Kenexa Numerical, Verbal & Logical Practice

Prepare to take Kenexa's numerical, verbal, and logical tests with JobTestPrep's resources. Start familiarising yourself with the test content and format and alleviate test anxiety and stress. Start preparing today and ensure your success. 

Kenexa-Style Numerical, Verbal & Logical

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  • 25 Kenexa-style numerical reasoning tests (graph/table interpretation)
  • 13 verbal reasoning tests
  • 16 logical reasoning tests
  • 4 matrices tests
  • Practice drills
  • Full explanations, solving tips and smart score reports
  • 14 video tutorials
  • Money back guarantee - see terms and conditions

Forming part of the Kenexa psychometric test battery, the Kenexa logical reasoning test is rarely administered as a standalone test. Generally, major companies will use this test alongside the Kenexa verbal reasoning test and the Kenexa numerical reasoning test. High performance on any of the tests in the series isn't guaranteed. What all these tests have in common is that the more practice you have, the more prepared you will be, and the more confident you are likely to feel in your real test. At JobTestPrep we have discovered that results can be improved dramatically with correct practise and an understanding of how the tests work.