The Revelian Tests are very challenging - besides the tight time-limit, the questions rise in difficulty as the test progresses.
Your key to success is to practise as much as possible - thus developing a strategy for answering the questions quickly and accurately.
You can start right now with our all-inclusive Revilian tests preparation:
⦿ Timed and full-length real Revelian Test simulations so you’ll know what to expect.
⦿ Adaptive score reports to identify your weaknesses and learn what subjects to focus on.
⦿ Learn from your mistakes with step-by-step explanations.
Use this preparation and ace your test.
If you are going to take The Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT) - click here!
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Revelian is a pre-employment assessment company. There are five types of Revelian tests: numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning, cognitive ability test, and gamified assessments.
On this page, you can find sample questions for each one of the classic aptitude tests. And then use our tailored all-inclusive practice pack to ace any Revelian test.
Revelian Reasoning test questions gradually move up in their level of difficulty, but all questions are rated the same. For this reason, you should take extra care to get the easier questions right.
There is no penalty for wrong answers, so feel free to make an educated guess whenever you feel stuck on a specific question.
If you've completed your test and still have extra time, then go back to previous questions to makes changes and double-check that your answers are correct.
Most test-takers don't manage to answer all of the test questions in the given time-frame, so don't be hard on yourself.
By practising as much as possible, you will able to hone your guessing strategy and gain the upper-hand over your competition.
For a full preparation, see our all-inclusive tailored practice pack.
The 4 main Revelian tests are:
⦿ Revelian Cognitive Ability Test
⦿ Revelian Abstract Reasoning
⦿ Revelian Numerical Reasoning
⦿ Revelian Verbal Reasoning Test
51 questions |
20 min |
No penalty for wrong answers | Revising answers is possible. |
In the RCAT section of the test, you will be given 20 minutes to complete 51 verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning questions.
This test measures your reasoning abilities by relaying your ability to acquire, organise, retain and apply information. The subject matter is comprised of common questions.
Do you want to ace the Revelian cognitive ability test? If so, practising with a real tailored simulation test instead of a generic exam is the right way to go!
32 questions |
10 min |
No penalty for wrong answers | Revising answers is possible. |
The Revelian Abstract Reasoning Test specialises in discovering how well you work with theoretical problems. For example, you will be asked to detect relationships between shapes, scrutinise patterns and assess diagrams.
It will be your job to go through as many of the 32 problems as you can in the 10-minute time constraint.
Let's jump into practising some abstract sample questions:
Basic Question
✔ The correct answer is (B) and (E).
All the items except item (B) and (E) have identical counterparts:
(A) and (F) are identical.
(C) and (D) are identical.
Items (B) and (E) are the only ones that do not have identical counterparts.
Advanced Question
✔ The correct answer is (B) and (C).
Items (A), (D), (E), and (F) all contain shapes who have a total of 12 sides, when you count the sides of all of the shapes in a given item.
For example, item (E) contains a single shape with 12 sides.
Same thing goes for item (A), which contains 3 shapes – one with 4 sides, one with 3 sides, and one with 5 sides.
When you add the number of sides in all of the shapes, you will find there is a total of 12 sides in the item.
(3 + 4 + 5 = 12)
The same is true of items (D) and (F).
Items (B) and (C), however, have a different number of sides:
Item (B) contains a total of 13 sides (10 + 3 = 13).
Item (C) contains a total of 19 sides (4 + 7 + 8 = 19).
25 questions |
12 min |
No penalty for wrong answers | Revising answers is possible | Calculator is not allowed |
The goal of this test is to measure how well you can analyse and solve numerical problems. This test is mainly used for numerical-based professions. The test consists of 25 questions within a 12-minute window. Unlike other cognitive ability tests, the questions in this type of test are open-ended.
Many Revelian questions are set in a number series format. Typically the tests are presented in numerical lines or a matrix (a 3 by 3 table).
Let's start practising a few numerical sample questions:
Basic Question
Billy has been driving for 4 hours. If Billy has driven 140 km, what has Billy’s average driving speed been?
________ km/h
✔ The correct answer is 35 km/h.
Average Speed = Distance / Time.
So, Average Speed = 140km / 4h = 35 km/h.
Therefore, the correct answer is 35 km/h.
✔ The correct answer is 76.
10 + 9 = 19 →
19 + 14 = 33 →
33 + 19 = 52
The number being added increases by 5 (+9, +14, +19) each time.
If 19 was added to 33 to get 52, then 19 + 5 = 24 was added to 52 to get ? → 76
[ 52 + 24 = 76 ]
To confirm that this is the pattern, continue with the other number → 76 24 + 5 = 29. 76 + 29 = 105.
That is why the correct answer is 76.
35 questions |
10 min |
No penalty for wrong answers | Revising answers is possible. |
Revelian’s Verbal Reasoning Test measures your ability in 3 main facets:
All technical jobs present daily challenges, requiring you to process complex data. The more complex the data, the more your verbal abilities come into play in determining your performance and output.
When you sit this test, you’ll be presented with 35 randomly generated questions, You will be provided with 10-minutes to complete the test.
Verbal Sample Question
4 of the following are alike in some way. Please choose the other 2:
A) Journalist
B) Essay
C) Dictate
D) Novel
E) Article
F) Autobiography
Essay, novel, article and autobiography are writing genres.
Journalist and Dictate are words which relate to writing but are not writing genres.
Learn more about other Revelian tests:
Revelian Aptitude Tests |
Revelian Personality Tests |
Revelian Gamifiled Tests |
The following companies are known to use Revelian in their application process:
Deloitte | BMW | Chevron | BDO |
BMW (Australia) | Telstra | PPB Advisory | Australian Government |
RSM Bird | Woodside | Technip | New South Wales Government |
Toga Hospitality | Medina Hotels | Thiess | ARUP |
APRA | Pegasus Employment | Equisuper | Energy Australia |
Suncorp | AMP | Peabody Energy | Pepsico |
DTS | ASIC | Moose toys | Absc |
ComActivity | Sunwater | Synapse | HESTA |
It's important to note that each company may use different combinations of Revelian assessments or different assessment altogether as part of their recruitment efforts.
In order for you to be able to prepare efficiently, you better best contact your recruiter to attempt and find out the exact test you're going to take, then construct a prep plan focused on those requirements.
Revelian’s difficulty level is individual. Some people find verbal reasoning easier than numerical/vice versa.
What stumps most people is the need to answer multiple questions in a very short time-frame given to each subsection of the test.
Being focused and calm during the test is your key to success.
You can take the test once every 12 months.
The answer is no. You will only be asked to take the test after your application has been screened and have been selected to continue in the recruitment process.
Most likely that they will. Revelian provides employers the option of comparing your test results to a specific or normative group under such criteria as specific job, industry, entry-level or their companies’ particular incoming employees.
The best way to prepare is to think about various challenging situations and re-visit how you reacted.
You can also practice using our generic personality test PrepPack™.
Before beginning your test, look on Revelian’s main website and make sure you are using the supported browser to avoid running into any technical difficulties.
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