Improve Your Hiring Process with an Applicant Tracking System

Effectively hiring top talent requires precise data and a rigorous application filtering process. Manual recruitment poses numerous obstacles, from handling a large volume of applications to ensuring fair evaluation criteria.
According to SHRM, from 2022 to 2023, three out of four organisations struggled with recruiting for full-time positions. An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) offers significant assistance overcoming these challenges.

Understanding ATS

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) is a digital tool for attracting talent and simplifying the hiring process. These software programs filter resumes based on keywords and other relevant criteria, gathering applications from various sources such as job boards, company career pages, and social media platforms. Once collected, these applications are stored in a centralised database within the ATS, allowing recruiters easy access and management.

How does ATS Operate?

ATS streamlines the application process by automating tasks that traditionally consume significant time and effort in recruitment. Key functionalities include:

  • Job Postings: Create comprehensive job postings with detailed job requirements, descriptions, and other relevant details within the ATS interface. These postings can then be distributed seamlessly across multiple platforms, ensuring maximum visibility to potential candidates.
  • Application Collection: As job postings attract candidates, the ATS collects and stores their applications in a single repository. This centralised database simplifies the management of candidate information, allowing recruiters to review and process applications efficiently.
  • Candidate Tracking: ATS enables recruiters to track each candidate's progress throughout the hiring process. From application submission to final hiring decisions, recruiters can monitor and manage candidates' statuses and interactions within the system.

Key Features of ATS Tools

  • Advanced Search: Utilize advanced search filters to quickly sift through a large volume of applications. Filters can include job titles, specific skills, educational backgrounds, work experience, and other relevant criteria, allowing recruiters to pinpoint candidates who closely match the job requirements.
  • Candidate Sourcing: ATS facilitates proactive candidate sourcing by allowing recruiters to search for and contact potential candidates who may not have applied directly but possess desired qualifications for specific roles.
  • Resume Parsing & Keyword Matching: Automatically extract and analyse data from resumes submitted through the ATS. This feature identifies relevant keywords and matches them against job descriptions, helping recruiters screen candidates based on their qualifications efficiently.
  • Automated Screening & Interview Scheduling: ATS automates routine tasks such as initial applicant screening based on predefined criteria. It also streamlines interview scheduling by providing tools for automated communication, scheduling, and reminders, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring timely candidate engagement.

Reasons for Using ATS Tools

  • Save Time & Resources: ATS significantly reduces the time spent on manual candidate screening, communication, and scheduling tasks. By automating these processes, recruiters can focus more on strategic activities such as evaluating candidate fit and conducting interviews.
  • Enhance Candidate Quality: By effectively filtering applications based on predefined criteria and keywords, ATS ensures that recruiters prioritise candidates who possess the necessary skills and experience for the role. This focus on candidate quality improves the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: ATS provides valuable insights and analytics on recruitment metrics such as time-to-hire, source of applications, and candidate conversion rates. Recruiters can use this data to evaluate their recruitment strategies' effectiveness, identify improvement areas, and make informed decisions to optimise hiring outcomes.
  • Reduce Hiring Bias: Standardised screening processes and automated keyword matching in an ATS minimise unconscious biases that can influence hiring decisions. By focusing on objective criteria, an ATS helps ensure a fair and equitable evaluation of all candidates based on their qualifications.
  • Improve Team Collaboration: ATS serves as a centralised platform for managing candidate information, interview notes, and communication history. This fosters better collaboration and communication among hiring teams, ensuring alignment and consistency throughout the hiring process.
  • Personalisation: Customise job postings and candidate interactions within the ATS to align with specific organisational needs and culture. This personalisation enhances employer branding and candidate engagement, making the recruitment process more appealing to top talent.


ATS primarily focuses on managing the application and hiring process, targeting active job seekers who apply for open positions within the organisation. In contrast, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems encompass broader relationship management, including interactions with both active and passive candidates, past applicants, and existing employees to build and nurture talent pipelines and enhance employer branding.

Top Ways Applicant Tracking Systems Benefit the Hiring Process

  1. Boost Competitiveness: Over 95% of organisations use ATS to streamline their hiring processes and attract top talent, enhancing their competitive edge in the market.
  2. Enhance Candidate Engagement: Automated communication and streamlined processes in ATS reduce response times and keep candidates engaged throughout the recruitment journey, improving the overall candidate experience.
  3. Streamline Efficiency: ATS eliminates manual inefficiencies in the recruitment process, providing visibility and control over every stage from application to onboarding, accelerating time-to-hire and reducing administrative burdens.
  4. Facilitate Onboarding: Seamless integration between ATS and onboarding processes ensures new hires receive timely information and support, setting them up for success from day one

Hiring with ATS - Key Takeaways

  • ATS automates tasks, prioritises qualified candidates, and improves hiring efficiency.
  • Data-driven insights from ATS inform objective decision-making and optimise recruitment strategies.
  • Customisable features in ATS support effective candidate management, enhance employer branding and promote candidate engagement.

Applicant Tracking Systems revolutionise the hiring process by automating routine tasks, simplifying candidate management, and enhancing recruitment outcomes. Embrace the advantages of ATS to save time, elevate candidate quality, and foster a streamlined, efficient hiring process that meets your organisation's evolving needs.

The Real Deal: Why Our ATS Stands Out

After we’ve explored the benefits of smart hiring tools, let's put them to work for you!

Recruitment – the Noam Institute's ATS to upgrade your talent search, making life easier for both hiring teams and job seekers. Here's what it offers:

  • Spot Top Talent Early: Get clear, quick insights to pinpoint standout applicants before you even pick up the phone.
  • One-Stop Hiring Hub: Post jobs across multiple sites with a single click. Get a bird's-eye view of all your hiring activities on one screen. Your whole team can access applicant information, test scores, and feedback, adding their thoughts and following progress in real-time.
  • Smooth Sailing for Applicants: Give candidates a sleek, transparent application experience. Keep top talent engaged by keeping them in the loop. Turn your hiring process into a polished showcase of your company culture.
  • Elevate Your Talent Search: Use cutting-edge features like auto-screening, AI resume analysis, tailored skills tests, and smart candidate ranking to find a better fit faster.
AI Recruitment
AI Recruitment


An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software application companies use to streamline recruitment processes. It helps manage and automate the hiring workflow, from job postings to applicant evaluations. An ATS sorts through resumes, filtering out candidates based on specific criteria, such as keywords, experience, and qualifications. This technology is crucial in modern hiring, as it allows employers to efficiently handle large volumes of applications, ensuring only the most relevant candidates are considered.

Additionally, an Applicant Tracking System often integrates with other tools to support tasks like interview scheduling, communication with candidates, and compliance tracking. For job seekers, understanding how an ATS works is vital for optimizing resumes and applications to ensure they pass through these automated systems successfully.

Yes, ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) are still widely used. They help organizations streamline and manage their hiring processes by automating job posting, resume screening, and candidate communication tasks. They also assist in tracking applicants through different stages of the hiring process and ensuring compliance with various regulations. Many companies rely on ATS to handle large volumes of applications efficiently and to improve the overall recruitment experience.

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems are not the same, though they can have overlapping features.

  • ATS (Applicant Tracking System): Specifically designed to manage the recruitment process. It helps track job applications, sort resumes, manage job postings, and facilitate communication with candidates throughout the hiring process.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Primarily focused on managing relationships with customers and clients. It helps businesses track customer interactions, manage sales pipelines, and maintain customer information to improve sales and customer service.

While ATS systems focus on the hiring process and CRM systems focus on customer interactions, some modern platforms offer integrated features that can handle both recruitment and customer management tasks.