Have you been invited to the Morrisons assessment centre? With great opportunities for graduates, students and experienced hires, competition for a role at Morrisons can be tough. Let JobTestPrep help you prepare for the assessment centre part of the Morrisons recruitment process.
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Morrisons is one of the largest supermarket chains in the country, with stores all over the UK. The company has two major entry routes: the Morrisons graduate schemes and supply chain industrial placement. The company takes an average of 140 graduates for the scheme each year. This page focuses on the recruitment processes for these two types of positions, but experienced hires will face a similar selection path as well. If you are currently a Morrisons employee and applying to the management restructure, your selection path is slightly different.
What was the hardest part of the hiring process?
Group presentation as everyone will trying to outshine each other so in the end it becomes more of people trying to show off than the collective reason why handling the discussion in the first instance.
Desmond, Application to Apprenticeship Degree
Exaggerated behaviour that aims only to impress is not recommended. In fact, many applicants think that if they talk a lot in the group will make a good impression. However, our experience shows that exaggeration in group discussions stems from pressure, fearing that you will not be heard and therefore be marked down. In fact, it is the stressed people who do most of the talking, whereas calm and confident people speak only to the merits.
The recommended behaviour - first to relax, no need to jump and be the main speaker, self-control and practical thinking are the recommended way. It is better to talk less, but make a significant contribution
It is better to respond in a matter-of-fact manner than to chatter all the time without self-control.
It is important that the involvement contribute significantly to the discussion.
This is a standard application form. Here you put down your basic details and qualifications. You are asked to give details about your previous jobs and work experience as well as your current occupation. You need to provide personal references from two non-relatives. This is also the form in which you state what position and sector you're looking for in the company.
This is an online multiple-choice questionnaire also called a situational judgment test, or SJT. You are presented with a series of scenarios designed to ascertain whether you fit in with the core values of the company. As such, you should choose the answer that is most in sync with these values. The questionnaire states that there are no right and wrong answers; however much research has been carried out and has proven that preparing for the SJT isn’t just possible, it’s preferable, as it can help you give the answers Morrisons is looking for. Learn more about situational judgement test.
Morrisons online tests include a numerical and verbal reasoning test. These tests are provided by the Saville Consulting company.
On this test, you are presented with 2-4 short passages followed by 4 multiple-choice questions on each passage. You are being assessed on your ability to analyse written information under time pressure as you only have 3 minutes to complete each section. Make sure you are fully prepared by practising with our Saville-style verbal reasoning tests.
On this test you are presented with 2-3 data sets containing either two tables or a table and a graph. Each set is followed by 4-5 multiple choice questions relating to the data set. You have 3 minutes to answer all the questions of each section. Numerical reasoning questions can be intimidating but you can increase your chances of completing these tests successfully if you prepare using our Saville-style numerical reasoning tests.
Morrison employees applying for management roles need to take two tests provided by cut-e. These tests consist of a numerical and verbal reasoning test.
On this test, you are presented with numerical data in the form of a table or a graph. The data will be related to a company similar to Morrisons, usually in the field of retail. Using the information given, you are asked to determine if a statement is true, false, or you cannot say according to the table or graph. You have 12 minutes to complete 37 questions which is not a lot of time. Familiarise yourself with this type of test and get practice materials with our cut-e style numerical reasoning practice tests.
Much like the numerical test, in this verbal reasoning test you are given a series of short texts to read. You need to determine if a given statement is true, false, or you cannot say based on the information provided in the text. On this test, you will have 12 minutes to answer 49 questions so preparation is key in order to answer these questions quickly and correctly. Get ahead by practising with our cut-e style verbal tests.
This work style questionnaire is essentially a personality test. On this test you are given statements such as "I work well in a team setting" and you must give a rating for how strongly you agree with the statement between 1 and 6. This test is untimed and there are no wrong answers. However, Morrisons is looking for specific characteristics in the people they hire and you can refer to Morrisons key values to know what those are. It’s a good idea to prepare yourself by taking a practice personality test.
There are a lot of different stages that you have to pass for the Morrisons application process including online tests, interviews and assessment centre. Give yourself the best chance of success with our expertly prepared PrepPacks™.
The next stage is the Morrisons video interview or video screen. You are sent a link to an online video interview with 3-5 days to complete. This differs from a typical interview as here you are shown a number of questions and must record your answers via webcam. You are given 30 seconds to consider each question and then up to 2 minutes to answer each question (for some questions, you are given less time to answer, between 30 and 90 seconds).
Here are some sample questions that Morrisons interview may include:
It’s very important to keep in mind Morrisons' values for these answers. In general, the more you know about Morrisons, the better.
This is known as a "one-way" interview as there is no one responding to you. This can feel strange at first and it’s useful to get used to recording your answers.
Morrisons' values are a big part of the company’s culture so it’s recommended you learn them well. They are:
You should keep these values in mind when answering the questionnaire. If you pass this stage, you will receive an email with the verbal and numerical psychometric tests.
Morrisons assessment day is made up of a number of activities to make sure that you are a perfect fit for the company. The exercises and interviews vary slightly in their content according to the scheme you are applying to. The article outlines what you can expect. You may not necessarily encounter all of the activities listed; however, you will receive an email from Morrisons detailing which activities you will face prior to your assessment centre date.
Upon arrival in the morning, you will be introduced to the assessors who will be testing you throughout the day. You are then shown a half-hour video about Morrisons culture, ethos and values. It's important to pay attention to these values as they'll give you a better idea of what qualifications and characteristics the assessors will be looking for throughout the assessment day.
This is a one-on-one interview through which Morrisons aims to get a fuller picture of who you are. Some questions may be similar to the ones you experienced in the video interview while others are different. The interviewer will be looking at your work ethic and attitude to decide if you are a good fit for the scheme. Communication skills are important here and it’s useful to review the Morrisons key values and common interview questions beforehand.
Some questions are specific to the scheme for which you are applying, while others are more general. This is when the assessors get to know you and it is a good opportunity to communicate your strengths and express why you think you're a good fit for the job.
In this exercise, you are teamed up with other applicants and are given a task that you will need to complete as a team. Assessors are looking at your teamwork skills and how well you build relationships. Remember to act professionally and be polite, making your voice heard without overpowering others. To get a better idea of what to expect from the group exercise, have a look at our practice pack.
In this exercise, you will be faced with a situation that simulates a workplace office environment. You are presented with a large amount of information, as well as a number of messages and files that you have to process in a limited time period. The tasks for this exercise include writing an email correspondence about the information that you have been given as well as performing certain actions (like filing certain documents) based on that information. You will most likely also be asked to create a hypothetical daily work schedule as well as work out an activity plan. The purpose of this exercise is to assess your prioritising skills and how well you function when undertaking certain tasks under pressure. Our in-tray practice exercises are a great way to prepare.
In this exercise, you will have to act a particular role in a given scenario. The assessors also play a fictional role that you will need to interact with. Their role can range from an irate customer to your boss. The role you are given usually has a direct connection to the position or the particular Morrisons Graduate Scheme that you are applying for and you will usually need to solve a particular problem or issue related to your field. As this exercise can be crucial to your success, make sure to prepare with our practice role-play exercises.
For this task, you will need to create a presentation based on information provided at the beginning of the day. You then need to present it to your assessors in a clear and concise manner. The information is often given to you in company emails. Note that the topic of the presentation can be connected to any of Morrisons Graduate Schemes and not necessarily the field you're applying for. After your presentation, you can expect to be asked a number of questions about what you have presented. This exercise tests your ability to process and analyse data as well as your creativity and communication skills.
Morrisons is an excellent place to begin your career or continue up the ladder. The recruitment process can be demanding but with ample preparation, you can feel confident in your abilities and success. This article has provided guidance and preparation resources to help you along the way. Good luck.
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