easyJet Cabin Crew: Ability Tests, Assessment Day and Interview Preparation

Are you thinking or applying to work as part of the easyJet cabin crew team? Learn about the entire recruitment process including the different easyJet online assessment questions and the cabin crew assessment day, with JobTestPrep's tips and preparation resources to give you the best chance of success.

  • Tailored practice tests for the easyjet online assessment tests

  • Sample easyJet interview questions, tips and study guides

  • All you need to succeed on the easyJet cabin crew assessment day!

Yedidya, Aviation Industry Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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easyJet Cabin Crew Application Form

The first step of the application process requires you to complete the easyJet application form. There are a few different sections to this; you are required to affirm you have the abilities mentioned in the job description such as being able to swim 25 metres unaided, and being fluent in the English language (which will be tested), among others.

Following this section, you are required to complete a number of competency questions that will be used to determine your motivation to work for the company. These questions include the following:

  • Why do you want to be a member of the cabin crew?
  • Why do you want to work for easyJet?
  • Please provide an example of when you had to persuade someone to do something that they didn't want to do.
  • Please provide an example of when you worked effectively as part of a team.
  • Please provide an example of when you had to work under pressure.

easyJet Competency Questions and Company Values:

To answer comptency questions and statements in the best way, you will need to include real-life examples that demonstrate the key values of the company. You need to show how you have used these key values in the past, as the recruiters will view these examples as a good predictor for the future. The key values for easyJet are as follows:

  • Safety: Ensuring complete safety.
  • Integrity: Standing by your word.
  • Passion: Doing the job with energy, always looking to be the best.
  • Pioneering: Finding new ways of being profitable whilst making travel easy.
  • One team: Whatever problem crops up, there is always a solution if we work together.
  • Simplicity: Concentrate on things that really matter.

You will also be asked to upload your CV, which needs to be relevant to the easyJet cabin crew job application. Constructing a perfect CV for the position is difficult since this is the single most important document you will be presenting to easyJet. Learning how to incorporate these values is a skill that is difficult to master so here at JobTestPrep we have a CV and cover letter package that is aimed at helping you produce the best possible material you can with your qualifications and skills.

easyJet Cabin Crew Ability Tests

If your application is accepted, the next stage is the easyJet cabin crew online assessment tests. There are three possible tests you can encounter: a personality test, a verbal reasoning test and a situational judgment test. These ability tests are provided by cut-e and intend to give easyJet recruiters further insight and help determine whether you have the potential to join the cabin crew team. Making sure you are well prepared for these cabin crew tests is an important step towards success. JobTestPrep can help you with comprehensive practice tests to fully prepare you for the easyJet online assessment questions. 

Cabin Managers Personality Test

As a cabin manager, you will need to manage both your team and the overall condition of the cabin in flight. To assess your personality fit for this role, you will be asked to sit a Shapes personality test from cut-e (also referred to as a work-related behaviour test). Find out more about personality tests and how to prepare for your cabin manager personality test with JobTestPrep. 

easyJet Verbal Reasoning Test

The easyJet cabin crew online assessment often involves a verbal reasoning test. The easyJet verbal reasoning test gives you 12 minutes to answer 42 multiple-choice questions that are based on five different passages. You are given a statement relating to the passage and you have to select if the statement is true, false, or impossible to say, based on the information given in the passage. Answering 42 questions in such a short amount of time is difficult for two main reasons. Firstly, having to answer each question in under 10 seconds means that you are going to have to work very fast. Additionally, there is the mental stress that you are under to complete the test, which can be more debilitating than the actual test itself. The way to overcome these major hurdles is to practice taking similar tests whilst working under time pressure. 

*The pack we have created differs slightly from the Scales Verbal Reasoning test provided by cut-e, with 49 questions and a time limit of 12 minutes instead. However, cut-e’s unique format and question style is common to all of their tests and familiarizing yourself with the pack beforehand will help you perform well on the test.

easyJet Situational Judgement Test

As well as the verbal reasoning test you will also need to answer the cabin crew situational judgement test, or SJT. This test will present you with a number of different situations that are similar to those you will expect to find a cabin crew member has to deal with. You are given various options to choose from as to what you would do in the situation. Although it is traditionally understood that it is impossible to prepare for this test, research has proven that this is not the case at all. In fact, correct preparation has proven to lead to higher scores. Find out more about the SJT.

easyJet Cabin Crew Assessment Day

Once you have come through the easyJet online tests successfully, you will be invited to attend the easyJet cabin crew assessment day. This assessment centre runs for approximately eight hours and has 40 participants. There are a number of different activities that you will face throughout the day and we will go through them below.


In this part of the assessment centre you will be given an item that you have to sell to your peers who act the part of passengers on the plane. To succeed int his exercise, you will need to demonstrate the key values of the company, mentioned above, and incorporate them into your presentation while interacting with the group. Learn more about presentations here.

Group Exercises

There are generally two different group exercises that you will face at the assessment centre. The first type of group exercise normally comprises a fun activity such as creating a bridge with paper and staples. Working in the cabin crew requires you to work as part of a close team so you need to demonstrate these skills during this group exercise. The other section of the group exercise will be a discussion where you are given a brief describing a situation that can crop up during or before a flight. As a group, you have to come up with a good solution to the problems. Check out our group exercises package to give yourself a full understanding of group exercises.

easyJet Interview

If you have done well throughout the assessment day up to this point you will be asked to stay on for the easyJet interview. During this interview, you will be asked numerous competency questions that closely relate to situations that you would typically face during a flight, as a member of the cabin crew. If you answer these questions correctly in the right format you will be showing that you are motivated to do a great job and have all the necessary skills. This is done by incorporating the key values of the company into your answers.

Some easyJet cabin crew interview questions include:

  • Why do you want to join cabin crew?
  • Why did you choose easyJet over any other company?
  • What do you think the hardest aspect of cabin crew life is?
  • What do you consider to be good customer service?
  • Tell me about a difficult work situation and how you dealt with it.
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • Tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team.

These are just a few samples of easyJet interview questions that you can expect to be asked during your cabin crew interview. It is imperative that you prepare complete answers to all of these questions as these will act as the final push to either get you the job offer or not. You can learn to do this in a professional way by using our interview preparation package. This gives you not only a real interview experience but also provides you with complete feedback enabling you to tailor and edit your answers so that you are fully prepared for the easyJet assessment day 2022.

Prepare for easyJet

easyJet is Europe’s leading airline with over 600 routes in its’ itinerary spread over 30 different countries. There are more than 4,500 cabin crew members alone in this large organisation. The recruitment process is multifaceted and to receive that job offer you'll have to pass through a number of different challenging steps. This article has explained each step of the way throughout the easyJet online assessments and cabin crew assessment day. Get all your practise materials with JobTestPrep to give yourself the best chance of success. We hope to hear from you soon and wish you luck with your application.

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