Are you applying to McKinsey? JobTestPrep will assist you as you prepare for the crucial stage of the online McKinsey numerical and verbal SHL tests, part of the overall recruitment process. Read more and learn about our Mckinsey-style practice tests and how we can help you maximize your chances of achieving your goal of employment with McKinsey.
As of 2025, almost all of McKinsey's applicants receive the McKinsey Problem Solving Game (PSG), aka Imbellus. Get to know the assessment inside out using this complete prep guide.
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Ira, SHL Tests Expert at JobTestPrep
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During the recruitment process, you'll be asked to take the following McKinsey tests — McKinsey Numerical and McKinsey Verbal. These tests are completed online and provided by SHL. To successfully move on to the next stage of the hiring process, utilise JobTestPrep's comprehensive preparation package for McKinsey's online tests.
The SHL numerical reasoning test contains 18 questions that need to be completed in 25 minutes. On this test, you are presented with numerical data in the form of a table or a graph, followed by multiple-choice questions relating to them. Answering the questions often requires performing calculations involving fractions, percentages, ratios, and conversions.
The SHL verbal reasoning test contains 30 questions and is to be completed in 19 minutes. On this test, you are presented with a short text and several follow-up questions. Each question presents a statement that you need to quickly analyse and decide if it is true, false, or you cannot say based on the text.
Overall, both the numerical and verbal assessments take about 45 minutes to complete. Remember to leave time aside to read the instructions.
Get tailored Mckinsey practice tests that follow the content of SHL tests. Our Mckinsey test preparation provides a holistic preparation journey, with full-length tests, explanations, score reports, tutorials, and PDF guides. Start practising today and increase your chances of success at the Mckinsey exams and landing the job you want.
The McKinsey SHL assessment score is comparative, relative to all the other examinees, and, as such, the scores are distributed in the bell-curve style. Only those candidates who score in the highest percentile of the curve will move on to the next stage of the recruitment process.
It is important that you do your best to prepare for the test because failing to achieve a high assessment score will hurt your chances of getting the job you want. Preparing for McKinsey's SHL aptitude tests is even more important. Your score is relative and determined in comparison to a norm group of people with similar educational backgrounds. Since most candidates prepare for these tests, you should practise as much as you can in order to stand out from the crowd.
To improve your chances of being amongst those who move on to the next stage, utilise our SHL numerical & verbal preparation package.
After taking the numerical and verbal reasoning Mckinsey exams, you may also be asked to take the McKinsey Problem Solving Test. In the following diagram are the steps of the recruitment process:
McKinsey's Recruitment Process
The McKinsey Problem Solving Test (PST) is a unique test which assesses your ability to solve business problems using deductive, inductive, and quantitative reasoning. The PST contains 26 questions, and you have 60 minutes to answer as many of these questions as possible.
During the PST, you are presented with three scenarios based on actual McKinsey client cases. Information related to each scenario is shown in text, tables, and exhibits. This information is presented in shaded areas and is distributed in sections throughout the scenario. You are asked to find the best answer to the problem as described using only the information presented.
Some of the questions measure your numerical reasoning abilities. In these questions, you are presented with tables and graphs. You need to analyse the information presented and/or perform calculations based on it, and then select the correct answer from the options provided. Other questions resemble verbal reasoning questions and measure your ability to understand and interpret the written information presented to you. Finally, the third type of question measures your deductive reasoning, i.e. your ability to draw conclusions based on the information presented to you. You can learn more about deductive reasoning test practice here.
Electronic devices, including calculators, are not permitted during the PST. You will not be provided with scratch paper, but you can use the blank space in the test booklet to help you with calculations and taking notes. After the test is completed, the booklets will be destroyed, playing no role in determining your score on the PST.
The McKinsey Problem Solving Test is a huge obstacle for many candidates. Comprehending a large amount of information and using it to come to the correct conclusions in a very time-pressured environment is not easy. You can use our PrepPacks™ to improve the basics skills required for succeeding on the McKinsey Problem Solving Test.
There are two parts to the McKinsey interview process. The personal interview, the first of two, is an in-depth look at your CV. Everything that McKinsey has found interesting in your CV is up for discussion. For example, if you included that you were in charge of a youth group, you will be expected to elaborate on what you did, the challenges you faced, and what you did to overcome them. Similarly, all your qualifications are put under the microscope. You will be asked to explain the reasons why you chose a particular course and why you think it will help you in the future.
Here are some examples of possible McKinsey interview questions:
Following the personal experience interview is the McKinsey case study interview. During this interview, you will be presented with a particular case, similar to one seen on the McKinsey Problem Solving Test. You must work through the problems and solutions with the interviewer, analyse the different possible solutions, and come to a decision on the best course of action. You are being analysed on your ability to think outside the box, as well as on your lateral thinking skills. Keep in mind that you are being measured against the key values of the company, so try to incorporate these values into your answers. Learn how we can help you prepare for case studies and role plays.
Here are some useful tips for the case study interview:
The McKinsey recruitment process is arduous and certainly requires advanced preparation. With JobTestPrep's Mckinsey test preparation, tips, and guides, you are guaranteed to be at your best throughout every stage. JobTestPrep is here to help you succeed with our carefully produced and developed PrepPacks™.
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