Prepare for GIZ Interview and Assessment Tests

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is among the largest development agencies globally employing nearly 20,000 across 120 countries and healthy business volume of €2.4 billion. The company works in a number of what they call “product areas” including Rural Development, Sustainable Infrastructure, Security, Reconstruction and Peace, Social development, Governance and Democracy, Environment and climate change, and Economic development and employment. GIZ’s wide range of focus areas means healthy options for your career path. To begin preparing for the GIZ hiring process, JobTestPrep has specially prepared tips & tools to enhance your performance on pre-hire exams and interviews.

GIZ Hiring Guide

There is no need to feel intimidated by the GIZ recruitment process when you have access to JobTestPrep’s wide range of practice tests and study guides. Pass the GIZ recruitment process with JobTestPrep!

GIZ Interview Questions and Answers

Most job candidates fail to recognize the importance of actively preparing interview questions before sitting down in the hot seat. Come prepared to ace the interview and beat out the competition.

Pre-Interview Q&A for Consideration

    • Q: How do you handle changes in uncontrollable conditions?
    • A: The interviewer is asking this question to see how open-minded you are if you are nervous of unknown factors if you have the capacity to be a team player or you have a negative or nervous personality. These are all major red flags, so you want to show confidence when answering.
    • Q: How did you integrate the information you learned in the last training seminar that you attended?
    • A: They will be looking to see if you give generic answers, if you contradict yourself, or only give credit to yourself for successes. They want a candidate who can give decisive an honest answers while showing humility and collaboration.
    • Q: How would you go about setting and reviewing long-term goals?
    • A: In this question, the interviewer wants to see that you are comfortable making decisions, that you have the capacity of leadership, that you consider the consequences of the decision and embrace change where necessary.
    • Q: If we asked you to give a presentation about our company, how would you go about it?
    • A: During this question, they want to see that you can come prepared, give persuasive arguments, understand how to overcome objections, keep the right body language and listen to the needs of the audience.
    • Q: If you were given unclear instructions for a project – what would you do?
    • A: The hiring manager wants to ensure that you are on the one hand a self-starter, but yet have the confidence to ask for help as needed.Morever, they will also want to ascertain in your answer if you are either rude or arrogant character.