Are you applying to be an Administrative Officer with the Irish Civil Service? With JobTestPrep's online tests and interview preparation, you can improve your chances of achieving employment with the Civil Service middle management.
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JobTestPrep provides you with the resources you need to excel in the Irish Civil Service's competitive recruitment process. This preparation package is designed to prepare you for the critical analysis test, job simulation exercise, and competency-based interviews.
The AO online assessment is provided by Aon's Assessment Solutions (formerly known as cut-e). The assessment consists of 4 different tests:
In the Administrative Officer PrepPack you will find accurate prep for the Verbal, Numerical and Logical parts of the exam, while for the 'chatAssess' test you will find a tailored study guide and regular SJT practice tests, not in the interactive format.
Only 10% of candidates pass the first stage of tests - Start practising now to be at the top!
The recruitment process for Civil Service Administrative Officers is managed by the Public Appointments Service (PAS) and is comprised of several stages. After completing an initial application, you must complete verbal, numerical, and job simulation online tests.
If you are invited to progress to the next stage, you will participate in a preliminary interview, a presentation exercise, a competitive interview, and any other tests or exercises that are deemed appropriate. Read on to learn about the interviews which follow the online tests.
JobTestPrep will provide you with the resources to prepare for the online tests, interviews, and presentation stages involved in the Administrative Officer hiring process. Start preparing yourself now for the Civil Service's aptitude tests and interviews with our Principal Officer preparation pack.
ICS Administrative Officer Practice Tests For You
Get practice tests that follow the content of Irish Civil Service tests. Our practice packs provide a holistic preparation journey, with full-length tests, explanations, score reports, tutorials, and PDF guides. Start practising today and increase your chances of being selected as a Principal Officer.
Following the online tests, you will participate in two interviews: preliminary and competitive. Read on and learn about how to prepare for each type of interview.
Your preliminary interview will be conducted face-to-face on site in Dublin. The interview will focus on your career to date, with particular emphasis on how you have demonstrated the following Administrative Officer competencies in your past experience:
Familiarise yourself with the following Principal Officer competencies:
Before your interview, it is wise to read through each competency and think of achievements during your career in which you demonstrated leadership, project management ability, communication, and good judgement. For example, you can think of a time when you had to make a difficult decision and saw it through, which would encompass judgement and decision making. To prepare for your preliminary interview and practice answering competency-based questions, utilise our Administrative Officer preparation pack.
The final interview stage consists of a 15-minute presentation on your solution to a management issue, followed by another competency-based interview. You will be given an hour to read a dossier on which to base your presentation. While organising your presentation, make sure to back up each point you make with solid reasoning, and also to consider other points of view so you are able to describe why you did not choose an alternative point. For the interview portion, make sure to draw upon your past experience and to demonstrate the competencies to show your suitability for taking on an Administrative Officer role. Interview practice exercises and study guides are included in our Administrative Officer PrepPack to help you succeed in the recruitment process.
Before you take your Administrative Officer tests, you will be provided with a Familiarisation programme using the same IT system as used for the test. Ensure that you can access the programme successfully to be assured that the actual test will work as well.
When taking the tests, it is important that you work in a quiet environment with no distractions, which will allow you to devote your full attention to the questions. It is also key to have a reliable connection to the internet.
To improve your chances of being among those who move on the next stage of the selection process, use JobTestPrep's preparation packages for the Administrative Officer online aptitude tests.
JobTestPrep's Administrative Officer preparation pack will provide you with the interview practice and online test resources to prepare you for the Civil Service's online tests and competency-based interviews.
JobTestPrep is not a part of Irish Civil Service and is not related to them in any way. JobTestPrep offers preparation services for psychometric tests.
The Administrative Officer grade is the highest entry-level position in the Civil Service. Administrative Officers often work on policy initiatives, research, and analysis. They are employed in most government departments, and the greatest number are in the Department of Finance.
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