Applying for a position at Towers Watson? Do not forget to utilise the PrepPack™ professional guidance. Get Saville-style Swift verbal, analytic and diagrammatic tests, drills and other tools throughout your preparation for the selection process and assessment centre.
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This PrepPack™ provides Saville-style Swift verbal, analytic and diagrammatic tests, drills, guides and tutorials.
Towers Watson is one of the leading client-oriented companies in the area of professional services, offering solutions for effective risk and capital management, talent management and employee benefits and rewards. With decades of experience, the company operates worldwide and strives for excellence and innovation.
One of the most difficult stages of the Towers Watson graduate scheme recruitment are the online tests that you will have to sit. There are two possible tests that you can take - the Towers Watson numerical reasoning test and the inductive reasoning test.
These tests are provided by Saville. Preparing for these tests is of utmost importance, because at this stage - so many candidates fail to get the scores required to progress through the rest of the application process. Find out more about these tests below.
In the Towers Watson numerical test, you have to demonstrate your numerical prowess by answering various questions relating to inflation, percentages, ratios and other numerical concepts.
There are two types of questions in this test. Some questions are posed in a passage where you are given all the information at once. Other questions are based on your ability to find the relevant information nested in tables and graphs. There are typically 24 questions to answer in a 24-minute time frame, so you need to work quickly to ensure you answer the questions correctly.
It goes without saying that the higher you score - the more chance you have of making it through to the next stage of the application process. As there is no negative marking on this test, if you run out of time, you can simply guess the answer; you won't lose anything if you pick the wrong one, but you might lose if you don’t have a go.
Here, there are many different Saville Swift-style tests that can be taken in both a timed test environment, as well as in practice mode. As Towers Watson state on their website, practise as much as you can to ensure you are fully ready when you come to take them for real.
For each test in the library, you receive detailed explanations and individual reports, thus enabling you to explore your difficulties and improve your score the next time you come to take the test. This gives you the confidence and skill so when you actually take the Towers Watson numerical test, you will perform at your best.
In this Towers Watson online test, you are tested on your ability to see the pattern between different shapes and matrices. Using this information, you then need to predict how the next or missing object should appear in these sets.
Practising these tests is important, as this is the only way you get a feel for what you need to do. Moreover, once you get a feel for how these tests work, your scores should improve rapidly to the point where taking this test becomes an affirmation of your ability and not merely a test.
The first stage of the application process is the completion of the online application form. This is your first chance to impress Towers Watson, as each application is read by the hiring team. There are a few sections; try and complete them all in the best way possible, in order to put yourself in the best possible position.
You have to upload a cover letter and CV for the post. When doing this, ensure that you have read the job description completely so as to tailor your writing to the skills needed. As well as this, you have to answer some competency questions relating to the company and your fit. When answering these questions, try to do so in the STAR method, concentrating on how you achieved what you wanted to.
If you pass the Towers Watson online tests, you will be invited to take a Towers Watson telephone interview. This is mainly a competency interview, but there is often one technical question that needs to be answered as well. Some Towers Watson interview questions include:
Answering interview questions is a vital skill that needs to be gained in order to perform well at any interview you take. This product offers a host of different services that can give you the edge over the competition. If you impress during this interview and are applying to one of the Tower Watson graduate schemes, you will be invited to attend the Tower Watson assessment centre.
The Assessment Centre is the final stage of the selection process. If you do well enough there, you will receive a job offer. Its primary intention is to learn about your qualities face to face through activities such as group exercises, competency based interviews, presentations, problem-solving interviews and written or group exercises.
In this 45 minute interview, you will be asked various questions about your skill levels and your motivation. You will also be asked various questions about how the company functions on a day-to-day basis and the role you are applying for.
For these questions, it is important to do your research on the company through their website. The more you know about the company, the better chance you have to shine in this interview.
In this exercise of the Towers Watson assessment centre, you will typically receive a list of items, such as random inventions over the last 100 years. As a group, you have to list them in order of importance.
For example, what is more important, the computer or the mobile phone? Without each of these items, the world of work as we know it would not be possible. So how do you equate one with the other? It is your task as a group to list these items carefully and be clear as to why you have chosen one item over another. Learn how the PrepPack™ can help you in getting ready for this task, with the group exercises included.
Unlike the group exercise, this case study is of a more standard nature, where you are given a case study concerning a fictitious company and have to analyse a particular facet, using the skills that Towers Watson wants their candidates to possess. You have to carefully go through the advantages and the disadvantages of each of the possibilities available to you and come up with a good solution or suggestion.
When taking part in a discussion, it is important to ensure that you make your point heard, whilst ensuring that you are not doing so in an overburdening way. Moreover, bear in mind that the result of the discussion isn’t the ultimate goal, rather the way you get there is. It is your points and arguments that will sway the thinking of the assessors. Learn more about what is involved in an assessment such as this one and take practice tests with the case study exercises.
In this interview, you are given a sheet of paper containing technical questions. You have to select two and then answer them with the assessors. You are given 15 minutes to prepare your answers.
Following this, you will have an intense question and answer session with the assessors, who will delve deep into your answers to try and find out the thought processes you went through, in order to arrive at your answers. Additionally, you will be given some brainteaser questions such as: How many chicken nuggets does KFC make every year?
Before the recruitment procedure at Towers Watson, it is important to get properly ready. If you purchase this product, you can study in advance as much as you can and want, improve your skills, hence arrive confident to the actual assessments and interview.
This article has covered various stages in the application process for Towers Watson careers prospective applicants, particularly focusing on the Towers Watson online tests. Good Luck!
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