Prepare for Interview and Assessment Tests

Are you applying for a position at and worried about its pre-employment tests? JobTestPrep offers preparation materials, including detailed answer explanations, comprehensive study guides, useful tips, and extensive score reports.

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The Creighton Hopper-Style Tests

The Creighton Hopper Test aims to make a qualitative assessment of job candidates competing in the Civil Services of Ireland. It correctly predicts whether applicants are suitable to work in managerial roles for the Irish government. A possibility of their successful integration into a group of new co-workers is estimated as well. To increase the accuracy of applicants’ assessment, the Creighton Hooper Test is made to focus not only on their cognitive abilities and professional skills but also on the strength of their moral >fibre.

The Creighton Hopper-style numerical tests estimate how well job applicants understand and analyze facts and figures presented in statistical tables. These tables are usually supplemented with short narratives telling about people’s habitual actions and changes that happen to them over a specified period of time. Your task is to read these narratives quickly, analyze the statistical tables, where the information you have just read is summed up in numbers, and then draw appropriate conclusions from your analysis. To answer questions accompanying each table you will need to make basic arithmetical operations: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Note that calculators may not be allowed on the exam. You will be permitted to use only a scrap of paper to write down numbers and calculate.

The verbal part is an accurate measurement of job candidates’ ability to understand and analyze written information. On the exam, you will be given to read several short passages that thematically may not relate to the position for which you have applied. Often, these textual excerpts will contain only general information. Your task is to read a given text attentively and then evaluate the truth-value of statements made about it. If you think that a statement takes a true value, you mark it as “True.” If a statement does not correctly reflect the information contained in the text, you judge it as “False.” Some statements will make assertions whose truth-value will be impossible to determine due to the insufficiency of information given in the text. In such cases, evaluate the statement as “Indeterminate” or “Cannot say,” depending on how this option is worded in your test.

The situational judgment test (SJT) assesses candidates’ personality and tries to predict their future behavior at work. It describes several hypothetical situations that are directly related to the managerial position for which you applied. As a rule, given scenarios elaborate on various conflicts in a working place: disagreements between managers and employees or quarrels between employees, often caused by stress or somebody’s disruptive behavior. After you have analyzed these scenarios, you will need to provide two kinds of answers to accompanying questions. You will either rank given responses in the order of effectiveness on the scale from 1 to 5 or will choose the most appropriate or the least appropriate reaction to the described situation. Questions on the Situational Judgement Test are always made suitable for a specific position. Expect, therefore, to find on your tests questions designed to assess traits valued working for the government of Ireland. These traits include effective decision-making, ability to prioritize, professional competence, flexibility, and honesty, among others. The SJT contains from 25 to 50 questions and has no time limit.


The CEB SHL-Style Tests

Knowing that ask some of its applicants to take the CEB SHL tests, we have designed practice materials closely approximating the CEB SHL original assessments. The tests brought together in our all-inclusive PrepPack™ are of various levels of difficulty, ranging from the basic to the operational, managerial, and advanced levels, usually taken by candidates vying for positions of managers and supervisors.