Welcome to the SHL Prep Course. Unlock Your Goals with JobTestPrep.

The Prep Course Includes:

Interactive and non-interactive General Ability (Verify G+), Numerical Reasoning (including the SHL Calculation Test), Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Checking, and Mechanical Comprehension.

Discounted Add-Ons for Enrollees:

OPQ32 (Personality Test), SHL Motivational Questionnaire, SHL Situational Judgment Test (SJT)

How to Use:

After accessing your preparation course, choose which SHL tests you would like to practice for from the top menu:

SHL Top Menu

This is a non-interactive screenshot.

You can practice for some SHL Assessments or all of them. If you are taking the General Ability Test, SHL's most common exam consisting of numerical and logical questions, you can practice from our dedicated "Verify General Ability" section as well as the individual Numerical, Deductive, and Inductive sections.

About JobTestPrep

JobTestPrep was founded in 1992. Our mission is to help alleviate the uncertainty associated with job searches. We do this by providing expert preparation for the various pre-employment exams used in today's market, giving you control over your own future.

Do you need help navigating your prep course, or not sure whether the course is for you?

We are happy to help, at ask_the_team@jobtestprep.com

All-Inclusive SHL Test Prep with Full Explanations and Guides:

  • SHL General Ability (Verify G+)
  • SHL Numerical Reasoning Test
  • SHL Verbal Reasoning Test
  • SHL Inductive Reasoning Test
  • SHL Deductive Reasoning Test
  • SHL Mechanical and Checking
  • 110 Practice Tests & Simulations
  • 24 Video and Interactive Guides
  • 1000+ Questions


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