Prepare for Criterion Partnership B2C Critical Reasoning Tests

Have you been invited to take a Criterion Partnership B2C aptitude test? Find out more about what to expect and how to prepare for these types of tests with JobTestPrep.

Criterion Partnership B2C Business Challenges tests are a mid-level aptitude test battery. Criterion provide two other levels of tests: Utopia critical reasoning series aimed at professionals and graduates, including management levels; and CWS (Criterion Workforce Series) designed for technical applicants and entry level jobs.

Who takes a B2C critical reasoning test?

If you are applying for a job in the following types of fields, you may be invited to take a Criterion Partnership B2C test.

  • Customer facing, including retail
  • Junior management and team leaders
  • Administrative

What is included in the B2C critical reasoning test?

B2C tests are usually based on a case study of a music store and are designed to show how you perform a range of tasks. For some companies, they may be tailored to the company, and in which case will be based on a case study relevant to the company you are applying to.

There are five tests in this critical reasoning test pack, outlined below. Tests can be offered online or pen and paper tests at assessment centres.

B2C Numerical Reasoning Test

Numerical reasoning tests such as the B2C numerical test assess your ability to understand information given to you in a numerical format. This test measures your ability to analyse numerical information by making calculations and answering a set of multiple-choice questions. Questions in this test focus on everyday number questions you can expect when working in a fictitious music store. You can use a calculator in this test to help you work out the answers.

The online version of this test allows 18 minutes to answer 16 questions, but the paper test is much faster paced, with 20 minutes allocated to answering 28 questions.

The JobTestPrep B2C-style practice pack offers the best preparation ahead of your B2C numerical test, with 10 practice tests, timed according to the B2C Numerical standards, with detailed explanations and score reports.


Ace Your B2C Numerical Test

Get ready for your exam with JobTestPrep. Our PrepPack offers mock-exams, explanations, guides and more tools to boost your performance.

B2C Verbal Reasoning Test

This B2C verbal test measures your language comprehension and basic verbal critical reasoning skills. You are given a set of texts based on an application for a bank loan. You are asked to evaluate whether a set of statements based on this text are true, false, or you cannot say using only the information available in the texts. You have 9 minutes to answer 16 questions in the online version, and 18 minutes to answer 40 questions at an assessment centre test. Learn more about how to prepare for a verbal test with our verbal test packages.

B2C Checking Test

This type of test is also known as an error checking test. In this test you are asked to compare two different stock lists for differences or discrepancies. This test looks at how attentive you are to detail, and how precise you are in your work. This test is a fast paced test with 12 minutes allowed for answering 36 questions in the offline version. Learn more about error checking tests, and how to prepare for one with JobTestPrep.

Classification Test

This test is a pen and paper test only, meaning that you need only expect it at an assessment centre session. In this test you are given a set of rules, and your aim is to classify a set of 50 items based on these rules. The trickiest part of this test is not the classification of items, but how you handle the pressure created by having just 6 seconds to classify each item!

Proof Reading Test

This test is also pen and paper only. it is designed for people who work in jobs which involve checking over pages of prose for errors. You are given two pages of text to check through in seven minutes, and 52 errors to identify. The text you will receive will be marketing materials for you to check before release.

B2C Timings

This table shows the number of questions and time allocations per B2C test. Managing your time and not spending too long on one question in the test is an important part of any aptitude test strategy.

TestTimeNo. questionsTime per question
Verbal9 minutes (online)
18 minutes (offline)
33 seconds
27 seconds
Numerical18 minutes (online)
20 Minutes (offline)
1.05 minutes
43 seconds
Checking10 minutes (online)
12 minutes (offline)
37 seconds
20 seconds
Classification (offline only)5 minutes506 seconds
Proof reading7 minutes528 seconds

Prepare For Your B2C Tests

Criterion Partnership B2C ability tests are designed to help employers decide whether they want to employ you, by testing your skills at the very first stage. To continue with your application, you will need to get a high score, and preparation is how you do this.

Preparing for aptitude tests such as the Criterion Partnership B2C battery will benefit you in several ways. Taking practice tests familiarises you with the questions you can expect tasks you need to carry out in order to answer them. This will keep you calm and help you focus better in the test. Preparation also allows you to work faster through each question and the test as a whole, giving you an opportunity to get a better score. You will sharpen your skills, and refresh your memory on tasks you haven’t done in a while.

Be sure to go look over our customised B2C Numerical Practice pack, to give yourself the best preparation for your assessment!
Find out more about the additional practice packs available to help you prepare for the Criterion Partnership B2C tests from JobTestPrep.

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