easyJet Assessment Day & Get through the Recruitment Process at easyJet

Being an airline with many different and varied positions, there are many modes of entry into easyJet. In general however, there are three main categories of entry; positions in the office such as the easyJet graduate scheme, positions as part of the easyJet cabin crew, and positions for easyJet pilots. As each of these positions varies greatly from one to the next, there are corresponding easyJet recruitment processes for each of these schemes.

Overview of the easyJet Assessment Day

easyJet, the international aviation company, holds three types of assessment centres, corresponding to the different methods of entry. In this article we will outline the general easyJet recruitment process and point you in the right direction.

The short assessment day, generally used for the easyJet graduate schemes and easyJet cabin crew lasts a whole day, while the longer ones, used for pilot recruitment can last for up to three days. Every assessment day includes the some of the same activities; however, each is designed for a different and specific group of applicants.

easyJet Graduate Scheme

If you are applying to any of the easyJet graduate schemes you will be asked to complete some online psychometric easyJet tests, usually followed by an invitation to an assessment day. The following steps are the typical easyJet selection process for the graduate scheme:

  • Online application form
  • Cut-e psychometric tests including:
    • easyJet verbal reasoning test,
    • easyJet numerical reasoning test,
    • easyJet logical reasoning test.
  • easyJet Assessment centre including:
    • Group exercise
    • easyJet Interviews
    • Presentation

See the entire process in depth here and start practicing easyJet online assessment questions.

easyJet Cabin Crew Recruitment Process

Those applying for a position in the easyJet cabin crew go through the following steps:

  • Online application
  • easyJet cabin crew ability tests: The easyJet verbal reasoning test and situational judgement tests from cut-e are designed specifically for the cabin crew.
  • easyJet assessment day: Including a number of group exercises, interviews, presentations and retaking the easyJet ability tests.
  • Medical
  • Reach test: You have to be able to reach 210cm so you need to be a minimum of 5’2.

Read the entire process in more detail here and learn more about the easyJet cabin crew assessment day and easyJet tests.  

Check your performance in our free Cut-e Test!

easyJet Pilot Recruitment Process

If you are applying to be an easyJet pilot you will be asked to complete various online tests, followed by an easyJet pilot assessment day. The easyJet recruitment process for pilots typically involves the following steps:

  • Online application form
  • easyJet assessment day
  • easyJet psychometric tests 
  • easyJet group exercises
  • easyJet interview
  • Medical
  • Simulator tests

Read about the easyJet pilot assessment day process in more detail here to find out more and practice easyJet online assessment questions.

easyJet Assessment Day Tips

The easyJet selection process can be intimidating, as it involves various challenging stages of interviews, online aptitude tests and assessment. The JobTestPrep experts have suggested some tips to help you succeed in the easyJet assessment day:

  • Pay attention to the instructions: For each stage of the assessment day, whether it is a group activity or an e-tray task, make sure that you pay attention to the written or oral instructions so that you know exactly what is required of you.  
  • Keep in mind what the recruiters are looking for: The easyJet recruitment process measures your performance according to specific criteria which may not be apparent from the specific task. A group activity may involve constructing something under time-pressure, but the recruiters won’t just be looking at your ability to finish a project on time but at your interpersonal skills, including your ability to communicate and work in a team. 
  • Make a plan: When you are facing a time-limit it can be tempting to dive in to action immediately. However, taking a few moments at the start to plan out your time will help you stay focused and ensure that you can meet each requirement of the task as needed. 
  • Practice makes perfect: Each assessment day will have slightly varied tasks and stages, but taking the time to prepare and practise assessment day tests will enable you to apply your skills and experience to any test that you will face on the day.