Prepare for Gen2 Aptitude Tests & Apprenticeships

Gen2 is the UK's leading provider of apprenticeships and short courses for engineering, manufacturing, and business sectors. If you get one of these apprenticeships, you'll train on the job, whilst being taught by industry leading specialists. In fact, you'll even get a wage. Get ahead of your competition by preparing for your Gen2 aptitude test and get accepted as an apprentice. 

Gen2 Application and Recruitment Process

If you have chosen to apply for a Gen2 apprenticeship then your first step is the application form. This is where you'll fill in your personal details, education, and career choice. Once you have completed and submitted your application, you will receive further information via email, which includes an invitation to take the Gen2 aptitude test for the type of apprenticeship you wish to do.

What Are the Gen2 Aptitude Tests?

For every apprenticeship that you apply for, you have to take one of the Gen2 aptitude tests. There are 3 main categories to the aptitude test: general engineering, business administration, and technical specialist trainee scheme (TSTS). Each apprenticeship has specific application tests to complete in order to be considered for the programme. The different sections of each Gen2 aptitude test are outlined in the table below: 

General Engineering Technical Business
Technical Numerical  
English Language
Visual Thinking  
Verbal Reasoning  
Accurate Calculations  
Numerical Reasoning    
Understanding Instructions    
Deductive Logical Reasoning    

Preparing for the Gen2 Aptitude Tests

In order to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of success in the Gen2 aptitude test, you have to prepare for it. At JobTestPrep, we have extensive practise materials that give you full preparation for the real thing. Along with our Gen2-style aptitude test practice questions, our pack contains valuable explanations and methods to give you the knowledge of how to prepare as well as the skills needed to succeed.

For more information about these apprenticeships, their application processes and tests, please visit the following pages:

What are the Different types of Reasoning Tests?

  • Numerical reasoning requires an understanding of numerical information and the ability to making conclusions based on that information. Tests will usually give you a chart or table, for example, the growth of a company’s income over a 3-month time span. Questions about the chart typically require making calculations and forming conclusions based on these calculations.
  • Verbal reasoning requires you to come to a logical conclusion based on a written text. This can take the form of analogies or a short text on a given topic with a statement that you will need to determine if it is true, false or if you cannot say, based on the short text.
  • Logical reasoning requires you to come to a conclusion based on information presented, which can come in the form of image sequences, series, matrices, or syllogisms. Logical reasoning tests are often broken down into subcategories: inductive or deductive reasoning and abstract or generic critical reasoning. You can read more about our deductive reasoning test practice here. 
  • Mechanical and technical reasoning tests, which often come up in technical-based job assessments, do require a basic knowledge of the field. However, the tests are based more on the logic behind mechanical and technical reasoning, rather than the concepts associated with mechanics.

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