Prepare for Neilsen Online Tests and Interview

Getting into Neilsen is a real challenge, especially when it comes to aptitude tests and the assessment centre. Prepare for your Neilsen aptitude tests with JobTestPrep. Complete preparation for your upcoming assessments. Outperform your competition with the help of the info and preparation resources offered on this page.

Nielsen Aptitude Tests

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  • 1 full-length SHL-style Verify calculation practice test
  • 6 full-length SHL-style numerical reasoning practice tests - graduate
  • 3 full-length SHL-style verbal analysis practice tests
  • 4 full-length SHL-style verbal reasoning practice tests
  • 2 SHL-style deductive reasoning tests
  • 11 figural SHL-style next in series drills
  • 5 SHL-style checking drills
  • 20 study guides and video tutorials

This PrepPack™ includes SHL-style questionnaires that include numerical, verbal, deductive reasoning, next in series and more. Through this package, feel prepared today.

Click here for a comprehensive SHL practice test.

Neilsen Numerical Online Tests

Numerical reasoning tests are number-based assessments. They range from basic mathematics or arithmetic tests to high-level numerical critical reasoning assessments. The variety of test types corresponds to the numerous job levels these assessments are used for, including high ranking senior management positions, graduate or managerial jobs, and administrative and sales roles.

Neilsen Abstract Reasoning Online Tests

An abstract (or figural) reasoning test is used to assess the ability to understand and analyse visual information through pattern recognition, as well as the ability to generate hypotheses, change tracks, and critically evaluate. These tests evaluate abstract thinking skills, general intelligence, and your problem-solving abilities.

Neilsen Verbal Reasoning Reasoning Online Tests

Verbal reasoning tests examine you on a range of English skills. It will assess the followings: Grammar, Critical Reasoning, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.



Neilsen Interview

If you manage to successfully pass the online tests, you will be invited to a Neilsen interview. This interview is either in-person or via telephone, depending on the role for which you have expressed your interest in. It usually lasts about 45 minutes; candidates for summer internship and work placement programs have a shorter interview, lasting approximately 20 minutes. To help you eliminate the element of stress from your interview, you should prepare thoroughly. With the help of our Interview PrepPack™, you can ensure a stellar performance during your interview.

Neilsen Assessment Centre

The assessment day, which can be either in the office or at a hired venue, invites groups of candidates and can take up the entire day. There are various different exercises you have to face - both in groups or teams and individually.

Common Questions

We compiled some relevant questions:

What Skills Do Neilsen Verbal Tests Measure?

Verbal reasoning tests examine you on a range of English language skills. These skills can be broken down into the following groups: Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension, and Critical Reasoning. Vocabulary assessments test your understanding of the words that are used in your line of work. This is measured through various assessments, such as mixed sentences tests, complete the sentence tests, spelling tests, and more. Grammar tests examine your understanding of English grammar and your ability to identify good or bad grammar. Grammar is assessed by questions that request you to finish a sentence or recognise the correct next sentence in a passage.

Comprehension tests are designed to measure your ability to understand written information, analyse it, and interpret what you have read to answer questions. Critical Reasoning tests evaluate how you comprehend and analyse the information provided. In the context of verbal reasoning tests, critical reasoning tests require that you identify whether a statement is true or false based on the information in front of you, or whether the information provided is not clear enough to establish a conclusion.

Do Neilsen Personality Tests Reflect the True Me?

When taking a personality test, your results may not always reflect your true self. You must keep in mind that a job personality test shows your work persona. The test is not about seeing personas that are revealed in family life or other contexts.

What Kinds of Questions Will I Find in JobTestPrep's Neilsen PrepPack™?

Ready for a challenge? Our free, full-length test includes 12 questions and has a 30-minute time limit, providing conditions similar to those you can expect on the real exam. Once you have finished the questions, we will provide you with a printable score report informing you of the number of correct and incorrect answers. You also have the opportunity to go back to questions you may have missed for review.

What is the Neilsen Telephone Interview?

This is often a preliminary interview. These questions are essentially competency-based questions. The interviewers are looking for you to provide examples of where you have displayed these competencies in the past. The telephone interview has some advantages over a regular interview - you can wear comfortable clothing, and keep your answers written out in front of you, but it can also contain the same pressure as an interview when it comes to answering questions.

What will I Face in Neilsen Assessment Centre?

There are a lot of different exercises that you will face during the day. It is therefore really important that you get a good night's sleep if possible. Remember, a relaxed mind is the best mind. Try to be friendly even if you are nervous. It is often the interaction between candidates and workers that convince the assessors that you are the right choice for the job.