Prepare for Jaguar Land Rover Aptitude Tests and Interview

Want to become part of Jaguar Land Rover? To do so you will need to impress at each of the varied assessments throughout the Jaguar Land Rover recruitment process. JobTestPrep invites you to explore its rich assortment of tools designed to help you breeze through the online tests, application process and assessment centre exercises.

Jaguar Land Rover Tests

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  • 3 Swift Analysis style tests (verbal, numerical & diagrammatic)
  • 5 situational judgement tests
  • 1 situational judgement test guide
  • 23 verbal practice tests, over 480 Q&A
  • 20 numerical practice tests, over 400 Q&A
  • 3 diagrammatic practice tests, 100 Q&A
  • 13 video tutorials and 7 study guides on verbal and numerical reasoning
  • Money back gaurantee - see terms and conditions 



Jaguar Land Rover is the UK’s largest automotive manufacturing business with over 30,000 employees. The company offers many opportunities to advance your career and therefore many people apply for positions with the firm. As an applicant, you will have to go through the Jaguar Land Rover recruitment process, which includes an online application, a situational judgement test, online aptitude testing, and an assessment centre. With such a tough competition for spots, using every resource available to help you prepare for the JLR recruitment process puts you at a great advantage.

Preparing for the Jaguar Land Rover Recruitment Process

There are three main stages of the Jaguar Land Rover recruitment process and are detailed below. Use the materials above to get started today for your application.

Jaguar Land Rover Application Form

After you have found the position that you want to apply for, you need to fill in the application form. This is an online form where you get a chance to upload your CV. This is a fairly basic online application form and there are no competency questions to answer. The application form is accompanied by a situational judgement test, which allows the recruitment team to assess your match to the role profile. Once you have submitted your application form, you will be sent a link to complete an online situational judgment test.

Jaguar Land Rover High Performance Behaviours

Both the application form and the situational judgement test are looking for your skills against the competencies needed for the job. As well as reading up on the job competencies, you should also look at the company’s key values, called the Jaguar Land Rover high performance behaviours.

The Jaguar Land Rover High Performance Behaviours are listed below. Try to tailor your CV and application to address as many of these behaviours as follows:

  • Strong teams: Having the ability to support and contribute to the work of the team.
  • Effective relationships: To be able to help the company grow, you cannot do it on your own so you have to demonstrate the ability to get along with people who share a common goal.
  • Efficient delivery: This means being able to structure tasks in a way to be completed on time and within budget without compromising on quality.
  • Agility and flexibility: You have to show creativity and innovation in a constantly changing world.
  • Clear direction: Showing that you have the drive and ambition to take the company forward.
  • High performance: Showing that you are always striving to improve and show belief in the company vision.

Whilst not all of these are applicable to every position, the more you can include on your CV the better.


Get Jaguar Land Rover Online Aptitude Test Preparation

Jaguar Land Rover recruit at a range of levels, including the multi discipline Jaguar Land Rover graduate scheme, which offers a route into employment in areas such as finance, supply chain and logistics, and various engineering fields. The company receives approximately 13,000 applicants to their various positions per year, so their application process is rigorous, aimed at only allowing the best in. Jaguar Land Rover recruitment is managed on their behalf by Manpower. This page is designed to help you along the way by providing tips and tricks on the entire process.

Jaguar Land Rover Situational Judgement Test

This first assessment is a situational judgement test, or SJT. In this test, you are given a set of pictorial and avatar scenarios based on situations you could experience in your day to day job, and a list of four possible responses. Your task is to identify the best course of action from this list.

For example:
You have finished your assigned work early for an existing client. There are a number of other tasks that you have to accomplish within the next two weeks but nothing is urgent for today. You have to produce an article for the company’s blog as well as some other administrative jobs to take care of.

What do you do?

  • Spend some time learning more about the task you have just completed.
  • Email your manager asking for a meeting to discuss your work plans.
  • Work on the blog.
  • Look at your calendar and see what time you have to complete your administrative tasks.

If you do well enough you will be invited to the next stage of the Jaguar Land Rover recruitment process, the Jaguar Land Rover psychometric tests.

Jaguar Land Rover Psychometric Tests

The Jaguar Land Rover psychometric tests are provided by the Saville Consulting Group. These tests enable Jaguar Land Rover to quickly and easily sift out applicants who do not score high enough on the tests. Therefore, practising these tests isn't just a good idea but necessary to ensure you are giving yourself the best chance to progress. This test is taken inside the Saville Oasis Platform.

Jaguar Land Rover Numerical Reasoning Test

This test assesses your ability to work accurately with numerical information. In this test you will need to utilise data in the form of tables and charts, and calculate percentages and ratios in order to answer the questions. This test is timed and emphasis is placed on speed and accuracy in your working.

Jaguar Land Rover Verbal Reasoning Test

In this assessment you will be given a paragraph of information which you will have to extract the relevant information out of in order to answer the multiple-choice questions posed. Time allocations per question are usually very tight, creating pressure on you to read and understand the passage and answer questions quickly. By preparing for the test you can increase your reading speed and your language skills, thus increasing your chances of getting a better score.

Jaguar Land Rover Diagrammatic Reasoning Test

This test examines your symbolic reasoning abilities, systematic problem solving and your analytical skills. You will be given combinations of numbers and letters that can be modified depending on the instructions for each question. The diagrammatic reasoning test is a fast moving test, with 24 minutes allocated to answer 32 questions. Preparation for the diagrammatic reasoning test will help you to identify the patterns quickly, allowing you to answer more questions in the given timeframe.

If you are successful in this stage of the application process, you will receive an email inviting you to the next stage, the Jaguar Land Rover assessment centre.

Jaguar Land Rover Assessment Centre

This is a full day assessment centre that can last up to eight hours, so make sure you get a good night’s sleep before the big day! There are a number of different activities that you will go through as outlined below. Although the actual content of the tasks may be slightly different depending on the field you have applied for, the basic outline of the day is the same.

Jaguar Land Rover Interviews

There are two interviews that you will face in Jaguar Land Rover assessment centre. One of them will be a competency based interview which can be take up to an hour. The interviewers are looking for evidence from your past experience that prove your skills to do the job. Ahead of the interview think of examples that can be used to illustrate your skills and prepare answers using the STAR method.

Some examples of Jaguar Land Rover interview questions are:

  • Describe a time when you took a risk to achieve a goal.
  • Do you think risks are important?
  • Tell me about a time when you helped integrate others as a team.
  • Describe a time when you led a team.
  • Describe a time when you have gone above and beyond to satisfy a customer’s needs.

The other interview will be of a technical nature and is dependent on the scheme you have applied for. Your knowledge will be tested so make sure you are fully prepared and that you have brushed up on relevant knowledge needed for the position you are applying to. In addition, it is essential to make sure that you are aware of the high performance behaviours and that you try and incorporate them into your answers. Once you have done all your background research and preparation, your final interview preparation task is to rehearse your answers in front of a discerning interviewer. 

Presentation Exercise

In this exercise you will be given 10 minutes to prepare for a ten minute presentation. This presentation will be based on a topic that you have already researched and worked on as part of your degree if you are applying for Jaguar Land Rover graduate program. However, in all cases you will be presenting something that you already know about. For tips and guidance on presentations see our assessment centre preparation pack.

Psychometric Tests

Unlike the online tests, these tests are written and although they are under the same titles, namely numeric, verbal, and diagrammatic reasoning, they are significantly harder than the online versions. It is therefore important that you are up to date in your practise of them as there may be a significant time gap between when you took the online tests and the assessment day.

Group Exercise

In the Jaguar Land Rover group exercise you will be collectively given a situation with a number of different possibilities. For example, you may be given five different specifications of a new car for a certain market and it is your task as a group to come up with the best option. The actual choice isn't that important, rather the assessors are looking at the level of interaction between you and the rest of the group. You have to make sure that you are clear on the high performance behaviours and bring them to the fore as much as you can. For more information on succeeding in the group exercise click here.

Role Play Exercise

This is where you will be given a brief relating to your chosen field and roughly follows the scene that the manager is away and you have to deal with an issue that has cropped up at the office that requires immediate attention. You will have to discuss your decisions with a member of the HR team who will be assessing you at the same time. Learn more about role play exercises.

In Summary

The Jaguar Land Rover recruitment process is long and varied, ensuring that your skills are thoroughly tested by the end of the process. Armed with the information on this page and by making sure that you are fully prepared with the resources available here at JobTestPrep, you can be confidant that you are going to put on a great performance both on the Jaguar Land Rover online tests and in the assessment centre as well. Good luck.