Free In-Tray Exercise Practice Test with Questions, Answers, and Explanations

The questions on this free In-Tray Exercise practice test are a true representation of the questions you'll face on the actual In-Tray Exercise Aptitude Test.

These In-Tray Exercise sample questions were specifically chosen from our full In-Tray Exercise test practice pack to help improve your score and ace your pre-employment process.

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Free In-Tray Exercise Practice Questions

Sample Question 1

Attn: Human Resource Manager
Dear Jeremy,

Due to the intention of recruiting 10 more staff members to the production department, there is an urgent need to convene and determine which positions they will fill in. I request that you arrange an urgent meeting on the subject so we are prepared prior to the new recruitment.
Tony Lawson
Manager - Production Department


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Respond to Tony Lawson and apologize for not attending to the matter sooner but you will be on leave and the issue can wait until you return
B. Call Tony Lawson and explain that you have to attend a meeting with the CEO and that Jill Parker will schedule an urgent meeting with him. You update Jill
C. Call Tony Lawson and explain that the subject is on the agenda in the meeting with the CEO anyhow and will be discussed there
D. Email Tony Lawson with an invite for a meeting on the subject to be held tomorrow prior to your leave. Update your PA


The correct answer is (C) - Call Tony Lawson and explain that the subject is on the agenda in the meeting with the CEO anyhow and will be discussed there.

The most reasonable and effective manner to deal with the subject is by discussing it at the meeting convened by the CEO since it is on the agenda, to begin with and both Jeremy Ingles and Tony Lawson will be attending the meeting. Naturally, it is expected you inform Tony of your decision.


Sample Question 2

Attn: Human Resource Manager
Dear Jeremy,

In preparation for the coming meeting with the CEO, please send me urgently the salary data of the departmental managers and data on the amount of overtime spent in the production department.
Henrietta Johnson


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Write a memo to send Henrietta the data requested following the meeting with the CEO
B. Call John Dougherty and ask him to send Henrietta Johnson the data requested within 15 minutes with a copy to yourself
C. Find out exactly what is required and send it ASAP to Henrietta Johnson
D. Call Henrietta Johnson and explain that John Dougherty is responsible for this data and she would be better off asking him for the data


The correct answer is (B) - Call John Dougherty and ask him to send Henrietta Johnson the data requested within 15 minutes with a copy to yourself.

Since the data requested has to do with the meeting agenda directly it is vital that you update the VP (Henrietta Johnson) ASAP. Since there is only one hour prior to the meeting and you have other urgent matters to attend to it would be logical to ask John Dougherty, who reports to you to gather the data, send them to Ms. Johnson and copy you in.


In multiple-choice In-Tray questions, you select the best answer from a list of options, or rank answers in order of priority.

Sample Question 3

To: Human Resource Manager
Dear Jeremy,

I would like to file a formal complaint about Andrea Winkler, the clerk in the finance department. I have recently discovered that Ms. Winkler has disclosed personal confidential information of employees from their personal files. I fear that she may offend additional employees and cause damage to the organization.

I urge you to attend to the matter urgently.
Mr. McForth
Head of Internal Marketing


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Send an Email to John Dougherty accompanied by Nigel McForth's original Email requesting that he attends the matter and update both Mr. McForth and yourself
B. Write a memo reminding me to talk to Ms. Winkler and responding to Mr. McForth telling him that you are dealing with it personally
C. Call John Dougherty and explain the issue and request that he invite Ms. Winkler for further clarification. Update McForth with the result
D. Send an Email to John Dougherty asking him to attend to the issue and update Mr. McForth. Further, send Mr. McForth an Email explaining that Ms. Winkler reports to John Dougherty and that any future correspondence should be addressed to Mr. Dougherty 


The correct answer is (A) - Send an e-mail to John Dougherty accompanied by Nigel McForth's original e-mail requesting that he attends to the matter and update both Mr. McForth and yourself.

Since the complaint concerns a worker at John Dougherty's department, the correct action would be to transfer the matter to his hands and let Mr. McForth know.


Sample Question 4

To: Human Resource Manager

We are happy to invite you to our son's wedding reception which will take place on 08/03 at 19:30 at the Bridgeworth reception hall.
Gerard Waitshorpe
CEO - York Insurance Limited


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Call Mr. Waitshorpe and apologize for not being able to attend the wedding due to a trip abroad 
B. Write a memo reminding me to check with Lee Holmes and Ian Roth if they are going to the wedding so I can join them
C. Request that my PA send a card on my behalf and apologize in my name for my absence due to a trip abroad
D. Send a memo to my PA and request that she confirm my participation with Mr. Waitshorpe


The correct answer is (C) - Request that my PA sends a card on my behalf and apologize in my name for my absence due to a trip abroad.

Naturally, you will not be able to attend the event since you are expected to be abroad. Since this is a formal invite from a colleague (rather than a personal one) it would suffice to ask your PA to respond on your behalf.


Sample Question 5

To: Human Resource Manager

We are happy to invite you to our son's wedding reception which will take place on 08/03 at 19:30 at the Bridgeworth reception hall.
Gerard Waitshorpe
CEO - York Insurance Limited


While you're attending your mail your PA comes into the office and requests to talk to you regarding a personal and urgent matter. How will you respond?

A. Agree to talk to her and shut your computer
B. Ask the PA if the matter is of utmost urgency or if can it wait till after the meeting with the CEO
C. Agree to talk to her and attend your mail whilst doing so
D. Apologize and explain that you cannot talk to her right now since there are urgent matters to attend to but offer to arrange a meeting with her first thing tomorrow morning


The correct answer is (B) - Ask the PA if the matter is of utmost urgency or if can it wait till after the meeting with the CEO.

You must attend the CEO's meeting soon and therefore you confirm with your PA that the matter is not of top urgency and check whether it can wait until after the meeting. You do not offer to talk to her and deal with your emails at the same time as it is impolite.


An in-tray exercise is often used during the hiring process for a wide range of roles. These exercises are designed to test your ability to handle work-related tasks as part of the interview process.


Sample Question 6

To: Human Resource Manager

Compromise of the organization reputation.

Our company is putting a lot of effort in trying to improve our reputation with our clients. Recently I have received 3 complaints as to the quality of our products. I request you schedule an urgent meeting with all the departmental managers. I have notified Ms. Henrietta Johnson of the matter personally.
Mr. John Dougherty
Head of Payroll and Public Relations


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Write an Email to John Dougherty thanking him for the update and advising that since he approached Henrietta Johnson directly we should wait for her response
B. Request Mr. Dougherty to schedule a meeting on the subject for tomorrow and advise of a time
C. Write to Mr. Dougherty advising that you will attend to the matter and request that in the future he does not approach the VP directly without informing himself
D. Advise Mr. Dougherty that you consider the matter urgent and therefore you want to attend the matter however you request that Mr. Dougherty fill in for you at the CEO's meeting in an hour


The correct answer is (B) - request Mr. Dougherty schedule a meeting on the subject for tomorrow and advise of time.

The issue at hand is indeed important and requires your attention yet your schedule is full for the day therefore you request to schedule a meeting with all department managers for tomorrow prior to your trip.


Sample Question 7

Attn: Mr. Jeremy Ingles, Human Resource Manager
Dear Sir,

I am honored to invite you to the annual exhibition on 'Electronic Banking', which will take place on 08/05 at 10:00 at the Mandarin Hotel. The CEO, VP, and Departmental Managers will be present.
Kind regards,
Colin Grant
PA to the CEO


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Request your PA that he informs Mr. Grant that you will not be able to attend and offer a replacement
B. Request your PA that he informs Mr. Grant that you will not be able to attend
C. Write Mr. Grant and cc Ms. Henrietta Johnson informing that you will not be able to attend and wish to inquire if there is any chance of an alternative date
D. Thank Mr. Grant for the invite but kindly decline since you attended the exhibition last year which was similar


The correct answer is (A) - request your PA that he informs Mr. Grant that you will not be able to attend and offer a replacement.

Naturally, you are obliged to respond to the invite to the exhibition, but your PA can do it on your behalf and it would be appropriate to offer a replacement on your behalf.


In-tray exercises are commonly required for roles such as: Administrator, Deputy Head, NHS roles, Project Manager, Receptionist, School Office Manager, Teachers.


Sample Question 8

Attention: Human Resource Manager
Dear Jeremy,

I would like to invite you for a drink that will take place in my office at 10:30 on 25/02.
Kind regards,
Henrietta Johnson


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Request from your PA that she kindly decline on your behalf and explain that it's due to the pressure you are under prior to going abroad
B. Call Ms. Johnson and apologize personally for not being able to attend
C. Request your PA confirm your attendance
D. Write a reminder to attend the drink tomorrow. There is no need to confirm your attendance since the invite was not personal


The correct answer is (C) - Request your PA to confirm your attendance.

Your schedule is indeed very busy but there is no reason you won't be able to attend the event. In addition, the invite was sent personally from the VP and it should be considered a work meeting and therefore it has importance. However, it should suffice that your PA confirms your attendance on your behalf.



When performing an in-tray exercise, take a moment to glance over the provided documents, in particular the organisational chart. You will gain a better understanding of the organisation, its interpersonal relationships, politics, and other factors to consider before making a decision about how to handle each document. Press to see more important In-tray preparation tips.


Sample Question 9

To: Human Resource Manage
The recent redundancy of Mr. Joshua Rome from the production department is another step in the attempt of the management to crush the employees' spirits. We plan on launching a massive protest in the next coming days. We have already scheduled a meeting for next week with the head of the biggest workers' union in the country which will be followed by a campaign in the media.
Mr. Patrick Simms
Chairman - Workers Union


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. Respond to Patrick Simms advising that it would be best to discuss the issue with the CEO in the coming meeting
B. Request your PA schedule a meeting with Mr. Simms and the CEO today at 13:00 and advise both parties as well as Jill Parker
C. Call Mr. Simms and make it clear to him that he is forbidden to take the matter to the Workers' Union and to the media prior to holding a meeting on the subject with you upon your return from overseas
D. Forward the Email to Mr. Johnson and seek advice on how to attend to the matter


The correct answer is (B) - Request your PA schedule a meeting with Mr. Simms and the CEO today at 13:00 and advise both parties as well as Jill Parker.

The matter is extremely urgent as it may affect the entire organization. If the meeting with the CEO was not already scheduled this would be the first thing on the agenda. Therefore the best thing to do would be to call a meeting immediately after the meeting with the CEO to which both the CEO and Mr. Simms will be attending. Notice of the meeting should be given to all parties as well as Jill Parker who is absent.


Sample Question 10

To: Human Resource Manage
Dear Jeremy,

It has been brought to my attention that 10 of the 15 new employees will be transferred to the Production Department. I would like to remind you that the VP has authorised 8 new staff members in marketing.
Mr. Lee Holmes Marketing Department Manager


After determining the importance of the document, please choose from the following options the best way to deal with the issue at hand.

A. There is no need to respond to the letter since the subject is due to be discussed in the meeting with the CEO in an hour
B. Call Ms. Henrietta Johnson, VP, to confirm Mr. Holmes's letter and take action
C. Inform Mr. Holmes that Mr. John Dougherty is taking care of the issue and that he should address it to him
D. Call Mr. Holmes and inform him that the subject will be discussed in today's meeting with the CEO 


The correct answer is - (D): Call Mr. Holmes and inform him that the subject will be discussed in today's meeting with the CEO.

Since one of the topics on today's meeting agenda is the recruitment of the 15 new staff members and since Mr. Holmes is planning to attend the meeting - then the logical thing to do is discuss the issue in the scheduled meeting. Naturally, you must respond to his letter regardless.


Practice is the only way to ensure you pass each of your in-tray exercises successfully. Designed with your success in mind, our comprehensive and interactive in-tray preparation will allow you access to a variety of online In-tray exercises, a complete study guide, group and role-playing exercise simulations, and more.



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