preparing today and ensure your success. 

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  • 6 fault finding aptitude tests
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Fault diagnosis aptitude tests (also known as fault finding aptitude tests) are employed to measure skills for technical personnel and engineers who need to locate and fix faults in electronic control systems or similar fault-prone systems.

The Purpose of Fault Finding Aptitude Tests

Fault diagnosis assessment tests examine your logical and abstract reasoning abilities. The reason technicians and engineers are likely to encounter this type of test is that in their profession they can often come across problems which do not have an obvious cause.

To find solutions one has to rely on their logic and on processes of elimination. Fault diagnosis assessment questions specifically focus on such skills.

Fault Diagnosis Test Questions

Fault detection test questions present you with a mix of diagrams utilised in "switches". You should determine the how the switch operates and identify mistakes in the system.

The shapes and symbols are displayed in the form of a flowchart or a grid. This test does not require any prior technical experience or knowledge.

Fault Diagnosis Aptitude Tests Example

What Type of Companies Use These Tests?

Business seeking to hire in a technical or electronic field is likely to employ fault diagnosis tests.

The roles these fields include are technical support positions, IT experts but also public sector roles such as civil engineers and train drivers.

Furthermore, most military establishments, defence and security organisations use these tests. CEB SHL is a popular provider of the Fault Diagnosis aptitude test.

CEB SHL Fault Diagnosis Test

The SHL Fault Diagnosis test is an online assessment test which lasts 18 minutes and has 36 questions.

It is highly recommended to practise this test prior to your test date as the questions are challenging, especially under a time pressure.

As it is unlikely you have been assessed in such ways before preparation can make a real difference. 

How to Prepare for Fault Diagnosis Psychometric Tests Before an Interview

Taking advantage of the practice tests allows you to familiarise yourself with the basic logical rules in most of the exercises.

Therefore, practice is your chance to enhance your performance and ultimately succeed. JobTestPreps' experts have included fault diagnosis test in many of our packs: