Are you applying to Thales, either the Thales graduate scheme, internship or any other position? If so, you are going to face a series of difficult steps in the recruitment process and you have to excel in each of them in order to ensure success. This article outlines the process and how JobTestPrep can help you perform your best on the aptitude tests and the Thales assessment centre.
The Thales recruitment process includes a number of stages in which you can showcase your excellence in order to get a job offer from the firm.
There are two main streams available for graduates applying to Thales:, Engineering and Technology; and Business and Finance. For both of these streams you have to exhibit Thales’ key competencies in order to submit a successful application form:
Throughout the recruitment process you have to show that you not only have the skills necessary to accomplish the goals of the company but also the drive and ambition to do so. This is ultimately shown by your ability to integrate the key competencies into your performance.
This is a fairly basic application form asking you to upload your CV and to describe your work experience. You will also be asked to explain the reasons why you are a good candidate for the job you are applying for and why you have applied for Thales. In order to give yourself the best chance when your application is processed, it is important that you tailor your CV and answers to what Thales are looking for. Do this by incorporating the firm's key competencies into your application, as this not only shows the talents that Thales want to hear but also demonstrates that you have researched the company that you are applying for.
After you have completed the application form you will be invited to take the online tests. These are provided by Saville Consulting and are slightly different than the more standard psychometric tests. You will sit for two separate tests, one a psychometric aptitude test and a further motivational questionnaire. You can start preparing with the Free Online Aptitude test.
Thales have also been known to use the Arctic Shores Assessment.
In the aptitude test, called the Swift Executive Aptitude test there are three different sections: Verbal, Numerical and Diagrammatic analysis. For each section there are two data sets, each followed by four questions. You have six minutes to answer each of these sections.
In this section of the test you are presented with two separate passages. These texts are often quite long and can be based on geological subjects or something more work-based such as an email correspondence. The questions are not uniform in style as some are in a True/False/Cannot say style, others are of a word replacement style, and others may ask you to define the main idea of the passage. As mentioned, there are two sets of four questions on each passage and you are given three minutes to answer each set of four questions.
Learn more about Saville's verbal analysis tests.
In this test you are presented with a variety of charts, graphs and tables. Each set of four questions is based on two of these data sets. These are interrelated and you have to use your numerical skills in order to calculate the correct answers. Of particular relevance to these tests is your ability to work with percentages, ratios, the four basic numerical functions and more. You have to use both data items in order to arrive at the answer. There are generally five different answer options and you have to select the correct one. Learn more about this test here.
In this test you are presented with a number of different shapes that change according to certain given rules. For example, the pattern starts in one formation, goes through a change based on a rule and finishes in a different formation. You are given a variety of different rules such as changing the shade or pattern. You are being assessed on your ability to understand different rules and draw correct conclusions from them. This test also includes two sets of four questions that need to be completed within three minutes giving a total of eight questions in six minutes. To start practising, you can use the diagrammatic reasoning test.
In order to ensure that you perform at your highest level you need to be fully aware of the tests' content, style, the time frames given and how to approach each section separately and the logical reasoning test as a whole. Here at JobTestPrep we have similar style tests that give you a comprehensive practice and preparation for the real thing.
In this test you are presented with 18 sets of six personality traits and statements. For example: "I am a motivated person". You have to rate each of these traits on a nine point scale from "very strongly disagree" to "very strongly agree." Following this you are presented with either some or all of the traits again and you have to decide which of them are most and least like you. Preparing for this test often seems to be counterproductive as you should answer the questions in the most truthful manner. However, not preparing can lead to serious mistakes as what the employer desires may very well be within your character traits, and you were just simply were unaware of it. Therefore, understanding and practicing this test before you take it will give you the best chance of success. Practice to gain confidence with JobTestPrep.
If you have been successful in the previous stages of the Thales recruitment process, you will be invited to participate in the Thales assessment centre. This is a full day assessment centre with different challenges and tests. Throughout the day, you will be constantly measured against the key competencies as well as the following values:
The different exercises in the Thales assessment centre include:
Group Exercise - In this exercise you will be teamed up with other candidates and then given a brief based on a fictitious company. There are various problems that have been encountered and it is your task as a group to work out creative and correct solutions. You have to show that you have the requisite skills to lead a group, give sound advice and not get flustered under pressure. In short, ensure that the key values and competencies are at the forefront of your mind when taking part in this task. Learn more about how best to prepare for group exercises with JobTestPrep.
Repeat Aptitude Tests - Many candidates are asked to retake the previously taken (and passed) Saville Consulting aptitude tests. Make sure you have practiced these beforehand to ensure that your previous successful results are repeated.
Written Exercise - In this exercise you will be given a short time to go through a number of different documents and produce a report based on your findings. You must work quickly to ensure you have enough time at the end to check your work. It is a big turn-off if your work is poorly presented so ensure you know exactly what you are doing with our written exercise pack.
Presentation and Interview - In many instances you will be given some information with which to prepare a presentation. This focuses on a project you have completed in university, if possible, or a subject relevant to your field of application. Following this you will have a short question and answer session which leads straight into the main interview. This is an hour long interview with a member of the HR team and a manager from Thales. It is mainly competency and motivational based, focusing on the key competencies and values that we have mentioned above. In order to prepare for this interview you can have a mock interview with a helpful friend. However, the best way to prepare is to have a real interview with a trained assessor who knows which questions may be asked and how to answer them in the best possible manner. See our interview preparation package for more details.
Thales is one of the leading technology companies in the world and understandably has a tough and thorough recruitment process. This article outlines this process and points out where you can avail yourself to our expert help and advice. We hope you have enjoyed this page and look forward to helping you on your journey to success. Good luck!