Prepare for the Mediterranean Shipping Company Hiring Process Online

Nervous about winning over the family-owned Mediterranean Shipping Company? Whether you are applying for operations manager, logistics documentation, or something else, know that JobTestPrep can assist you with your Mediterranean Shipping Company Application. Our all-inclusive PrepPack™ can jump-start your new journey with the Mediterranean Shipping Company!

Mediterranean Shipping Company Assessment

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  • Subject- Specific Practice Tests - three separate sections, including verbal reasoning, kinematics, and general knowledge.
  • Two full-length simulations of the MSC exam
  • Detailed answers & explanations
  • Full score reports

A Better Understanding of the Mediterranean Shipping Company

With over 70,000 employees, it’s no wonder that Mediterranean Shipping and transport company is the largest container shipping delivery service in the world. The employees are housed in 480 offices in 155 countries. Furthermore, the company has 490 vessels that have the capacity to carry up to 2.6 million TEUs. The vessels sail 200 routes across the world and call 315 ports home.

Established in 1970, part of the company’s success is due to the location of Mediterranean Shipping Company’s headquarters. From Geneva, Switzerland, many client companies have discovered that the cost of shipping is greatly reduced which gives Mediterranean Shipping Company the edge against its competitors.

What to Expect during the Mediterranean Shipping Company’s Hiring Process

  • Online CV Submission: When job vacancies are available, you can apply on the Mediterranean Shipping Company's personal webpage
  • Telephone Interview: Depending on your position, it is possible to receive a mobile interview or two
  • Mediterranean Shipping Company Tests & Interview: Arrive to your interview early for a possible basic personality questionnaire. It is likely you’ll have to fill it out before you begin your face-to-face interview. Mediterranean Shipping Company prides themselves in keeping the company family oriented and wish to see if you fit their scale

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Possible Interview Questions during Mediterranean Shipping Company Interview

  • What is your opinion of the shipping industry?
  • Tell us about Mediterranean Shipping Company.
  • What are three things you hope to improve on this year?
  • Why do you want to work at Mediterranean Shipping Company and not another company?


Mediterranean Shipping Company Subsidiaries
Act Srl Adriatic Container TerminalMarinest SrlSeayard
Termcotank S.A.Terminal Investment Limited 

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