The Philip Morris assessment test is one that you need to pass in order to get hired by Phillip Morris. According to our research as well as through the eyes of you, our dear readers, this will be the SHL Verify Interactive test. It's probably the most challenging adn complex cognitive assessment on the market today.
You have just 36 minutes to get through 24 difficult numerical, inductive, and deductive questions. Want to give yourself the best chance of success?
This PrepPack™ is unique and currently the only practice online of this most difficult test.
Get ready today with this great resource.
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The Philip Morris Assessment Test is the Verify Test provided by SHL, which is a pre-employment assessment widely used across many different fields. It contains 24 questions to be solved in 36 minutes.
Questions in the Phillip Morris Test are evenly distributed between 3 categories (8 questions each):
It is no coincidence that 1.5 minutes are given per question (an eternity in the world of psychometric testing), as the questions on the PMI Online Assessment are sophisticated, elaborate, and complex.
Weather you are applying for a job or being promoted, practicing is the key to your success. JobTestPrep's PrepPack™ can help you prepare for any scenario. Our tests matches the style and format of the real test for each job level.
The Phillip Morris Assessment Test is the ONLY online prep course with practice questions that follow the content, structure, and format of the actual SHL Interactive Test, and will teach you in advance how to overcome these challenges!
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Since 1992, JobTestPrep has stood for true-to-original online test and assessment centre preparation. Our decades of experience make us a leading international provider of test training. Over one million customers have already used our products to prepare professionally for their recruitment tests.