Prepare for An Post Aptitude Test Numerical, Verbal Reasoning Tests and Assessment Centre

Are you interested in applying for a position with An Post? Recruitment doesn’t take place all the time, so you need to take your chance when it comes up. Prepare for success with the resources set out on this page.

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An Post, the Irish Postal Service recruit when they need to, which means that there may be long gaps between recruitment windows. As a result, if this is a career you want, you need to be prepared to succeed at each and every stage of the An Post recruitment process. This recruitment process contains quite a few types of assessment, each designed to examine a different set of skills. Learn more about these stages and how to prepare effectively for each one with JobTestPrep’s resources.

An Post Recruitment Process

An Post have two main recruitment processes: external recruitment and the An Post Graduate Programme. The two processes differ slightly from one another.

An Post Application

The first stage of the process is either an application form or CV, depending on the role that you are applying to. With either method, the recruitment team is looking for evidence that you fit their requirements and have the skills that they need in the An Post team. Read through the form carefully, and make sure that you answer all questions.

An Post Aptitude Test

Applicants for any position at An Post have to take and pass a set of online aptitude tests in order to go through to the next stage. Most applicants will need to take a verbal, numerical and classification test. Applicants to the An Post Graduate Programme are asked to taked a numerical and verbal ability test. An Post tests are provided by cut-e, and follow a unique style. In order to start preparing, the online aptitude test can help you.

Numerical Ability Test

Numerical reasoning tests examine how well you can understand numerical information and use this information to answer questions. Information is provided in tables or graphs. Like the verbal tests, information is organised over several tabs and it is all connected around a case study. Questions in this test ask you to decide whether a statement on the information provided is true, false, or you can’t say. This test can be tricky as you try to work with the tabs as well as answer question in the time allocated. Prepare for your numerical tests with our dedicated cut-e numerical reasoning test practice pack.

Verbal Ability Test

Verbal reasoning tests measure your ability to understand and use the information you read in a text. You are then asked questions on what you have read. In a cut-e test you are given a set of short paragraphs arranged in different tabs. The texts are all based on the same topic, but you can only see one tab at a time. For each question you need to say whether you think that a statement is true, false, or you cannot say based on what you have read on the page. Prepare for your cut-e verbal ability test with our tailored pack.

An Post Interview

For most An Post applicants, if you pass the tests, you are next invited to a competency-based interview. Applicants to the graduate programme will have their interview as part of a wider assessment centre. This interview is a chance for you to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the job. The interviewers are looking for you to use examples from your previous work experience, studies or other interests to illustrate your answers, and show them you can do it. Use the STAR method to help you organise your examples.

Ahead of the interview, review your application form as you may be asked questions on what you have written there. Prepare examples that you can use in your answers. Read the job description and any other relevant information you can find about the area you are applying to. You may want to rehearse your answers with a mock interview by using our interview service.

An Post Assessment Centre

Applicants to the An Post Graduate Programme who pass the test through to the next stage are invited to an assessment centre. At the assessment centre candidates undertake three exercises: an interview, group observation exercise and presentation. Any instructions for the day will be sent to you ahead of time.

Group Observation Exercise

In this activity you are split into a group and given a task to work out across the group. There are several purposes to this activity, including examining your communication skills, team working abilities and how you go about solving a problem. You are observed throughout the activity by a team of assessors who will be looking at your contribution to the group and how you interact with the contributions of others. Plan out your group exercise strategy with the advice on our group exercise pages.


Presentations are used not so much to see how much you know, but how well you can pull together information and communicate it in words to an audience. They can be nerve wracking to deliver, so preparation on your delivery skills is crucial ahead of your assessment day. Get advice on delivering the perfect presentation from our presentation pages.

Additional Tests

Now all that remains is the offer followed by a medical examination, security clearance and An Post to check your references. Getting this far means that you have impressed more than your peers at every point. The key to doing this is to be prepared, relaxed and confident at every stage. The resources highlighted on this page are designed to do just that. We hope that you find this page useful, and good luck.