Get Instant Access to the Only SHL Numerical Reasoning Practice That Covers All Test Versions

The SHL Numerical Reasoning Test requires a highly focused and accurate preparation plan. Not only because it is a challenging test, but also because it comes in 3 different versions, and if you prepare for the wrong one... well, it's just wasted time and money.

JobTestPrep is the ONLY online resource providing accurate prep materials for all 3 versions of the SHL Numerical Reasoning Test (and guidance in finding which one is yours).

  • Accurate SHL Numerical practice simulations for the Interactive, Multiple Choice, and CEB test versions.
  • In addition, we help you find your SHL Numerical test version, so your practice is focused exclusively on it.
  • Detailed explanations with solving tips and shortcut techniques to help you speed up your response time and handle the time pressure better.
  • Extra numerical drills, study guides, and video tutorials to improve specific maths skills and brush up on concepts that you may have already forgotten.
  • Ironclad money-back guarantee in case the real exam is different from what you see on our prep package.
SHL Numerical Test Practice

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Updated for SHL's 2025 Test Versions

See how it looks inside >>

  • Interactive Version:
    - 3 Numerical Test Simulations
    - SHL Interactive Numerical Guide
  • Multiple-Choice Version:
    - 10 Numerical Test Simulations
  • Extra Numerical Practice:
    - Over 30 extra practice tests
    - 6 Study Guides

Over 300 practice questions!

Need to prepare for more SHL tests? Check out our All-in-One SHL Practice Pack!

JobTestPrep is a leading test prep company that offers accurate practice simulations and preparation guides since 1992, including for SHL assessments. JobTestPrep is not affiliated or in business with SHL™ in any way. If you have any additional questions about the assessments, feel free to send us an email, we usually reply within 24 hours.

Ira, SHL Tests Expert at JobTestPrep
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Top 5 Most Common Questions About the SHL Numerical Reasoning Test and JobTestPrep's Practice

The most difficult elements of the SHL Numerical Reasoning test are the time frame and the information overload that some questions present. You’ll often have little more than 60 seconds to answer every question, and for some, a slight misreading of a question will cause you to lose marks.

Most of our customers have busy lifestyles. Many work full-time while searching for a job, and some are students and even parents.

That's why our preparation packs are built in such a way that even several hours of prep can potentially help increase your test score.

Three days of prep will enable you to fully understand what to expect on the test and how to handle every question. Plus, you'll boost your confidence and reduce any test anxiety.

If you, like many other candidates, take the SHL Numerical test years after finishing school, it's natural that your numerical skills have become rusty and that you've forgotten many of the subjects.

For this reason, the prep pack includes dedicated study guides and video tutorials to help you refresh your memory and even learn all maths basics from scratch (if you have enough prep time).

Additionally, every practice question in the pack is coupled with a thorough explanation, so that you understand the logic behind the solution and be able to use the same solving methods on similar questions.

The SHL Numerical preparation package has already been used by hundreds of candidates. It went live only after our Research & Development team has verified that the practice materials match the real exam.

We keep an eye for customer feedback and changes the occur on the actual test and keep updating the package frequently.

And lastly, you receive an ironclad money-back guarantee in case the real exam is different from our practice tests.

The preparation pack is divided into four categories (as you can in the excerpt below):

1. SHL Numerical practice tests - the interactive and non-interactive versions.

2. Calculation tests

3. Numerical practice tests by subjects

4. Study guides and video tutorials

SHL Numerical Reasoning Practice JobTestPrep


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