Mettl Test: Sample Questions and Practice Tests

Mercer | Mettl is an online platform that conducts tests to measure candidates' abilities in various domains, making them talent measurement experts. The Mettl platform assists in administering assessments that evaluate knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, and behaviour in the workplace. It is used by a wide range of companies, such as Amazon, Reliance, SAP, KPMG, Fidelity, and more, in their assessment process.

Using the JobTestPrep Mettl Prep Pack, you will gain access to:

  • Full simulations, allowing learners to reduce test anxiety by becoming acquainted with question types and difficulty levels.
  • Focused practice, isolating individual competencies required for the exam and letting you polish the ones that warrant the most attention.
  • Automated feedback and full explanations, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, so you can improve what needs improving.
Mettl Test Practice

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Logical Reasoning

  • Full simulations 
  • Focused practice tests for syllogisms, seating arrangements, and logical foundations

Quantitative Reasoning

  • Full simulations
  • Focused practice for word problems, combinatorics, probability, and geometry

Verbal Reasoning

  • Full simulations
  • Focused practice for sentence completion, true/false, grammar, analogies, and more...

Critical Thinking

  • Full simulations

Abstract Reasoning

  • Practice questions

Full solutions and explanations

Automated feedback

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What Is the Mettl Aptitude Test?

Mettl is a company that supplies pre-employment testing to many organizations in sectors like finance, technology, and healthcare. Their psychometric exams specialize in evaluating both cognitive abilities and behavioural tendencies.

The Mettl assessment contains five domains:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Critical Thinking
  • Abstract Reasoning

Each domain contains about 20 questions and is timed 20 minutes, so the total duration of the test is slightly over 60 minutes. All questions are multiple-choice with a varying number of answer options (2 to 5, depending on the test’s domain).

Does your Mettl test contain sections besides those mentioned above? Contact us via for personalised guidance. We might add your test to our pack!

Sample Questions and Tips by Test Domain

Logical Reasoning Domain

  • Consists of various topics: formal logic, seating arrangements, syllogism, deduction, picture comparison and analysis, spatial reasoning, blood relations, analogies, number matrices, language coding, data sufficiency, etc.

Logical Sample Question

In a hi-tech company, no engineer plays basketball, but some engineers are sprinters.


  1. Programmers who are sprinters, play basketball.
  2. Some sprinters play basketball.





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The correct answer is (C) – Neither I nor II follows.

According to the statement, Engineers don't play basketball, and some engineers are sprinters. The illustration bellow represents the statement. Based on the illustration, it is clear that there is no information regarding programmers, which dismisses conclusion I, and there is no information regarding basketball playing among sprinters who are not engineers. One can only tell that engineers, in general (including those who are sprinters), don't play basketball. Therefore, none of the conclusions can be deduced from the statement.

mettl 2
  • In questions with a complex set of information (e.g. seating arrangement questions, family relations riddles, language coding, etc.) use a pen and paper to write down details you discover or answers you rule out. You can also create a table/flow chart and use it to organize your information.
  • When you’re done going over the clues once, do it again – can you infer any new information or rule any answer out, now that you have some new conclusions?
  • Alternatively, go over the answer options one by one and see if any of them works out as true.
  • When dealing with Syllogisms, distinguish between generalizing statements (something always happens with something else) and existence statements (something sometimes happens with something else). Remember - generalizing ≠ existence. Therefore, you should refrain from inferring a general rule out of an existing phenomenon.
  • When dealing with Cause and Effect questions, in which you have to decide whether two sentences maintain a cause and effect relation or not, relate only to the information given in the question and refrain from making personal assumptions. The same advice applies to Data Sufficiency questions, in which you have to decide whether two given conclusions follow a statement/ only one of them follow the statement/ none of them follows the statement.
  • When solving Analogy questions, start by defining the relationship between the pair of given words, by placing them in a sentence that precisely describes that relationship. Then you can pick the answer that replicates the same relationship.
  • When solving Number Matrix questions, read both rows and columns of numbers carefully. Take into account that the logical rule of transition is different between rows and columns, therefore, choose to focus on either rows or the columns of the matrix and find the rule they dictate. For the purpose of validation, you may then find the other rule, and proceed to verify the correctness of your answer by checking whether the number you came up with fulfills the other rule as well.

Mettl Aptitude Test PrepPack™

Our Mettl General Aptitude PrePack is an extensive, highly professional package specially tailored to prepare you for the Mettl General Aptitude Test. It comprises full-length practice tests for each test domain, covering the Logical, Quantitative, Verbal, Critical, and Abstract sections included in the test.

In addition, the PrepPack™ offers you extra practice for all question types in each of the four domains, with thousands of questions to ensure you have a fully satisfying grasp of all the relevant topics.

Quantitative Reasoning Domain

  • Consists of numerical test topics: statistics and probability, geometry, combinatorics, averages, ratios, percentages, work rate, travel, algebra, polynomials, charts' analysis, etc.
  • The questions are high school and college levels and require refreshing your memory on the topics elaborated above.
  • Calculator and scrap paper for written calculations are permitted during the test.

Quantitative Sample Question

If the sum of squares of two different integers is greater than 144 and their product is smaller than 40, what is the possible value of the integers' difference?





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The correct answer is (A) - 12

Let the two integers be x and y.
According to the question:

x² + y² > 144 and x * y < 40

The connection between the integers' sum of squares and their product, in a way that will lead to their difference, is the contracted multiplication formula of:

(x - y)²

(x - y)² = x² - 2xy + y² = x² + y² - 2xy

Knowing that x² + y² > 144 and x * y < 40

x² + y² - 2xy > 144 - 2 * 40 => x² + y² - 2xy > 144 - 80 => x² + y² - 2xy > 144 - 80     =>(x - y)² > 64 => x - y > 8 or x - y < -8

Therefore, a possible value for the integers' difference would be a number greater than 8 or smaller than -8. The only value in the answer options that fits that demand is 12.

  • Refresh your memory regarding the use of a calculator – four basic operations, percentages, exponents, functions, etc.
  • Refresh your memory regarding various high school and college-level math topics such as: percentage formulas, proportions, unit conversions, statistics and probability, algebraic formulas, geometry, differential math, work rate and travel questions, etc.

When facing numerical word problems, graphs, charts, or tables:

  • Read the problem carefully and mark important data.
  • Pay attention to what you are being asked.
  • Understand and process your steps of calculation.
  • Recheck your calculation.

A nice way to build your confidence is to practice mental math in everyday situations, like calculating discounts and change at stores.

Verbal Reasoning Domain

  • Consists of various verbal topics: reading comprehension, grammar, writing skills, vocabulary, spelling, etc.
  • The Reading Comprehension part contains 4 texts of different lengths and a question asked about each.

Verbal Sample Question

Rearrange the given phrases to form a complete sentence. Note: The phrases numbered 1 and 6 are fixed.

1. Mary needed both milk

(A) supermarket that was

(B) she went to the

(C) having a sale

(D) and eggs, so

6. on eggs.





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The correct answer is (A).

The complete sentence should read: Mary needed both milk (D) and eggs, so (B) she went to the (A) supermarket that was (C) having a sale on eggs. Thus, the correct order of the phrases is D B A C.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Reading Comprehension questions

  • For most questions, it is recommended to read the question first, notice what you are being asked, and identify the process you need to perform
  • Mark keywords in the question and find the corresponding paragraph in the text.
  • In case of a quote-specific question, locate the paragraph in which the quote appears, and in addition to reading it, also read the ending sentence of the preceding paragraph and the beginning sentence of the next paragraph.

Verbal Ability questions

  • Notice grammar and syntax, by familiarising yourself with the differences between commonly confused words, like there vs. their vs. they're, etc. Learn when and where, in a sentence, each can be used.
  • Familiarise yourself with the correct usage of grammatical times, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, etc.
  • When asked to correctly structure a text, read it afterwards as a whole, and verify its logic and coherence.

** Work on expanding your vocabulary – learn different words' meanings, their synonyms, and antonyms. Familiarise yourself with different idioms.

Critical Thinking Domain

  • Consists of various topics: Drawing conclusions, identifying fallacies, and argument strength or weakness.
  • The questions require you to read short passages and assess the arguments made within them.

Critical Thinking Sample Question

Read the following paragraph:

Electric cars provide the same level of performance as traditional petrol vehicles and cost significantly less to operate over time. Automotive experts predict that, in the near future, many consumers will prefer electric cars over traditional petrol-powered vehicles due to their efficiency and lower environmental impact.

Which of the following assumptions underlies the experts' prediction?




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Answer B: This assumption supports the experts' prediction. If consumers indeed value efficiency and lower environmental impact, they are likely to prefer electric cars over traditional petrols vehicles, aligning with the experts' prediction.

Answer A: This assumption is not necessary for the experts' prediction. The prediction about consumer preference for electric cars is based on efficiency and environmental impact, not on the variety of models available.

Answer C: This assumption is not a fundamental basis for the experts' prediction. The preference for electric cars, as predicted by the experts, is primarily attributed to their efficiency and lower environmental impact, not necessarily to fluctuations in petrol prices.

  1. Utilise active reading techniques. These might include mouthing the words as you read, or stressing specific keywords or arguments. By using these, you are more likely to remember crucial details that could have otherwise been glossed over.
  2. Read the question first. For maximum time efficiency, it is helpful to read while knowing what to look for. Otherwise, you may find yourself reading the paragraph, then the question, then going back to find the answer in the paragraph you've just read.
  3. Read each answer carefully. Some of them are meant to trick you. They may appear correct at first, but this is only because they invoke common fallacies.

Abstracr Reasoning Domain

The Abstract Reasoning section of the test consists of pattern-finding problems. Similar questions can be found on such common assessments as Raven's Progressive Matrices or Matrigma.

Abstract Reasoning Sample Question

Observe the following matrix:

3x3 matrix

Which of the following figures belongs in the missing square?






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The correct answer is 1.

Across a row, and down a column, we have two frames with two shapes of the same color, and one frame with three shapes each of which is a different colors. There is always one frame with two blue shapes, and one frame with two yellow shapes.

In the bottom row, and right column, we have one frame with three different colored shapes, and one frame with two blue shapes. We are missing a frame with two yellow shapes. Therefore, the missing frame should contain two yellow shapes. We can eliminate answer choices 2, 4, and 5, because they do not contain yellow shapes.

Additionally, in every row, the frame with three shapes contains one shape from each of the other two frames, and a third white shape in the middle. For example, in the top row, we have two blue circles in the left frame. In the middle frame, there are two yellow stars. And in the right frame, we have one blue circle, one yellow star, and a white triangle.

In the bottom row, we have three shapes in the left frame; a blue hexagon, a white diamond, and a yellow plus sign. In the middle frame, we have two blue hexagons. In the missing frame, we should have two yellow plus signs. We can further eliminate answer choice 3, because it contains diamonds, not plus signs.

We are left with answer choice 1, which is the correct answer.

Practice significantly improves performance on pattern problems because after solving many of them, you begin to get an idea of what to look for.

It's always best to consider color, shape, filling, and orientation.

Create Your Custom Assessment Prep Kit

Job-seeking can be a long and frustrating process, often taking months and involving numerous pre-employment tests and interviews. To guide you through it, we offer a Premium Membership.

Choose 3 Preparation Packs at 50% discount for 1, 3, or 6 months.

Candidate's Test Report

The Mettl assessment reports are given immediately after completing the test, no waiting required!
The reports are available in three formats:

Excel Report:

  • Test summary sheet with information regarding the amount of correct answers in each section and in total, the raw score of each section and the total test's score, the time it took the candidate to finish each section, etc.
  • Test score sheet with information regarding the candidate scores in the test, the percentage of correct answers in each section and in the whole tests, the percentile the candidate is located in, etc.
  • Test Analysis sheet with information regarding the candidate's sectional performance

PDF Report: presents a sectional score's analytics and a difficulty level analysis of the candidate. It also includes the test's logs and details regarding the candidate's answers to the questions.

HTML Report: an online representation (HTML format) of the PDF report. Each candidate receives her/his own weblink to view their test's results.

General Tips for the Mettl Test

  • Practice our Mettl General Aptitude PrePack! It is the most extensive preparation pack online and will thoroughly prepare you to exceed the Mettl test's required standard.
  • Equip yourself with a handheld calculator, as well as pen and paper before starting the test. It is important to use a handheld calculator also while practicing and refrain from using Windows calculator before and during the test.
  • Remember! It is better to guess an answer than to leave a question unanswered, since marks are not deducted for incorrect responses.
  • As long as you don't press the "Submit Test" button, you can go back and revise your answers to previous questions.
  • Make use of the convenience of the Remote proctoring format of the Mettl platform; it allows you to sit the test at a time and place of your choice.

Below you can find links to additional logical, verbal and numerical practice materials:

Logical Reasoning Practice

Verbal Reasoning Practice 

Numerical Reasoning Practice

Critical Thinking practice