cut-e Personality and Integrity Tests (Aon)

The cut-e personality and integrity tests are designed to provide employers with insight into your suitability for the desired job. Receiving the proper preparation will help you answer test questions in a way that will portray your ideal, work-related characteristics and behaviour. Prepare with our cut-e assessment PrepPacks™ today!

Some of the most popular tests include: SHL OPQ, Saville wave, assessment of leadership index, PI predictive index, and Mcquaig personality tests. 

Shir, Aon / cut-e Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Are cut-e Personality and Integrity Tests?

The cut-e squares (integrity test), the cut-e shapes (personality test), the cut-e chatAssess, and the cut-e ADEPT-15 are all popular assessments used to determine whether candidates are suitable for the role they are applying for.

The cut-e squares assessment is an integrity test aimed at identifying individuals who are prone to counterproductive work behaviour (CWB). Thus, employers can detect whether candidates are likely to display unwanted behavioural tendencies in the workplace.

The cut-e shapes assessment is a competency-based personality assessment which makes use of its adaptive and customised questionnaire system to evaluate test-takers' work-based personality characteristics.

The cut-e ChatAssess is a gamified situational judgment test (SJT) which assesses your work-related behaviour, work style, and curse of action in various work-related scenarios.

The ADEPT-15 is a behavioural assessment which evaluates your workplace style, tendencies, and preferences. Thus, employers can ensure you have the traits required in the role and the organisation’s culture.

 cut-e squares – Integrity Test

This test is used to determine which applicants are more prone to counterproductive work behaviour (CWB), i.e. behaviours that conflict with the employers' interests. 

Some factors which contribute to the likelihood that one will engage in amoral behaviour are; distraction, ambiguity, boredom, indifference, opportunism and superficiality. These factors apply a unique pressure on each individual who encounters them.

There are several specific personal attributes which allow individuals to avoid reacting to these counterproductive work behaviours. Therefore, this exam also assesses whether candidates possess these essential characteristics which help them successfully handle CWB.

Successfully handling CWB requires one to be:

Cautious to deal with opportunism
Conscientious to deal with superficiality
Disciplined to deal with boredom
✔ Empathetic to deal with indifference
✔ Honest to deal with ambiguity
✔ Reflective to deal with boredom

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How Is the cut-e squares Test Performed?

The cut-e squares test includes many statements which test-takers must read and then choose the option that best describes them on the provided scale.

This scale is shown as a bar, which ranges between “Holds less true for me than for others”, to “Holds equally true for me and for others” and finally to “Holds more true for me and for the others”.

Test-takers are essentially asked to click the point on the bar which indicates where they fall, rating their own behaviour and personality traits in comparison with others.

This questionnaire is based on a model of counter-productive behaviour that acknowledges one’s particular situation. The time allotted for the test is 10 minutes, not including the time it takes to go through the instructions.


cut-e Personality Test - Sample Question

cut-e Personality Test - Sample Question
cut-e Personality Test - Sample Question

5 Expert Tips: Develop a Strategy for Answering the Questions Quickly and Accurately

1) Your reaction time is measured and may have an effect on your overall score. Therefore, keeping the response time approximately the same for all questions is encouraged. Keep in mind that heavy deviations from your own mean reaction time are taken into account.

2) Try to avoid making any corrections once you’ve recorded a response since corrections are also considered.

3) Don't spend too much time thinking over any question – usually, the first answer that comes to mind is the one you should choose.

4) Answer every question - do not skip any.

5) Avoid marking a neutral answer option.

How Is the cut-e squares Test Scored?

When taking this test, keep in mind that you may be asked about the same personality trait from two different perspectives.

For example, to evaluate your level of empathy, the statement might be positive: “I often feel concerned for people less fortunate than I”, or negative: “I am annoyed by unhappy people who are just sorry for themselves”.

In each scale, there are exactly three positive and three negative statements. Since the cut-e squares test measures integrity only, all six scores are summed together to form a single integrity score.

The higher the score, the better. If you practise recognising the trait behind each question, you can have an influence on your score.


Our cut-e squares PrepPack™ Can Improve Your Chances for Success on Test Day by 73%!

✔ cut-e style squares integrity test
✔ cut-e squares integrity study guide
✔ 6 single-trait practice drills 

cut-e shapes - Personality Test

The given cut-e shapes test questions are brief and precise, measuring applicants’ reactions to the proposed statements in a fast and all-encompassing manner.

The questionnaire on this assessment is adaptive, meaning that the provided statements differ based on the way each test-taker responds.

There are specific versions of the cut-e personality assessment, each of which are tailored for the position one is applying for. In each of these versions, test-takers are shown 3 different statements on each page and are told to rate how accurately each statement describes them.

This method of rating is done by distributing a total of 6 points provided per page, amongst the 3 different answers.

The three types of cut-e shapes tests can be found below: SalesGraduate and Management.

cut-e shapes - Sales

Who this test is for: This cut-e shapes test assesses individuals interested in sales or customer service roles, to determine whether they possess the desirable traits and behavioural patterns needed.

What this test includes: This version of the cut-e shapes test is based on 24 traits, each with 6 questions, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Why this test is used: The sales version of the cut-e shapes test provides employers with a test-taker's profile. This profile can be used to make hiring or promotion decisions with regards to roles which require customer contact or sales.

cut-e shapes - Graduate

Who this test is for: This cut-e shapes assessment measures graduates, to build an understanding of how their personality traits influence their work-related behaviour.

What this test includes: The given questionnaire is based on 18 traits, each with 6 questions, and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Why this test is used: The graduate version of the cut-e personality questionnaire is implemented to help employers hire or promote graduates.

cut-e shapes – Management

Who this test is for: This cut-e shapes evaluation is used to identify one’s personality traits, to determine whether they possess the desirable work-based characteristics for those in middle to senior management job roles.

What this test includes: This version of the test is based on 18 traits, each with 8 questions, and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Why this test is used: The management version of this assessment is given to make informed hiring and promotion decisions for those in commercial and technical roles.

Cut-e ChatAssess – Situational Judgment Test

The test is a gamified SJT that simulates a real job environment. The test assesses your work behaviour and responses to different work-related scenarios, emphasising the straits required in the position you applied for.

How Is the cut-e ChatAssess Performed?

The assessment comprises 15 to 20 brief queries displayed to you in a chat-like format. During the assessment, you will receive inquiries and tasks from various individuals, such as team members, colleagues, and managers, and you will need to respond.

You have two options to respond: choose from the pre-existing answer choices or type your reply into a text box.

In your response, you will need to consider various factors – the person’s conflict, question, or assignment you need to address, their role (colleague, manager, customer, etc.), and rank within the organisation.

Here is an example of how chatAssess simulation looks:

aon cut-e chatassess sample

Learn more about cut-e chatAssess

Cut-e ADEPT-15 – Work-Related Behaviour Assessment

ADEPT-15 (Adaptive Employee Personality Test) assesses your workstyle by evaluating 15 personality traits, which can indicate and forecast your work performance, approach, and demeanour.

How Is the cut-e ADEPT-15 Performed?

In the assessment, you will receive a series of statement pairs and a scale ranging from "strongly agree" to "slightly agree." For each pair, you'll have to indicate which statement you agree with more and the degree to which you agree.

The assessment contains 100 items, with five items presented on each page. There's no specified time limit; it usually takes 25 to 30 minutes to complete.

The assessment is designed to adapt to your responses, meaning that the statements you'll encounter will be based on your previous answers and may become more complex and challenging to evaluate.

Let’s take a look:

Which statement do you agree with more?

Most of the time, I tend to hold a positive perspective

I enjoy collaborating with others towards a shared goal

Strongly Agree

slightly Agree

Slightly Agree

Strongly Agree


The ADEPT-15 assessment has a briefer variant, called ADEPT-7, which evaluates seven competencies and concentrates on the essential critical attributes for the given position.

About to take the cut-e ADEPT-15 Work-Related Behaviour Assessment? There is additional information available for you to explore!

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