Situational Judgement & Personality Test Preparation

This bundle pack offers graduates and managers a unique way to prepare for two important psychometric tests used by employers today. Improve your candidate profile by internalising the concepts and methods this practice pack reveals.

Personality & SJT

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  • 5 situational judgement tests
  • Psychometric personality test
  • A professional walkthrough of test principles
  • Professional analysis of 30 traits employers look for
  • Detailed report and explanations
  • Interview pdf
  • SJT tutorials and a study guide
  • Money back guarantee - see terms and conditions

SJT and personality tests are of the most interesting selection tests used by employers today. They evaluate behaviour, strengths, weaknesses and work-related skills. JobTestPrep offers a professional way to experience these tests as they are administered at assessment centres and online assessments. You can start studying with the Free Personality Test Sample.