Network Rail Assessment Centre Interview Preparation

After successfully making it through the Network Rail aptitude tests and video interview, the next step in the recruitment process is the Network Rail assessment centre. This is a full day assessment centre held in Milton Keynes and there are a number of different assessments that you will face throughout. Prepare with JobTestPrep and go through your assessment centre with confidence.

Network Rail Assessment Centre

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  • Case study: Two full exercises
  • In Tray: Two full exercises
  • Interview preparation
  • Role Plays: 1 full-length practice test
  • Group Exercise: 2 full-length practice tests
  • Study guides and tips
  • Immediate online access | 24/7 practice

Every purchase credits you with the Network Rail SHL PrepPack™ as well

The Network Rail assessment centre is made up of several activities. In each exercise, the assessor is looking for specific skills and competencies. You are given a point score out of 5 in each section and this score determines whether or not you are invited to the final interview.

Network Rail Group Exercise

There are generally two different types of group activity in the Network Rail assessment centre, one for engineering candidates and one for non-engineering candidates. Your teamwork skills are a key element being assessed at this stage so make sure to be a team player.

Engineering Candidates - You are given a selection of different coloured pipes and other materials and told to build a structure of sorts. This can only be built if you follow the very precise rules and instructions that you are given when the exercise begins. This exercise puts your technical skills to work however you need to be able to work with your teammates to accomplish the challenge, without being overbearing.

Non-Engineering Candidates - In a group of 8-10 candidates, you are given the following scenario. 

You are stranded on a desert Island but are only 70 miles from safety. You are given a sheet with different items and are given the task of deciding what is essential to take and what isn’t. You have 30 minutes to read through, discuss and decide what to take. A group of five assessors are looking on throughout the discussion.

And as an alternative, you may be given a brief concerning a fictional project that Network Rail is undertaking and you have to discuss the pros and cons of this project. While taking part in this discussion, it is important to try your best to incorporate the key values of the company into your responses. This is what the assessors want to hear and by doing so you will impress them and get ahead of the competition as this not only shows your skills but also your desire to work for Network Rail. Get ahead of the game with our group exercise practice pack.

Verification of Network Rail Online Tests

The Network Rail numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning tests are very similar to those you took online. They too are provided by SHL, so make sure you are up to date with your practise and you don't get caught out here. The point of these tests is to verify your previous scores. It is very easy to take these lightly as you have already come through them. However, this isn't the case as the standard that you are competing against is higher than it was when you first took them. Therefore, ensure you are ready for them by preparing with our online practice tests.

Network Rail Case Study and Presentation

In this exercise, you are given a packet of around 20 pages of material to read through in 30 minutes. The information is about two possible projects that the company wants to undertake but they need your advice to choose one of them as they only have the budget for a single project. You have to analyse the information and do a cost-benefit analysis on the project. After your analysis, you are given a further 15-30 minutes to prepare a 15-minute presentation with the help of a flip chart. Here you should outline the background, your choice, why you have chosen to pursue this path over the other, and a conclusion. This Network Rail case study exercise is concluded with a 10-minute question and answer session about your presentation. Prepare with JobTestPrep with our case study and presentation practice.

Network Rail Final Interview

If you come through the assessment day successfully, you will be invited to the final stage of the Network Rail recruitment process- the final face-to-face interview. This interview is generally one hour long and has two focuses: the first is to make sure that you have the capabilities to work for Network Rail in general. The second is your scheme specific skills.

You are asked questions and to provide real life examples of how you are a confident, capable, and proactive person, who can think flexibly, communicate clearly, understand others, influence them, and make things happen. There are four main capabilities that are tested in this interview and they are:

  • Influence
  • Drive
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Searching for information

For the scheme specific questions, make sure to thoroughly research the position you are applying for and think about the skills necessary in this job. Real life examples are always a great way to show yourself off so think of some before going into the interview. As you have come so far in the process, make sure to give yourself adequate preparation for the interview and review some hints and tip for competency-based interviews.

Prepare for Success

The fast paced and exciting atmosphere at Network Rail make it an excellent place for you to being your career. With the right amount of practice and preparation, you can feel confident in coming through the selection process successfully. Start preparing for all the stages of the Network Rail application with JobTestPrep.

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