If you’re applying for an officer position (including chief officer grade II and Assistant Chief Officer) in the Irish Prison Service, you are likely to encounter cut-e and SHL assessment tests. To pass these assessments successfully, practising is essential. This PrepPack™ offers cut-e and SHL-style practice tests and study guides matching the Irish Prison Service assessments.
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Shir, Prison Officer Aptitude Tests Expert at JobTestPrep
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During the Irish Prison Service recruitment process, you will be asked to partake in several entrance exams which allow you to move onto the next assessment stage. Depending on the role you are applying for, you may be asked to take several different tests.
Assessments you may need to perform to pass on to the next stage include cut-e exams, such as verbal, numerical and inductive-deductive logical ability tests (Scales sx and lst). Additionally, you may be asked to take SHL tests, such as the verbal, numerical, inductive and deductive exams.
Specifically, when applying for the Irish Prison Officer role, you may be required to take three aptitude tests as part of the selection process. These tests are verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning exams, as well as the assessment questionnaire.
Prison officers working in Irish Prison Service institutions perform a variety of security, safety and rehabilitation duties. This role requires that officers act as a positive role model when interacting closely with prisoners, to help reduce the risk of prisoners re-offending within their community.
The Irish Prison Officer recruitment stages are described below:
Online application: You are able to apply on Ireland's premier public sector website.
Online assessments: Once you apply, you are required to take one or more online aptitude tests.
Assessment Centre: If you pass the first assessment stage, you will be invited to partake in a supervised assessment centre day, which may consist of group tasks, in-tray exercises and presentations.
Interview and other assessments: This stage consists of one or more face-to-face interviews, conducted in order to assess your personality and suitability for the position. You may also be required to perform supervised re-tests of the verbal and numerical reasoning tests.
Vetting, medical exams, physical competence test: This final stage is to ensure that you are healthy and possess the required physical capabilities required for an officer role.
Verbal Reasoning: This exam measures one’s ability to understand, analyse, and summarise written data. This test includes a total of 30 questions to be answered within 17 minutes.
Numerical Reasoning: This test assesses candidates on their numerical knowledge, such as their ability to interpret financial data, convert currencies, percentages, number sequences and more. This assessment includes 18 questions, to be answered within 17 minutes.
Assessment Questionnaire: This assessment evaluates one’s skills, interests, behavioural responses to various scenarios and overall competency for the Recruit Prison Officer role. This questionnaire includes 76 questions needing to be answered within 35 minutes.
The Irish Prison Service tests you will be expected to perform can differ depending on the role you are applying for. Your scores for each assessment are often compared to other candidates’ scores as a means to find the most qualified candidate. Keep in mind that even if you have passed the initial assessment round, you may be invited to take supervised re-tests. Passing the re-test round is an important step in order to be invited to participate in other stages of the recruitment process.
Preparing for the Irish Prison Service online aptitude tests takes time, dedication and practise. With JobTestPrep’s all-inclusive preparation materials, we can help you get ahead with our in-depth study guides, video tutorials and tailored practice tests aimed at familirising you with your upcoming Prison Service assessments. This PrepPack™ includes cut-e and SHL exam practice tests, which are proven to help applicants achieve the best results during their recruitment process.
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