Cognify Test – The Complete Guide and Practice for 2025

The Cognify assessment is a series of 6 game-based tests developed by Criteria, formerly Revelian. Like the CCAT test, another of Criteria's cognitive pre-employment tests, Cognify assesses various aspects of your cognitive aptitude and capabilities. However, Cognify is unique in its gamified format, which allows employers to evaluate your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through game-play rather than the typical multiple-choice questions.

Through interactive and fun to play, these are complex games designed to measure your abilities and performance at work, such as planning, multi-tasking, and thinking patterns.

Therefore, it’s essential to familiarise yourself with the Cognify Test games beforehand and learn every game and its challenge. The following preparation guide will give you everything you need to ace these unconventional psychometric assessments.


Have you been asked to take the Cognify test? Don't fret! Our prepPack is carefully designed to help you sharpen the skills and competencies the test looks for, using accurate simulations for three out of the six games.

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Interactive, accurate practice for 3/6 Cognify games:

  • Tally-Up Game 
  • Resemble Game
  • Proof-It Game

Gal, Game-Based Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is Cognify?

Cognify is a game-based psychometric assessment test provided by Criteria (who acquired the original test developer - Revelian). It is given as a part of the hiring process of many companies and organizations, such as IBM, Australia Police, Rescue Australia, Fire and Rescue New South Wales (NSW), and Ashurst.

Cognify is often taken together with Emotify, an emotional intelligence (EI) test.

The test comprises up to six mini-games, each timed between 3-5 minutes, with a total of 30 minutes to complete. The games are divided into three cognitive skill sections:

  • Problem Solving – This section includes the Short Cuts and Gridlock games. It measures your ability to learn and solve problems without prior knowledge. Problem-solving skills are predictors of fast learning and success in the workplace. 
  • Numerical Reasoning –This section includes the Numbubbles and the Tally Up games. Here, you will be measured on your comprehension of mathematical and quantitative concepts. Numerical skills indicate whether you possess the mathematical aptitude to perform daily math-based tasks. 
  • Verbal Reasoning – This section includes the Proof It game and measures your reading and writing abilities, such as spelling and grammar. Verbal skills indicate how well you can identify errors in text.


The Cognify 'Resemble' Problem-Solving Game

In the Cognify Resemble Game, you will be presented with a pattern made of coloured pieces. You will be tasked with recreating the pattern by placing and rotating patterned blocks. However, sometimes, the exact requirements of the recreation will change mid-test, so be prepared!

You’ll have 3 minutes to complete as many patterns as possible.

To succeed in this game, you must visualise how the pattern would look in a rotated position, which can be quite a challenging task.


Revelian Cognify Resemble


The Cognify 'Tally Up' Numerical Reasoning Game

In the Cognify Tally Up Game, you will be presented with two sets of tokens. You need to decide which set has the higher value or whether both sets are equal.

Besides regular tokens, there are several “special” tokens with unique rules that apply to them, which makes this game an even bigger challenge.

The game has 35 rounds, 4 seconds each.

To achieve a high score, you have to quickly calculate and implement your answer within only a few seconds. In addition, the unique tokens make it absolutely crucial to be familiar with the test formatting.


Revelian Cognify Tally Up


The Cognify 'Proof It' Verbal Reasoning Game

In the Cognify Proof It Game, you will be presented with a number of documents that need proofreading. The errors are scattered throughout the text and may include typos, missing or wrong punctuation, missing words, and grammatical errors. The counter on the right side of the screen will show you how many errors remain in the document.

Selecting an area where there is no error will result in an incorrect mark. After three incorrect marks, you will move on to the next document.

The game has 5 rounds, 1 minute each.

Receiving a good score in this game requires not only verbal knowledge but also an eye for fine detail that enables you to identify textual errors and know how to correct them. You can improve this skill through intensive practice that will prepare you for the real test.


Revelian Cognify Proof It

Stand Out From the Crowd

To get an edge over other candidates, consider taking advantage of JobTestPrep's unique Cognify prepPack. Our team has put together accurate simulations for three out of the six games, complete with expert tips and explanations on each game.

Short Cuts - Coming Soon

 The Cognify Short Cuts Game will present you with a puzzle in which you must navigate a marble from its starting point to the starred area in the shortest distance possible. The longer the distance, the fewer stars you’ll receive.

On top of that, the game contains a series of obstacles that need to be considered while you make your move, based on the unique rules of the game.

At any point, you can undo your last move or reset the level. You can also skip a level and come back to it later.

The game has 7 rounds to complete in 7 minutes.

To solve the puzzle in the most efficient way, you need to think strategically and decide beforehand which marbles need to move where to reach the stars within the shortest distance. The best way to sharpen your strategic thinking skills is to practice the game’s strategies and understand its difficulties and how to overcome them.


Gridlock - Coming Soon

 In the Cognify Gridlock Game, you will be presented with a Tetris-like puzzle in which you need to fit shaped blocks into a grid. You can rotate the blocks to fit into the central grid and insert and extract them as needed.

You’ll have 3 minutes to complete as many puzzles as possible.

To complete the greatest number of puzzles in a limited time, work on maximising your comprehension speed of the given shapes.


Numbubbles - Coming Soon

 In the Cognify Numbubbles Game, you will be presented with a target number and a series of bubbles; each bubble contains a mathematical equation. You need to pop the bubble whose sum matches the target number within a limited time span. Over time, the difficulty of the test will gradually increase.

The game has 10 rounds, 20 seconds each.

This test requires a combination of quick thinking, multi-tasking, numerical skills, and familiarity with the unique structure to succeed.

Cognify Score Report

After completing the assessment, you will receive a score report reflecting your performance. The report is divided into two sections:

  • Overall score – a percentage of your performance relative to the score of other employed adults. 
  • Sub-Scores – the percentage of your performance in each of the three sections: Problem Solving, Numerical Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. 

The scores are given in a rating of Below Average (0%-19%), average (20%-79%), and Far Above Average (80%-100%). 

What Is the Difference Between Cognify and Emotify Assessments?

Cognify and Emotify are game-based tests developed by Revelian, a test provider which was acquired by Criteria in 2020. Both tests are used by employers as part of the hiring process for various professional positions, and candidates will often be requested to take them both.

While Emotify measures your suitability for a role with an emotional intelligence test, Cognify measures your potential with a cognitive aptitude test.

In recent years, these game-based assessments have become more popular, and there are various companies that provide them, such as Pymetrics and Arctic Shores.

The best way to ace the assessment is to take as many Cognify game practice tests as possible, learn every game, understand what stands behind it, and sharpen your skills.

More Free Practice

We at JobTestPrep find the assessment tests world highly diverse and fascinating. If you are looking to deepen your knowledge in the aptitude tests world, or you want some extra practice before your test, we've got you covered!

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