Talent Q Elements Reasoning Practice Tests

Prepare for your Talent Q Elements test with the Talent Q Elements PrepPack™ covering numerical, verbal, and logical Talent Q questions. In addition, get dozens of questions with detailed explanations, score reports, solving tips, and video tutorials, and prepare for success. Now includes a diagnostic test and guide which will give you a real starting point so you know what to practise to improve your weaknesses. 


Talent Q Elements PrepPack™

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  • Talent Q Elements Diagnostic Test
  • 3 Talent Q Verbal tests 
  • 3 Talent Q Numerical tests
  • 3 Talent Q Logical Reasoning + Extra Practice
  • Talent-Q Personality test guide + personality tests drills
  • 35 Extra Numerical & Verbal practice drills
  • 21 Study Guides and video tutorials
Tal Author

Hi, I'm Tal, Jobtestprep's specialist for Talent Q. Have a question? Contact me at: tal_questions@jobtestprep.co.uk

The Talent Q Elements series is a collection of three different tests which can be taken altogether or split up depending on the job position and role. These tests are used in the hiring process for supervisors, managers, and any other high level positions. Each test has between 12 and 15 different questions that vary in difficulty level. 

Learn all you need to know about Talent Q's Elements series, including relevant practice resources seen nowhere else for verbal, numerical and logical reasoning.

Talent Q Numerical Tests - Elements Numerical

This tests your ability at understanding numerical data including tables and figures as well as making deductions and analyses from the data. You may be presented with a table, some accompanying information and a question based on some or all of this information; you will have to chose the most appropriate answer from a list of answers.

The test consists of 12 questions and there is no overall time limit for the test but rather a time limit for each question: 90 seconds for the first question on each table (or set of tables) and 75 seconds for subsequent questions. The average completion time is 12 minutes. Read more here.

Talent Q Verbal Tests - Elements Verbal

This tests your understanding of written information and your ability of drawing conclusions based on this information. You will be presented with a short piece of text followed by six statements based on the text. For each question you are presented with a range of possible answers from which to choose.

Sometimes you have to choose two answers and sometimes only one; in some cases you have to decide which one of the arguments are definitely true/ false based on your understanding of the text.  

There is no overall time limit for the test but there is a time limit for each question: 75 seconds for the first question on each passage of text and 60 seconds for subsequent questions. The average completion time is 12 minutes. We have hundreds of verbal reasoning practice questions that follow Talent Q's concepts. Read more here

Talent Q Logical Tests - Elements Logical

This test assesses you logical and analytical skills, by testing your ability to recognize abstract patterns quickly and accurately. You will have 15 minutes to complete 12 questions (75 seconds per question).

The test questions are all matrices, that is, a 3x3 table with each cell containing 1 or more symbols. The symbols create a pattern across the rows and columns of the matrix, with 1 square missing so that the full pattern remains unclear. Your task is to recognize the pattern and complete the missing piece. You will have several answer choices to choose from in order to fit in the empty cell.


Practise for Talent Q Tests with JobTestPrep

Like all psychometric tests, there are certain skills that you can acquire about the underlying logic behind psychometric tests by practicing. You will also become familiar with the types of tricks incorporated into these tests. The more you practice the more familiar you will be with the type of questions likely to be presented to you and you will be less likely to feel panicky when presented with unfamiliar information in Talent Q tests.